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OLD BOYS DEFEAT PETONE. SUMMARY OF RESULTS. Old Boys ... 11 Potato 3 Wellington 11 Victoria College 5 Poneke 20 Melrosa 0 St. James .„ ... 3 Hutt 0 Athlatic ... ... 19 Southern 8 A week of fin© weather made the turf at Athletic Park excellent for football, ' arid* the' afternoon was perfect. The attendance was well over 2000. Old Boys, playing 'on No. 1, surprised everybody by defeating Petone quite on the merits of the gitme. On No. 2 Wellington inflicted an equally sound beating on iVictoria College. The game started well, but dßgeneratecl in the second spell. The games outside the city at Karori, the Hutt, and Miramar were muoh as might be expected, except that St. James took things a great deal too easily w-ith" th.c ,Hntt fifteen, and only got away with a margin of 3 points to nil. POSITION OF THE TEAMS. As a result of Saturday's matches theposition of the teams is now as follows : —
qLD BOYS (11) v. PETOjSTE (3). The-.surprise of Saturday's football ,was the defeat of Petone by Old Boys, jtt Athletic Par'fc, by 11 points to 3. It was- an even gj?eater surprise than the beating they gave Oriental a fortnight ago, for Oriental have been Botoriously erratic, whereas Petone are probably the best trained and most consistent team in the competition. The trouble was on Saturday they met a team equally well grained, and superior in individual resource.! It must be admitted also, by way of condoning the suburban disappointment, that the crowd was exceedingly partial to Old_Boys. Avery, fresh fro*n his Australian laurels, captained Old Boys, who had their strongest team in the field. Petone were well represented, and throughout played up to the mark. It was the deadly tackling and extraordinaa-y vigour of tho Old Boys' game that had them beaten. The fn-st spell was • a close, even- forward game, void of spectacular interest until nearly half time. Splendid collaring smothered the work of the backs on both sides. The only score was a fine penalty goal kicked by Avery Petone Equalised shortly after resumption in a similar way from a good penalty goal placed by Aston. Each side strove hard for the lead, and the game became open, fast, and hard. Old Boys gradually overbore their opponents, and for the last twenty minutes delivered a series of searching attacks. For a long time the Petone defence proved impregnable. Then Avery carried out a movement light across the field, saw an opening in •front of goal, and burst over with a "couple of Petone men hanging on the outskirts. His kick, taken close into goal, was smothered. "Mona" Thomson, who had taken F. Alexander's place, was conspicuous here with some clever Kicking. Old Boys continued to hold J*etone besieged, and from a scrum on the line Dodd got over and was awarded a try. Avery converted c^verly. Naught availed the desperate efforts of Petone, and the gome ended in their 'defeat by 11 points to 3. Mr. W. Roberts was referee. '.WELLINGTON (11) v. VICTORIA COLLEGE (5). Wellington won. a meritorious victory over Victoria College at the Athletic Park by 11 points to 5. College, with a team decidedly weakened by the absence of several of their best players 'on vacation, put up a good fight, but were outclassed by Wellington, whose game gradually improves as the season ,^vears on. The match was practically decided in the first quarter of an hour, ■'when Wellington scored a couple of ".tries in quick succession. Munxoe and Cellars got over, but neither effort was •'improved by tha kick. College were "n'evei' dangerous in this spell. The opening of the second half saw College aggressive, and ' tho efforts of Delamare and Curfcayne were rewarded with a try by :thp, latter^ who also added tha major points' with' a w-ell-placed goal. 'lhe fejpes oi .the College supporters rose, as the scores were nearly even. (6—5), but .Wellington placed the game beyond doubt by another try, which M'Kellar obtained and Lambert converted. The^ final score was Wellington 11, Victoria College. 