CHASTISING THE NATIVES. STRIKING ON A REEF. H.M.S. Wolverene, Commodore Wilson, arrived at Sydney on the 29th instant, aftor a cruiso among tho islands. Sir Arthur Gordon embarked on the Ist at Suva, and proceeded to Tavinna, whore his Excellency was to install a chief, a son of Tui Cakau, who died last year. This young chief's namo is Rotti Tala, and he has been educated at Sydney. While ou the passage from Lovuka to Taviuna, the Wolverene unfortunately ran on a coral reef outlying the Island of Goro, on the night of 3rd August, and romainod aground 1| hours, when oho camo off and continued her voyage, arriving at Lomo Lomo, Taviuna, next morning, when tho Governor landed, under a salut3 from tho Wolverene. It was tho original intention that, atter landing Sir A. Gordon here/tho cruise to New Britain and Now Ireland should bo carried oat, but tho ship hod sustained so much damage to hor bows, and was making water to such an extent, that it wan deemed advisable to return to Levnkn, and thence as soon as possible to Sydney for tho purpose of docking and repairing tho ship. At Lavuka news was received of the murder of the mate and Government Agent of tho labor schooner Dauntless Joy the natives of Apia, New Hebrides. $0, on tho 11th of August the Wolverene sailed for that island, arriving on tho 15th. Tho mission vessel DayspriDg was found at anchor here. Tho Commodore having made tho necessary investigation, and being satisfied as to the guilt of the natives, caused four villages, whose inhabitants were implicated in the murders, to bo destroyed by fire, with their surrounding plantations* of Ooooanuta, &c. No natives were seen during tho titno the landing party was on shore, but largo quantities of Snider ammunition were seen in the huts, all of which was destroyed. The island of Api is notably a fertile ono, and appears to be highly cultivated by tho natives, more bo than one generally .sees amongst these islands The damage sustained by the Wolverene has caused a considerable leakage to tho ship, which haa been kept down by the engine pumps; but .tho real extent could not be found out until tho ship had been placed in dock,
Evening Post, Volume XX, Issue 210, 8 September 1880, Page 2
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