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fOne of the smallest powered ladio "transmitters -working telephony in the world is station NBH, situate at Heredia, Costa Bica, Central America (writes Mr. B. Leslie Jones). The proud operator is Amando Cespedes Marin, who has made; liis name famous amongst listeners in all parts of the, world. He started several years £go with" one end in view, to make NBH • famous, and he has succeeded, [When one considers the power, 7f ■watts, it is marvellous that anyone as far as New Zealand should be able to hear the voice of the director-opera-tor; The wave length used is 30.8 metres; and this wonder station, situated 4000 feet above sea level, is exactly half-way between the extreme ends of North, and South America. It. tran: smits regularly on short-wave. 'The 'smallest radio station on earth,' is the description given NBH by the owner, who is 47 years of age, and a photo; grapher by profession. "The Costa Rica Government renders every possible assistance in the encouragement of continued progress by the operator of NBH, including the granting of free postal facilities; each outward letter bears official stamps donated by the Government. A letter I have recently received from Mr. Marin in reply to one regarding reception of, NBH accompanied a, certificate Which, is issued to listeners sending in •reports to T|ie station; also sample pages of a special radio publication to be issued by the station operator entitled 'Me and Little Badio NBH.' The diploma is a work of art, having photographs of the. transmitter, of the operator's house, and of Mr. Marin himself. (the wording ia in Spanish and English. '•! t : .

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Bibliographic details

Evening Post, Volume CX, Issue 155, 31 December 1930, Page 4

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A 7½ WATT MARVEL Evening Post, Volume CX, Issue 155, 31 December 1930, Page 4

A 7½ WATT MARVEL Evening Post, Volume CX, Issue 155, 31 December 1930, Page 4