5. The victory gives Wellington aflift of three places from the bottom of the list. / Mr. G. Moran was referee. \ PONEKE (20) v. MELROSE (0). 5 Poneke, as anticipated, led the slower Meh-ose all the way at Karori, and the losers were always sternchasing. There were patches of good play, and these were mostly confined to the Poneke packs and backs, and perhaps Twomey, of the : Melrose, who really deserves much better support than was afforded him on Saturday. At times the winners did not j appear "to extend themselves overmuch, and,there was no necessity. The winners scored 11 jpoint3 in the first Bpell, and 9" in the second. Elliott (2), Alitchinson (2). Dinnehy, and Chapman Scored for tha winners. Mr. A. Neilsen was referee. ST. JAMES (3) v. HUTT (0). St. James defeated Hutt at Hutt Park by three points—a try by Tyler—to nil. The game was ragged and very uninteresting, and St. James just about deserved to win. Hutt, whilst putting plenty of vigour into their play, lacked skill, • and were quite unable to drive home their - attack. St. James, both" backs and forwards, did not play up to previous form. Mr. L. Simpson, who refereed, was subjected to a hostile demonstration from a section of the spectators. ATHLETIC (19) v. SOUTHERN (6). An interesting game v. • r -i "in the Athletic-Southern fixture, ■»>•'- <M at Miraanar. From start to i-nnii,. play had plenty of incident *- rturest the spectators. After the kick-oft the reds were par&cuterly vigorous, .with plenty of surplus energy, despite the fact that both sun and wind were to their disadvantage. Their forwards pressing, they soon worked their way into Athletics twenty-five, and a piece of bad delivery on the p»# of orb of tha Athletics (Sim Wilson) loft a breach, which Les Campbell quickly stepped into— reshlt, threa points in his tea^n a favour. Ths same player took the lock, but without success. After this Athletic jivened up considerably, and good forward rushes were from time to tin»p prominent. There was not a great deal uo pick and choose between the two packs—except that tho ball more often came the way of Athletics—but the blues were possessed of superior backs—hence their victory. First equalising with a
goal by Sim Wilson, from a mark by Evenson, Athletic ne,xtt scored through the agency of Leahy, who fell over the scoring imc. Southerns, through the agency of M'Guire, scored their final try for the day, making th« score stand at six all. Additional tries for the winners were secured by Sim Wilson, Murray, and Poole. Evensop converted in one instance. The game ended in favour of Athletic by 19 points to 6. JUNIOR. ■ Oriental (17) defeated St. James (6). For the winners Owens (2), Ackers, and Quinlan scored tries ; Player converted a try and Ackers 'kicked a penalty goal. Petone (17) defeated Poneke (0). For the winners Corson, Daley, Fisher, Nankivflle, and Parrant each scored tries. Whitley converted one try. St. John's (18) defeated Old Boys (5). For the winners, Elliffe (2), Dallas, and Fawcett scored tries. Dyett converted two, and Fawcett one. "For the losers Tingey scored a try, which Mason converted. Melrose 13, Southern 0. Selwyn 11, Athletic 5. ' THIRD CLASS. Oriental 36, Exchange 0. Poneke 3, Karori 3. Wellington. College 6, Southern 3. Wellington 3, Victoria College 0. Porirua. 