OWING TO NERVOUS BREAKDOWN, i A VIENNA SENSATION. By Telegraph.— Press Association.— Copyright. (Received October 6, 8.30 a.m.) VIENNA, sth October. Mr. Albert Pulitzer, brother of Mr. Joseph Pulitzer, proprietor of the New York World, committed suicide by taking poison and shooting himself with a revolver in the Grand Hotel at Vienna. Mr. Pulitzer Mas suffering from nervous breakdown. Mr. Albert Pulitzer was a native of Mako, in Hungary, where he was born on 10th July, 1851. He went to the United States when 16 years old, and began work as a teacher of German, teaching a class of young ladies at the Leavenworth (Kansas) High School. Two years later he took up journalism on an Illinois paper. In 1871 he removed io New York, working on the New York Sun and Herald till 1882, when he founded the Morning Journal (afterwards called the American), which he conducted till 1895, when, owing to ill-health from overwork, 'he sold the paper a^nd retired to Europe. ! KILLED BY A FALL. NEW BRUNSWICK AGENTGENERAL. '^Received October 6, 8.5 a.m.) LONDON, sth October. Mr. Duff Miller, Agent-General for New Brunswick, while suffering from nervous breakdown, was killed by a fall from a window in a Margate boardinghouse. At the inquest a verdict of accidental death . was returned. Mr. Charles A. Duff Miller has been Agent-General for New Brunswick in London since 1896. He was "born at Kingston, Ontario, fifty -five years ago, and was educated at the High School, Montreal, and in Switzerland. He was a Fellow of the Royal Colonial Institute and a Governor of the Imperial Institute. He was the author of a book called "New Brunswick, Past and Present.''
Evening Post, Volume LXXVIII, Issue 84, 6 October 1909, Page 7
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