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• . PORT OF WELLINGTON. PHASES OF Till! MOON VOR AIfRIU (Calculated (or New Zealand Menu Illroe.) Day. H. M. Hew moon „ „ 5 10 63 a.m. Plrtt <iiuiter „ „ 13 9 11 v.iv. full uioon _ r . „ i! 0 18 a.m. lost quaiter .. ..26 10 44 p.m. HUIII WATKU. To-day— ll.3o a.m.; 11.55 p.m. Tu-uuiriow— o a.m.; 0.17 p.m. SUN. lets to day — Mi £3m 4^a p.m. Rites to morrow— ob 19m 39a a.m. ; let*, 5h <2m Us p.m. ARRIVALS. April 13— Nguuguru, «a, 54 tons, Stevent, %bm IMcnheiiu. April 14—, b», 87 lons, Grant, from Welsult and Motueku. April U— T»k»jmna, oa, 473 tom, O. HoKord, iroui Onehunga and New I'lj inoutli. Pattenrert : Sulimn— ,\li«ac» Hnrnett, Vl^ohnui. Crouk, Ali'.xmider, Meadames Samiuou aud Child, M'Lachlan,, lUmtell, Mctsr*. l,nw»on, Culm, iloruri, WelU, licswick, Kustel), tleswiok, Finoer, Daniel, .M'Luchlnn ; 3 llteirage. , April 14— Putreuu, ia, 550 ton*, Kennedy, frem Nelion and l'ioU.u. Pujnt'iiger* : Saloon—Mitten <I.U. Uodiioii, lluirought, M'Oallum, Capper, ihbbins, Klctcher. (lebblen, Needham, Junat, I.amuuu, LUldlo, Hoffman, Culeman, Boyc», Neabitt, Schwas*. Murphy, Arnold (2), Schloat, Atkinson. Ledger (2), Murtay. O'Sulllvau, M'HurrU-, Mcadamcs lUndle, tlrlf- | fen, Thomas, Knthwui Wlllla, Uvling, Hill, Knupp. llunues. Kclwiirda, Talnier und boy, Pnwtett, Uruv, l'liaiiun and child, Ledger, Kerr mid clnlil, M'Ki-taWii, MutcH, llaoett, Cove, (Irant, Tesubciiiuker, DodHon, and daughter, .Vrohbiahop 11*0 wood, Meatrt. Mitchell, M'Kentic, M.H.It., Ma.xwell, Hlnglvton, Leviun, 'llralmgnn, Jitmiemin, IK-nnltUiu, Will)*, Ulng, IBloliurilvm, Klnlu.vHon, Naglc, nourkf, I.ewlt, iKnapp, Hetluuv , KdwaetU, l'rlnuner, Hwun, ,Tenton, Ledger, Lnttcr, Clark. Lcthbrldge, iil'Kcowen. llrown, M', Pukelnpu, Love, .'Buss, Rubinion, Fla^oll, M'Ouwan, Hrown, .M'CiiUogh, Cameron, Duranich, Olllver, Oiloa, ;Taschomakcr, Uurgess uud boy, Barrett, Kcrr; '83 ateerage. i Aprit 14— Muraroa, ss, 1381 ton», JUnnlng. from liVttolton. Vinwrngcr* : Saloon--Mls*es Otrtle, SCowe, HUlea, Hltdile, ritolirr, Duncan, ■ Warsaw, M'Donnett, TTeagii. Ma lone. Lloyd. iMetdamet Stout »ml Infant, Co»c|, Log""'. .'Olllver, Oault, Riilherfonl, Anderson, Kinlnyson, Mftoa»»oy, Wardrr.p. S.wwur.lj llobton, ■Brlggs, Senrlc und child. M'Leul, M«t»rt. Lees. Boott, ltowdcu, U»l<\ Tutton. 1-tmbio, Stout, Coad, Chishttlm, Cutler. Clarke, Hume, 'reason, Olllver, Fuller, Lum*lrn, Jitmleton, /Rnohtord. CUrhson (2). Thomson, London and boy, Oault. Morton. King. Kii»Uv*on, Jaoksnn, 'Anderson, WlUon, Mnoanuey, Stout, Whittle, Duckworth (2), MsJone, Clwpmun, Tnunic, Duncan* Davl<fa, M'UoU ; 32 •tcwago. April U-ZeaUndla. »». 1736 ton*, Wyllle. from Sydney, Auckland, Oliborne, and NaOler. Pau'eiigert : Saloon— Mimes Ilovd and WlUon, Me»diime» llrytirt. F»lrli»ll anil cliild, Ifnuer. yietelier. uud Mr. Keunedy ; 14 ««cr- ***' DEPAJCTURKS. April 13-Muiaron. a«, 78 ton*. Allman, for lUvelock and S»unda. April 13— Turakina. »«. 6909 ton«. Forbe*. April 13— Opawa, it, 70 ton*, Kekford, for ni«nne,lm. April 13— Kotnku, «s, 662 ton*, Tatt, for Apfn 13— Klrlptia, «s, 75 tons, Llddlard, lor Waltar*. , «... _ , , April 13— Putlkl, «a, 250 ton*. Dewhurtt, rr wangunul. April 15-Onren of > the South, as, 121. tout, Manlcy, for Fottmt. April 13 — HuU, •*, 69 tons, Dowcll, for ' Motuck*. April 14— PatPfna, is, 650 tons. Nonlstrum. for I'icton and Nelson. rwMßngcrs*-S»loon : ,F»r I'ioton— Mimci Miueflflld, Stuurt, Hummer, M'Crne, Metilunicii