18, Athletic 6. Petono 8, Selwyn 3. FOURTH CLASS. St. James, Petone, and Melrose, each won by default from Hutt, Johnson--1 ville, and Old Boys respectively. Southern 28, Poneke 0. Oriental A- 31, St. John's 0. FIFTH CLASS. Petone 19, Wellington College B 3. Wellington, College A 31, Poneke 3. AMERICAN UNIVERSITY TEAM. WELLIMGTON REPRESENTATIVES. Though the American Universities* team has been recognised as still crude and not quite in the first class, Wellington has done it the honour of picking an exceedingly strong representative fifteen for the match with the visitors at Athletic Park nsxt Saturday. The se- j lectors (Messrs. W. J. Wallace, B. Gallaher, and H. D. Thomson) took some ' time and care over their work, and tho following is the fifteen selected :—: — | Full-back : Kinvig (Oriental). Three-quarters : James Ryan (Petone), Bradley (St. James), Evenson (Athletic). | Five-eighths : Mitchinson (Poneke), Roberts (Oriental). I Half : "^ Tilyard (Poneke). Wing Forward : Avery (Old Boys). Forwards : Hookeire— Dodd (Old Boys), Elliott (Poneke). Lock — Rapson (Athletic). Supports — Wilson (Atkletic), Perry (Oriental). Back row— Tannahill (fiufct), M'Kellar (Wellington). The curious part about the team is that a number of prominent players are stationed out of their usual places. Kinvig has played five-eighths for Oriental throughout, and is now full-back in the rep. team. Evenson has played centre-three-quarter and five-eighths, and is now wing. Roberts is nominally a half, : and Mitchinson's place is centre-fhree- | quarter. Stil 1 all these players are exceedingly versatile, and no doubt will justify their new locations. The only exception to be taken to the forwards I is that Hunter (Poneke) might have been | given a turn. He is playing rather better than Rapson at present as lock. DISTRICT GAMES. j FRIENDLY SOCIETIES' \ TOURNEY. | [BI TELEGRAPH — SPECIAL TO THR POST.] MASTERTON, 9th July. The annual Friendly Societies' seven I a-side football tournament was played here_ to-day. Results :—: — First Round. — Foresters (6) beat Hibernians (3)j Druids (11) boat Hibernians B (nil ; Carterton Druids (9) beat Oddfellows (5). Second Round. — Masterton Druids B beat Foresters. Ifunal. — Carterton Druids beat Masterton Druids. PALMERSTON N., 9th July. A representative football match between Manawatu and Taihape schqpls to-day resulted in a Avin for Taihape by 13 to nil. ' FEILD.ING, 10th July. In the footbiill match Apiti and Kimbolton versus Cheltenham and Waituna, j the former team won by 3 to nil. ' MANAWATU BEAT HOROWHENUA , [3Y TELEGRAPH— -SPECIAL TO THE POST.] PALMERSTON N., 9th July. I The first representative football match of tho season was played here this afternoon, between Manawatu and Horowhenua. It v/as a poor display of football, of which the Manawatu forwards had the best, though the Horowhenua forwards played well. The Manawatu backs wero disappointing. Manawatu scored eleven points (two tries obtained by M'Nao and Coutts, Brisco converting one and kicking a penalty goal), and Horowhenua eight (tries by Winiata and Cook, one of which Parata converted). IN OTHER CENTRES. GAMES AT AUCKLAND. fBT TELEGRAPH — PEESS ASSOCIATION.] AUCKLAND, 9th July. Ponsonby (9) beat City (0). Varsity (9) beat Marist Brothers (0), Parnell (9) beat Grafton (3), DUNEDIN COMPETITIONS. DUNEDIN, 9th July. The weather is perfect, and the grounds' in fair order for to-day's football. The senior games resulted :i — University (17) beat Union (7) ; 2mt;ari (5) beat Pirates (0) ; Southern (17) beat Port (9) ; Dunedin (17) beat Kaikorai (3); Alhambra (9) ' beat Pirates (0). [BX TELEGRAPH — SPECIAL TO THE POSI.] * POSITION OF THE TEAMS. DUNEDIN, 9th July. Alhambra, with 9 wins" out of nine games, now head the list, making Iheir championship points 18, They scored 131 points, while 22 were scored against them. Southern are next, having played 9, won 7, and lost 2. Zingari-Ricpmond are third, and University fourth. CONTESTS IN CHRISTCHURCH. [BY TELEGRAPH — PHESS ASSOCIATION.] CHRISTCHURCH, 9th July. . football was p.layed to-day undar fair conditions, 4|p grounds being a little greasy aft^r the frost. Albion beat Sydonham m ;tn unsatisfactory game by 9 points to 5. Lin wood and Merivale played a fast game, Merivalo winning by 12 point;, to nil. Christchurch beat Marist Bros, by 14 points to 3. Old Boys disposed of Canterbury College by 24 points to 6.
