Despite tlio hoavy rain on Saturday .night, a largo crowd α-ibited the Lyceum Theatre to «co the screening (A tho now programme, which 0011----tained a. great variety of subjects, representative of the leading film companies. Tho Gaumont Gra])liic iiiehidcd some fine views of the 'Varsity boat race. Of the dramas, the chief was a Patho production, "The Weaker Vessel." It is the rather sordid tale of a Frenchman who, though happily engaged to his cousin Marthe, becomes infatuated with. Ida liianca, a dancer. Marthe, neglected, knows of hei\ rival's triumph, but grieves in silence. 'Then comes the matador, Nuovita, on whom Ida works her charms with fatal results. Tho scene at the. bullfight is most dramatic. • There in also a wonderful danoe. The drama is well staged and photecd. The favourite Vitagraph Company was represented in "Her Signal of Distress," a fine story, in which tho famous dog Jean plays a leading part, frith Flo Turner. "The Dandy" is a good comedy. "Letters to a Princess" is the fifth of .the "What Happened to Mary" series, with Mary Fuller in tho leading role. Needless to add, it is a capital picture, full of excitement. "Brains v. Brawn" is also worth seoiug, showing how an absentminded professor iron a rich widow in spite of heavy opposition. THE BLANCHABDS. To-night, at the Lyceum, the Musical Blanehards will make their first appearance. This combination liavp. just finished a successful tour through Australia. The musical turn is an extra attraction to, the all-star picture programme screened oa Saturday night. THE SMART SET. At Feilding on Thursday next, in the Lyceum, will appear the Smart Set, who are malting an extended tour of tho Dominion under the direction of "Walter George and Maynard Dakin. These entertainers are credited with being one of the best combinations of the kind, each member being an artist of considerable merit. Tho box plan is now open ab Bissett's with no extra charge for booking.
Feilding Star, Volume VIII, Issue 2126, 21 July 1913, Page 2
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