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Mi.»s Hacdy, 5 . daughter of Mr. C. Hardy, M.P., i£ in Wellington, staying at the Hotel Arcadia. Mr. Baume, M.P., and Mrs. Baume, arrived from Auckland last night. Miss Hassell, from Timaru, is a guest of her sister, Miss Lloyd Hassell. Miss Gladys Uormack, from Carterton, arrived last night, and is staying with Mrs. Louis Blundell. The writer was shown some very, dainty needle-work yesterday in. the form of an embroidered table-centre in white linen. A deep button-hole edges tho scalloped border, and a wreath of wild single roses in pale pinks and ivoriesi lies inside. The original note in the design is a large butterfly in open-work broderie anglai&e that lies across the flowers at each end. Another handsome design was of massed apples, on tall eta Iks, embroidered in coarse linen threads on heavy crash. The pattern I 6aw was in cream on tan ground, earn apple bordered by a dark brown thread) and its centre indicated by a few gold stitches. I can imagine it very effectivein reds and creams still with tho note of gold. A girl who is tired of working a waistcoat for the one and only He, pro tern. — can expend her energy on waist coat-flaps for her new linen summer frock. Thefie show beyond the short, much cut-away bolero, and if the linen be coloured, white flaps embroidered in tints harmonising or contrasting with it will look best. A pale blue linen, for ( instance, will look exquisite with flaps of white lightly embroidered in a design of violets and green leaves. The tiny pocket-flaps, purely ornament, should be likewise embroidered, and the pattern should trail upwards to the neck, becoming more and more delicate. Those far-sighted matrons and maidens who joined the madding crowd, and gained many silk bargains at the late sale, should consider the question of converting one length at least into a little coatee to wear with summer fiocks. It may be only just below the waist, shorter or longer as preferred, but it ; should be elaborately made with- ruches, ! frills, or band». Such coats in black silk were worn by Lady Plunket ;ind Lady Ward in. one of the recent Fleet functions, and were undoubtedly most eifectiye. But coloured silks on white frocks are to be quite •in vogue, and a pale blue coatee, with hat and parasol to match, would be an ideal combination for a summer girl. To those who have not tiaras, the following hint as regards hair decoration may come in useful. On a piece of black velvet sew diamond or enamel stars, and twist this in and out of your puffs and coils. The effect is quite charming, especially with the addition of a black diamond-tipped osprey at one side. The while Irish Lace coats will be much worn by those who can afford them. At Auckland I saw two examples of the lace coat. Mrs. Myers j wore a lovely white guipure over a white ! frock at her reception." It was, of coarse, made plain and semi-fitting with rounded fronts, and reached the knees. The other lace coat was of black chantilly, made in tho same style, and worn , over a trailing white frock inset with deep black laco. The effect of the last was rather startling, though seen on the vivid emerald turf of the racecourse, and against the dusky green of the trees, | it was undoubtedly picturesque. j Mrs. Bunny, of the Hutt, gave an enjoyablo bridge party last night in honour of the birthday of her sister, Mrs. Fisher. The supper table was beautifully decorated, bowls of wine-tilted and cream polyanthus alternating with, low glasses of violets. The hostess wore a lovely gown of black taffeta, appliqued with chenille, the white silk underskirt showing through the lace insertions. Mrs. Fisher's pretty frock was of white silk. To get the absolutely requisite effect in the now tightly-draped frocks, it is necessary the scanty fullness should be. tied in round the ankles. Walking a la Japonaiso would necessarily ue the mode in the best-dressed circles, and a stampede, should art unexpected shower of rain happen, would be funnier than anything in "Humpty-Dumpty." There would be much scope for skill and courtesy in the efforts of cavaliers to reinstate to perpendicular positions the horizontal fair ladies. The pictured situation reminds one of one's too fruitless efforts, in childhood to make Father Noah and his wooden progeny stand upright Another freak of fashion calculated to trammel natural action is the idea of cutting bodice and sleeve all in one. This may be effective on a lay figure, but it cripples tho arms fearfully. ' Brown and blue — this is to be a favourite combination this summer. The charms of a blue-eyed chestnut-haired maiden in a turquoise muslin, with a brown boa, and a brown chip hat afroth with brown feathers, could not be gainj said. She would be, as our American ! cousins taught us to say, "Just the top of the basket."
The estate of the late Colonel H. F. Swan, a director of the shipbuilding firm of Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth. and Company, Limited, who died on the 25th March, aged 65 years, has beeu proved at £558.287 gross and £495,284 net. The British official roporfc on vivisection operations conducted in 1907 does not servo to determine the controversy one way or the other (comments St. James's Budget). Whilo it is manifest that great care is taken to cause as little _p»in as is compatible with • the due carrying out of the experiments, there is no doubt, reading between the lines of the report, that some suffering must result Wo are told, for instance, by the inspector that the process of healing after an is painless "as far as possible;" that after tho healing process is finished, and the animal has to live its life with only half a brain or a quarter of a liver, there is "not generally" pain ; that inoculations with diphtheria toxin and other "products of tho tomb" are "calculated to give pain," but that tho operator is enabled by a special certificate to keep the animal fully sensitive to this pain, dispensing with all anaesthetics. Lastly, it is stated that even when inoculated with somo foul disease the animal is "apparently" well. The question is whether this pain is worth tho results derived from it. Has tho treatment of cancer benefited by tho inoculation of 40,000 mice? The German doctor Nicolaier is said to have added to our knowledge of lockjaw by introducing earth under the skin of mice. Do lockjaw patients profit by his experiments? _ For a conclusive answer to such questions — on which depends the wholo raison d'etre of vivisection — we must look, perhaps, rather to Lord Cromer and his associates than to official statistics.
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Evening Post, Volume LXXVI, Issue 44, 20 August 1908, Page 9
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1,133WOMEN IN PRINT. Evening Post, Volume LXXVI, Issue 44, 20 August 1908, Page 9
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WOMEN IN PRINT. Evening Post, Volume LXXVI, Issue 44, 20 August 1908, Page 9
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