WANGANUI MATCHES. WANGANUI, 9th July. Pirates beat Wanganvi by 8 points (two tries, one converted) to 4 points (a potted goal). The College Juniors defeated Pirates by 10 points to nil. Wanganui beat Matariki by 20 points to nil. AUSTRALIAN GAME. lIX TELEGBAPH — SPECIAL TO THE PO3T.J DUNEDIN, 9th July. Under Australian rules North Dunedin, 2 goals 8 behinds (20 points) beat South Dunedin, 1 goal (6 points). A curious incident occurred before starting the final quarter. The players wer9 lined up, and it was found that the South had, through inadvertence, been playing nineteen men (one too many), consequently all points scored by them up to this time (13 points) were cancelled. NORTHERN LEAGUE. ENGLAND v. AUSTRALIA. A DRAWN GAME. Bj TelegrapU. — Preim Association. — Copyright. SYDNEY, 9th July. The attendance at the league match totalled 45,000. The weather was fine. The Australasian team included :—: — Papakura (back), Asher (three-quarters), and Brakenrigg (Queensland). The game was fast and exciting. A notable feature was the improv«d tackling of the Australians. Both sides fought grimly, but in good spirit, and the game was lai'gely free from the untoward incidents which marked some of the previous struggles. The Australasians obtained an early lead, which they maintained until nearing the close of the game. The English weight and stamina told in the second spell. The first half ended with the Australasians leading by 8 points to 5. Early in the second half the local team added another converted goal. In the closing stages the Britons came out strongly, and just before the close drew level, the game ending 13 all. For Australasia Messenger kicked two goals from marks, and Faa'nsworth, Courtney, and M'Kivatt secured tries. For England, Lomas kicked a goal, and Leytham, Avery, and Winstanley gained tries, Thomas converting one. Papakura and Asher did excellent work for their side. INTER-STATE MATCH. • NEW SOUTH WALES DEFEATS ' QUEENSLAND. BRISBANE, 9th July. New South Wales defeated Queensland to-day by 11 points to 3. AMERICAN TEAM. HOLDS ITS OWN IN FINAL MATCH. SYDNEY, 9th July. Tha American University team brought its tour to a close with a match wherein it managed to hold its own against a strong Metropolitan team. The visitors showed infinitely the best form they have yefc displayed. The game was open and willing throughout, with clever play on both sides. The firs 1^ spell ended : — Metropolitan, 3 . America, 0. In the second half the visitors even ed up at 8 all, and were pressing when the whistle sounded. NO CONSIDERATION SHOWN. [BY TELEGRAPH — PRESS ASSOCIATION.] PALMERSTON N., 9th July. Mr. Hoben, president of the Mamawatu Union, speaking at the football luncheon, regretted that the New Zealand Union hadi departed from its • earlier policy of fostering country unions, which had done so much for New Zealand football. There was little use now in nominating country players for representative matches, as they were unknown and unconsidered. Tho metropolitan unions, especially the Wellington Union, were ceasing to make fixtures with country unions. The only remedy would, be for country unions to combine both in play and on the New Zealand' Union. Taranaki was really a combination of country unions. The Auckland Union always fostered football in its province. Wellington did not yet. The Wellington team should be selected' fTom tho province, and Wellington should regularly play the minor unions in its province. By combining, such unions as Manawatu, Horowhenua, Bush, and Rangitikei could beat Wellington, and that was the only way to secure consideration and respect. Neither the New Zealand: Union nor Wellington bad shown them any consideration in matches or selection this year. Mr. Fowler (Horowhenua Union) strongly endorsed' Mr. Hoben's remarks.
It. James. 'oneke )riental Lthletic ... 'etone* )ld Boys ... College tonthern ... Wellington Jutt ielrose re* » I' g"S § 10 8 1 1 10 8 2 — 9 7 11 10 6 3 1 10 6 4- — 10 5 5 — 10 4 6 — 92 6 1 10 2 8 — 9 17 1 9 17 1 o "to •« ej PU £ 117 34 97 30 108 "41 104 54 142 62 72 59 85 88 28 146 37 .132 23 105 24 116 o 17 16 15 13 12 10 8 5 4 3 3
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Evening Post, Volume LXXX, Issue 9, 11 July 1910, Page 4
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2,606RUGBY GAMES. SENIOR CHAMPIONSHIP. Evening Post, Volume LXXX, Issue 9, 11 July 1910, Page 4
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RUGBY GAMES. SENIOR CHAMPIONSHIP. Evening Post, Volume LXXX, Issue 9, 11 July 1910, Page 4
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