Mr Walter Ambrose Lucas Bailey died at his residence, Kimbolton road, Feilding, yesterday afternoon, aged 74 years.
Mr Bailey was a member of an English family which had settled in Tasmania. With his mother, he returned to England while-yet a boy, and was apprenticed in London to a mathematical instrument maker. He evidently did not like the position, for he soon left it and came out to New Zealand. He and his brothers were amongst the pioneers in the timbermilling trade in the Wellington province. They first started a mill at 'Pahautanui, near Wellington, and later on established a mill near Bulls. "When Colonel Feilding and his Company secured and opened up the Manchester Block, the Bailey Bros, erected a mill at Taonui, and worked the timber on tho Aoraugi" land where the Feilding golf links are now laid down. That was in 1875. They also milled Taonui, and increasing their interests, started mills at Halcombe, Rata, Mangaouoho, Silverhope, and Kawhatau. The brothers afterwards secured an interest in the Feilding Sash and "Door Company. As a young man Mr Bailey was a keen cricketer. He played himself, and encouraged the sport in every way. In Feilding's early days the Baileys' team of cricketers was a doughty combination. Many hard fought and exerting games were played between Baileys' men and Bartholomew's men. In athletics, too, Mr Bailey took the liveliest interest. He served a term as president of the Feilding Athletic Club, of which he was one of the founders, and carried his interest along the years when that club was in its palmiest days, and pedestrians used to come here on Boxing Day from all corners of New Zealand, and even from Australia. For many years the Baileys also conducted an annual sports gathering at Taonui. Mr Bailey filled tho office of Chairman of Directors of the Feilding/Building Society sinco its inception 25 years ago, "Ho.'became president of the Feilding Jockey Club on the death of his brother William some few years ago. Ho was Mayor of Feilding for one term, and had sat on the Licensing Bench for several years. He was also president of the Bowling Club. Mr Bailey was 74 years old. He took ill on 'Thursday, but even after noon yesterday it was not thought he was so near the end of his long life. Death took- place at 4 o'clock. Ho was twice married. Of the first marriage there aro two sons and four daughters, all grown up. Mr Bailey's second wife survives him.
Feilding Star, Volume XIII, Issue 3146, 20 January 1917, Page 2
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