On 3rd Maroh, the two women Catherine Flannagan and Margaret Biggins were executed at Kirkdale Prison, near Liverpool, for the murdor of Thomas Higgins, the husband of the latter prisoner, by poison. Tho convicts have since their conviction admitted their guilt, and knew that thore was no possibility of a commutation of thoir sentence. They partook of tho Holy Sacrament administered to them by the Rev. Father Bonte, tho Roman Catholic chaplain to tho prison, who was in attendance on them at an early hour, and remained with them until the close. Five reporters were admitted to witness the execution, according to an arrangement between the High Sheriff and the visiting justices; but they wore not permitted to go to tho scene of tho eieontion until about half a minute before the culprits were brought out of the pinioning room, whore Binns, the executioner, and hw assistant had pinioned the culprits' arms. The women appeared resigned to their fate, and attentively repeated the responses to the prayers for the dying. On tho scaffold being mounted, the process of pinioning was completed, during whioh tho women betrayed little or no emotion, and stood under the drop with thoir eyes olosed, repoating the prayors. The white caps haying been adjusted over their pale faces, Binns pulled the lever, and the two women fell with a drop of ovor nine feet There was no movemont of their bodies after the drop, and death appeared to be instantaneous. Snow fell heavily during the oxeoution, and continned to fall while the bodies remained hanging. Binns, the executioner, arrived at the gaol on Saturday, and did not leave it till after the execution. His assistant was a young man named Samuel Heath. Tho women in their confession made a circumstantial statement detailing how the crime was effected and adding some startling revelations. They have Riven the authorities the namea of several persons who they allege were concerned in other poisonings carried out in the same manner. The names of tho victims have also been given. It is believed that this will lead to the arrest of at least throe individuals.
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Evening Post, Volume XXVII, Issue 105, 3 May 1884, Page 4
Word Count
Evening Post, Volume XXVII, Issue 105, 3 May 1884, Page 4
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