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TO THE PUBLIC. PLEASE don't buy your BOOTS and SHOES until you have visited the GREAT FOOTWEAR SALE FOR ALL GREAT FOOTWEAR SALE FOR ALL At PEARSON'S CORNER,, 130, CUBA-STREET. SALE ALL THIS WEEK! SALE ALL THIS WEEK! j UPPER HUTT TOWN BOARD. "PURSUANT of Section 12 of the Local JL Bodice' Loans Act, 1913, I hereby give notioe that at a Poll of the Ratepayers of the District, taken on the 16th day of September, 1914, on the proposal to borrow £1000 for the purpose of acquiring, equipping, and fencing 20 acres of tho Park known as Maidstonc Park, the number of votes recorded for the proposal was 56, the number of votes recorded against the proposal was 148, and informal 30. I therefore declare that tho proposal ! was rejected. R. HERBERT WEBB, Chairman. Upper Hutt, 19th September, 1914. UPPER HUTT TOWN BOARD. PURSUANT of Section 12 of the Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1913, I hereby givo notioe that at a Poll of the Ratepayers of the District, taken on the 16th day of September, 1914, on the proposal to borrow £1200 for the purpose of acquiring and setting up a. Road Roller and Stone Crusher, the number of votes recorded for the proposal wa6 55, the number of votes recorded against the proposal wa6 148, and informal 31. I therefor© declare that the proposal ! was rejected. R. HERBERT WEBB, Chairman. Upper Hutt, 19th September, 1914. UPPER HUTT TOWN BOARD. I HEREBY give notioe that the follow- I ing numbers were polled by each Candidate at the Election of Seven Commissioners for the Upper Hutt Town Board: — * Robertson, Peter 241 Elliott, Edwin Bernard 238 M'Curdy, Angus John 210 Greig, William " 203 Kitsou, Alfred William 203 Webb, Reginald Herbert 201 Brown, James 198 liuckins, Frank Hero 196 Clough, Leonard ... . . 192 Davis, Phillip David' 187 Lay, George Laban 143 Dick, Richard Charles 108 Informal 2 • And I further give notioe that the following Candidates were duly Elected Commissioners to the 'Board : — ROBERTSON, Peter ELLIOTT, Edwin -Bernard M'CURDY, Angus John GREIG, William KITSON, Alfred William WEBB, Reginald Herbert BROWN, James. J. A. WEBSTER, i Returning Officer. UPPER HUTT TOWN BOARD. PURSUANT of Section 12 of the Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1913, I hereby givo notioe that at a Poll of the Rate- > payers of the District, taken on the 16th day of September, 1914, on the proposal to borrow £350 for the equipping of a Fire Brigade, the number of votes recorded for the proposal was 124, the number of votes recorded against the proposal was 88, and informal 22. I therefore declare that tho proposal was carried. R. HERBERT WEBB, Chairman. Upper Hutt, 19th September, 1914. WELLINGTON CITY COUNCIL. NOTIOE ie hereby given that charges for admission to tho Basin Reserve will be made as under on SATURDAY, the 26th SEPTEMBER, under "The Wellington City Reserves Charges Bylaw (No. 17), 1912," after the hour of 1 o'oloot p.m. : — Adults (over 15 years of age) One Shilling 1 Children (under 15 years, of ige) " ... Free Persons who haive entered the Reserve before tho hour above mentioned, and who remain aiter such hour~, are liable to pay the above charge. JNO. R. PALMER, Town Clerk. 22nd September, 19M. TYPEWRITERS ! IT ie a well-known fact that we are j giving EXCELLENT VALUE In SECOND-HAND / MACHINES. Write or Call for Particulars. THE OFFICE APPLIANCE CO., LTD., 17-19, Cuba-street, Wellington. COME AND SEE <pOOPER'S window display of Daffo.\J dils and Narcissi. First prize-win-ners of Royal . Horticultural Society's Medal at Hutt Valley Spring Show. They are all beauties. Book your orders now, and wo deliver the bulbs in season. F. COOPER, Willis-street. Opposite Evening Post. AS. COLLYER, Butcher, late of • Riddiford-street, having taken over the Business of Jones Bros., corner Rin-toul-strcet and Milton-street, Berhaniporc, wishes to notify residents that they call bo supplied with first-class meat. Families waited on daily. Note tho above address. P.S. — All Cash Coupons will be paid out at the abovo. YOUR Cream Supply. What are you doing about it this season? The Dairy Union xt Palmerston North is ready to handle it and return you tho very best possible price. Start this month and give the "Farmers' Company" a trial. We pay railage and send cheque on 20th of month following supply, guaranteeing tests and weights. No shares required to bt» taken up. Particulars from Box 91. Palmerston North. I . . MONEY TO LEND. MONEY, Money,/ Money, advanced to anyone in teirfporary need, from £1 upwards upon all classes of securities, without delay ; easy weekly or monthly instalment!!. Call at L. W. Balkimi 125, "Vivian-street, Wellington, or write' enclosing stamp for reply. Telephone 247^ WELLINGTON SOCIETY I?OR~fHE ! PREVENTION OF CRUELTY TO ANIMALS. U riIHE public are earnestly requested to X iiindly communicate any act of cruelty to animals that may come under their notice to A. M. ANDERSON, Secretary, Winder's Buildings, corner Cuba. *nd Mnnnore ttrwti, ]>,Q, jjj ox jgo, 'fhoaa 1747 i
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Evening Post, Volume LXXXVIII, Issue 72, 22 September 1914, Page 1
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820Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume LXXXVIII, Issue 72, 22 September 1914, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Evening Post, Volume LXXXVIII, Issue 72, 22 September 1914, Page 1
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Evening Post. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.