K<lwnnls, Kummcr, Davis, Messrs. DnNun, llarv, Clarktoh, .laokson, WilIclntnn. Voitoh, Sladden, (Irllllth, Jußimb, King, Puckwnrth, Kirk, Kulrtiull, Kirk, r>Ullo, Kd* wards, Miitter Davis. For NeUon— Mittcw Duncan and C'owlet. McMhunc* Illalop, Mowut, I'alrhitil (2), and child, Hill, M'Onvln. Kmteott, Olifshnlm. M'Oregor, Walker, Evans, Key. tavetny, Mrur*. Hebberd. nennett, HUU Kdwortlt, M'Knight, y»r*yth, Salmon, Kteming, lllmnilton, Kattoott. Arthur, Free, Mtlniot, Miller, Duncan, Falrhail, Arttice, JfOregor, and EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Aortro, Pule* and Opunake, 14th Morayahire, Anoklnnd. 14th Opawa. Olruhetm, 14th Rotomtthann, Lyttelton, 15Oi Oucen of Ihe South, Koxton, IStii Wtlk»r«, MellmiKne, Hotmrt, Squtb, 16th 1 Wnlporl. \?e«tport, 15th Torgauten, Lytteltnn, ISth Mima. Paten, 16th Koonyii, South. 16th Mapourlka. Wett Ooatt And Nelson, 16th TarAwera, Dunedin and LytttUptn 10th, I'at««na. Vel«on nnd I'lcton. ,16th Mmmroa, clock nnU Sotinda, 16th Hula, Motucka, 16tli Te Anau, Wettport, 17th Nnvua, Auckland, Olaborne, Napier, 18th Wlmniera, Sydney, 19tli Ocean-going Steamer*. Fakohs, left London 7th February via Auck> Und; due about 16th April. Indrnlcma, lsft Uvurpool 4th Febniary, vis. AnttrulUn ports and Auckland; due about30th April. Kverton Orange, left Liverpool 12th- February via Australian ports and Auckland ; iJuo about 23rd April. l'aparoa, left London sth March, via Capetown, liobart, and Auckland : due about Ittth April. Gothic, left Plymouth 12tli March viiv Capo, towu and liobart ; due about 27th April. Indraghlri, left New York 3rd March via. 'Hulbuurue, Sydn*y t and Auokland; duo about JOth April. Marete, left London 26th February, via Slelbourn*. Sydney, and Auokland; due about Uimpehu, lol( rivmouth 25th March, via (Capetown nnd Hohnrt ; dufl about Bth May. Tcrlo Viken. left New York 10th March via Auckland; dv« about 20th. May. Nslriuhire. left Liverpool 10th MAroh via Auttrallan port* and Auckland; duo about 26th May. Karamaa. Uit Undon lltb April' via Capetown and Holnrl ; iluc about 27th May. Tokomnru, left London 3rd April via Auokkml; due about 10th June. Nlwnru, left London 31at Maroh via Au«'krallun ports aud Auckland; due about 18th Juutt Sailing, Veuelt. Andaman, left Martelllen 7th Noveralmr (Ufi (Port Ghalmtr* for Wellington Bth April). Dunkbum, lflt Liverpool, 11th February. Orellana. left Liverpool Btli April. Klverland, left Newcaatle 12th April. Voladw, IMt .Vewonitle 12th April. PROJKCTKD DBPARTUREfI.' ftUraron, L\tteltou. 14th Ngunguru, fllenhelm, 14th Wakttu, Lvtleltoit \\i comt, 14th KoaliindUi LUtoiton and Dunedin, 14th , Tasmui, Nelson and Mntuekit, 14th Hotom»iitiu», Lyttelton, 15th Vfoinul, Plotnn. N^nlaon.-and West Coait, lSlhWalkare, Sydn«y, ISth Opawa, nienhelm, 15th Mana, Patra, 10th Atormhlrd, Wflngtnnl, 15th Mt.n»y»hlro, I'lctnn nnd' South, 16th Delphlr, l.ondnn, 16th Takapuna, Nelion, New Plymouth, and. Onehiinga, 16th Aorere, Patea, 17tlf Chnrlet Rrtwtrd, NeUon nnd West Coast, 17th, Kahli, Napier uud K««t Coast, 17th Tarawern, Naplvr, nitbornc, Auckland, 17th Mapnurika. Nelson .md Went Coaat, 17th Koanyu, Wettpnrt nnd Qreymouth, 17th Queen nl t>«e South, Knxton, 17th •3 Manaroa, Motueku, lTtli $ Hula, Wanganui; 17th. S l'ote«na, f'icton mid Nelion, 18th y Narva, Lyttelton and Dunedin, 18th €

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Evening Post, Volume LXIX, Issue 88, 14 April 1905, Page 4

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SHIPPING. Evening Post, Volume LXIX, Issue 88, 14 April 1905, Page 4

SHIPPING. Evening Post, Volume LXIX, Issue 88, 14 April 1905, Page 4