BOY BLOWN- TO ATOMb. THE CENTENARY CELEBRATIONS. By Telegraph.— Press Association.— Copyright. LONDON, 2nd June. By way of Monte Video The Times has received a message which escaped the censorship. It states that at Buenos Aires, on 25th May, an anarchist gave a boy a parcel (which subsequently proved to be a bomb) to carry to the Cathedral, promising to meet him there. A companion of the boy playfully wrestled with him for possession of ths parcel, which they supposed was a meattin. The bomb exploded, one boy was blown to atoms, and the other lost both his arms. It is believed that it was intended that the bomb should be thrown during the Te Deum service in the Cathedral in connection with the Argentine centenary celebrations. The Argentine celebrations, with the Infanta Isabella as the principal figure, are drawing to completion. The celebrations embraced the reception of the foreign naval vessels by the Argentine fleet on the Rio de la Plata; an official reception of the officers of the fleets of foreign countries at the Government House at Buenos Aires ; a naval review by the President of the Republic in the outer roadstead ; a review of the crews of the foreign and Argentine vessels, and of the Argentine Army ; and nautical festivals in' the port, in which the foreign and Argentine warships will J take part. The other festivities included the laying of the foundation- ! stone of the monument commemorating Argentine independence by tho President of the Republic ; gala performances at the theatres ; illuminations of the city and of the warships ; opening of the scientific, Pan-American, hygienic, and the National Women's Congresses • athletic contests, and horse races. The United States sent a special service squadron to taku part w the celebrations.
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Evening Post, Volume LXXIX, Issue 129, 3 June 1910, Page 7
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Evening Post, Volume LXXIX, Issue 129, 3 June 1910, Page 7
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