PonT Cbaluerb. ICth December. Arrived— 3a*tetbury, M.'Millin, from Loudon. . . riBLBON.IGth December. Arrived, 1 p.m.—Witnaka, from I'ictoa. 17th Dec. mbor. Arrived, 630 a.m.- Grafton, from Welnuaton. . . Woton. 17th December. Arrived, 5 a.m.—Napier, from Wellington. Lx'iXtsL'iOM. I7ch .December. Arrived, 730 a.m. -Hawea, from Wellington, with Frisco mail. T*jo H.s. Westpott leavea for Wellington at 2 P,H:. to-day. Oabtlepoiut, 17th December. Sailed, early—Kiwi, f»r Welliygton. Blufv. 17th December. Arrived—btolla, onherpeuoaical visit to the bghtboußo. Th« Alhuirbra anived at daylight this mornmg. Bhe left Melbourne at noon on tho 10th lnst., andanived at Uobart utnoca ou the Mh; left at 11 pm, and experienood strong wet>terly -winds, with heavy seas, to arrival. Bh» aaili at 4 p.m Xor Duuediu. Passengers for W elliugtou—Mi3te3 Ktewart and barnbtow, Messrs. Fowoli, Bhunks, Caiins. and Matthews. . . „ Napikh. 17th December. Arrivod, 0 a.m.—Arawata, from Gisborne. Sho Bailed ugain for Wellington at noon. . . , Wanhantji, 17th December. arrived, 415 a m.—Huia; 6 a.m., VVakatu, from Wellington. _. . . Taubanoa, 17th December. Tho snip Mmy Queen arrived frem London yesterday, all well. Whilst rounding the Beacon ahe dropped her anchor, but the cable patted Bhe wan bte«red into blind Channel, and will bo brought to her anchoruge to-day. • «¦
Tho s.b. Rotomahana, which arrived from Melbourne via tbe South just aa we wero going to press yesterday, brought the following paߦeiißorß:—Cabin—Misses Terry, Plumbe, Tripp (3), f hillipa (-«), Young, jUckie ana Tulloch, Meeclumes Penrco, Young, Cowliehaw, Higginßon, Kirby, Ward, Kapley, Marshall and child, Fleetwood und child, Baasell and 5 children, Hutchiion, Pen and family (6), Hon Mr and Mta Haddington and maid, Messrs Peon, Weston, Field, I'tmrce, Uawß«u (2), Robertseu, Hebbert, Bittku, Waadell, Webb, Mackie, Kou* Marten, Cawpball, Bainberger, Kapley, Hutchison, Cook m rhenion (i) Lees, Brown, and Young, Masters Peaice (2), Baruett and Mfiiltrick; b7uteeruge. Bho lelt uguin t»-duy for Auckland via the East Coast, Tko following passengers arrived hers yesterday afternoon by the Btaimer Hawea from tho North:—Cabin — Miflses Moore, Stafford, Carter und Thomas, Meadames Bell, lUWBon, Thompson, Binolalr, Greenwood and Cottorill, Mr at d Mrs Lieviu, Mr aud Mra Band, files*™ Atkinuou, Graham, Stubbing, Allen, folo, Gibson, Btenhouso, Sinclair. Meyer, Connolly, Bell, Henderson, Haino, Whither, Kemble, Car a, Cameron (2), JRawson, M'Cullock, M'Hardy, Pyku Fiemming and Williamson. Tha a.s. Hitwett left tut Lyttelton at 5 p.m. yosterduy and returns to-morrow afternoon. I'ha Bteamers Gratton for Nelson aud West fcoußt. and Napier for Pictou, sailed last evouing. The latter returns to-morrow. Tho bb. Jaue Douglaa left for Faxton this afternoon. The sailing of tho Mohaka for Blenheim haß boon postponed until tnis afternoon. Il* SB. Aruwata arrives to-morrow morning from Auckland via East Coast. She leaves again on Monday for Melbojruo via tha Ksuth. Ihe btoainerafluia and Wakatu, from WaDuanni, arrive to-morrow. Tho bchooner Aurora arrived at 8 this morning from Pahau, with 107 bales wool. 'Ihe b b. Patea left Patea at 5.30 p.m. yesterday, and arrived in port at 7.30 this morning. Bho return* to-night. The Bteamer Lyttelton arrived from Bianheim early ibis morning. Tho b a. Kiwi, from Oastlepoint, may be looked lot to-night or ourly to-morr<»w inoriiiog. Bho leaves xor Cabtlepoiut and Napier on Monday. J?he s.a. Westpovt arrives from tho South tomorrow naornicg.