Mr. John Bitchener, the new member for Waitaki, was born,in the English Midland countries in 1864, and came out to New Zealand with his father and settled in Waimate in 1875. As a boy, Mr. Bitchener received his schooling, at tho Waimate Public School; and afterwards worked in sawmills near Waima-te, and for fom- years at various' Southland sawmills. Since that time, with the-excep-tion of a few months spent in Australia, he .has continuously lived; : near Waimate. He was employed on various stations before he took up a farm of his owni of some 540 acres at Hook. Mr Bitchener. "was married over 31 years 'ago, and his family includes one who has just returned after three years' service at the front. The first position My. Bitchener.iield on a local.body was that of chairnlan "of ."the Ho.qk' School Com..mittee,,: ajid,l.: he" can claim now to be a member of-'asi many local bodies-as any other man in-South Canterbury.. For eleven, years he has been, a member of .the.WaJ.mate County.Co.u.ncii, Jnd he has also occupied a seat on tho Timaru. High School Board (for part of the time as chairman),... oil ...the... ...Timaru... .Harbour Board,andon. the Waimate High School Board.*'He'is now president -of • tho ■South-Canterbury Farmers' .Union, aild of the Waimate branch of Uie union, a member of the Advisory Board of. tho Farmers!- JJnios -Hi y/ptijggfaji^jih&li-.,.
man of. directors of the Waimate Cooperative Flour Milling Company, and a. director of the Canterbury Farmers' Co-operative Association.
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Evening Post, Volume XCVIII, Issue 146, 18 December 1919, Page 10
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Evening Post, Volume XCVIII, Issue 146, 18 December 1919, Page 10
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