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Provincial Secretary's Office, Wellington, 27<& January r 1875, '"WV VTIOE |s hereby irfmt that the Leases XH for » owm'kJ of 12 oirtt.tbfl from the I«* March, IS7& to tbe 28* b February. JB7G, of the following Publics Tolls, wiJl be told by public auction at Mr J. H. wa«' luce's Hale Hoomti. Hontw-street, Welling' - ton, on Tbofurtay, thf IBtb day of Fetru* »ry> 18 7 5 at 12 o'clock nooo ;— The Kaiwarra Tnlltfate Tbe Hutt Bridge Tolfgate * Tbe Feathetttton Tollgate Tbe Waiohine Bn >fte ToHgate , The l*Atwt>kei Hri.tae 'Irrigate 'The tffc John's Hih Tolfeate The ftattofce Tollgate Conditions of each lease may be seen at this office, and at Mr Wallace's oihce> Httnter-street, Wellington. HENRY BUNNY, Provincial Secretary, NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS, Provincial Secretary's Office, WellfoKton. 23rd J*t,u%ry, 1875. npBNDERS will be received at this office rl. onto nnon of Thursday, tbe 25th d*y of Febrnar*, 1875. for tbe construction of •bout 60 chains ot road nn/neCasttepmnft to, Alfrcdton line, near the Tinui Court House. * Flans and specification* may be seen at the Club Hotel, Masterton; Engineer's Office, Tinui; and Provincial Engineer's UffiCe llff6r ¦ The lowest or any tender not necessarily ""^WILLtAM FITZHERBERT, For. the Provincial Secretary. NOTICE TO CARTERS, Provincial Secretary's Office, Wellington, 26th January, 1875, SEPARATE Tenders will be received at this Office up to noon of Friday, tbe 28tb day of February, for the cartage, &c, of stone for road metal between the fol' lowing places r— * City of Wellington and Ngahauradga, cartage only, 1,400 cubic yards, Ngahsuranga to Korokoro, supply and delivery, 20fl0 cttbkfcyardj. Koroko to Hatt Bnritfi&ttipply and deKvery, 600 cubic yards. *ft Hutt Bridge, to Ut Gorge^ipply and delivery^ 800 cubic yards s^ e - Ist Gorge to Mutrgarna Bridge, supply and delivery, 1.600 imhtc yards Mungaroa, Bridge to Fak»umtsbi, supply and delivery, 2«0(J ettkia. yards, Tbe above shall b» delivered and pro* periy stacked on tbe various metal paddfceks slfißg the road, side in such proportions as tbe Provincial Engineer shall direct. The atone, shall be subject to the ap» provi/, of the Provincial fcugineer, - -Jf#ih 'Bpparate^eoiitraefc shall bs com* pleted iti tour months from its acceptance. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.. • * HBNRY BUSHY, *- Provincial Secretary, NQTICE TO CONTRACTORS, CASTLEPOINTto-'aL^E^OK ROAD Provincial Secretar^'* Office, Wellington, 3rd feb., 1875. ' fTENDERS be received at this office JL up to noon of Thursday, the 4fcß day of March, for the construction of about 46 chains of road' on the above line, near Flag , Creek, r . Plans and specifications mar be aeen at Club Hotel, Masterton, Engineer's office, Tinui, and Provincial Engineers office here. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, c HENRY BUSrSY, \ Provincial Secretary, TENDERS WANTED FOR CUTTING BUSH SURVEY LINES, fPENDERS are invited for catting 29 X miles, more or less, of certain trash boundary lines of the Manchester Block, Manawattt District, Tenders will Be received up to NOON of SATURDAY, 20ra FEBRUARY, addressed to the CHIEF SURVEYOR, PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS, WELLINGTON, The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. Plans, specifications, and full information can be obtained at the Survey Office, Provincial Government Buildings, Wellington ; or at the District Survey Office, Bull Town, •Rangitikei, HENRY JACKSON, Chief Surveyor, Survey Office, Wellington, 2nd F ebraary, 1875, SfcLECT BOARDING >OriOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, Cbesjuy WpLtt, Kaboki. MRS and MISS CAKKY BROWN will receive a limited" number of >oun* ladies as 3OAHPKM being prepared, to offer tbe advatit*Kr«of » com'orcabte home and » sound English eftneation with French, G(>rm»n. anrt Mustc . - ' * The first term for 1875 will commence on Monday, tbe Ist of February, and a prospectus with terms *itl Ik* forwarded on application, or may be obtained at Mr Berger's, Lambton Quay,' References— Mr and Mrs Btackett, Mr and Mrs Napier Bell, Major and Mr* Heaphy, Mr and Mrs Clayton, Mr and Mrs Graham, Ksrori * * TURNER * RE A D , WfcotosaleandßeUil I«oy, ZWO, A Tift PtAM WOBSHRS,' hfttln#l>ae«d those premises lately occupied by Mr Portellf, Wim^ntreet, are now pre* pared to supply Tioiv«re of every devoription oil th» shortest notice. Country onteit ponctusily atUad»4 to.
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Evening Post, Volume X, Issue 302, 13 February 1875, Page 4
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671Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume X, Issue 302, 13 February 1875, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Evening Post, Volume X, Issue 302, 13 February 1875, Page 4
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