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ARRIVALS. Htlvellrn, tlilp, from London. St Kilds, lohoontr, from Norfolk Wnnd. Sylph, lehooner, from Bay of lilaudi.
DEPARTURES. H.M 1 1. Miranda, for the Tham»s. H M > n E-sk, for tht Thamei Coiio i .1 , for (he rhumes. Sandfly, p «., tor the Tli.itnei.
VESSELS EXPECTED. n.M. is LadyJocslyn. from Rangoon. Auckland, > • , from Sydney I'honbo, 1 1., from Southern ProTlnces. Queen of the Jleney, ship, from London. Green Jacket, ship, from fiondon. Bombay, ihlp, from London. Roynl Stunrt, ship, from london. Adelaide Bell, ship from Sydney, yin Tiotrcastlo. Urnmis, from Ifnmbuncli via Wellington Mawnret nnil Eliza, from Rydnoy, vi» Newcaitle. Novelty, barque, from Sydney. Koatrel, br!(j. from Sydney. Dolphin, icliooner, from the Hast Coast. Kauri, schooner, from Cuntorbury.
rnOJECTKO DEPARTURES. Kangaroo, ni , for Sydney. Giuipros ship tor Calcutta. Tyburnia ship, for Guam Owmj Olomlowor, ihip for Bombay. Alice Ounuron. biirque for Sydney. Cor.s'ance, barque, for San Franeiico Charlotte Andrews, barque, for Sydney. Rt Mftiiinn, barque, for N'encastlo. B v HendiXfii, birquo for Criiiin. lloliance brisr for Ilobnrt Town. Jessie, bri<;iinUno for the Thames llpiod, schooner for Canterbury. Zillah, schoontr for Napier TnurnngA. schooner for Tauranga Sylph, sehonnor, for Biy of Islands Pen Shell, ketch, for Niipicr. "Wild Wave, ketch, for ICvipara and Albertland.
VFASErs IN ITAIVBOUR. (This Hit lines not include coasting cutteri ) H.M » » Himalaya from Colombo, via Melbourne. IT TVJ 1 1 Cnraona. from Sydney. Kiineurno, * * , fnm Sydney. Helvollyn. ship from London. Gnntri>* Rhip from T^mdon I<la Zoißler. from I oii'lon Tvhnrnia, illip. from frf>ndon Owen Glendower. ship from I/mrton. Con'i'-ftiice. btrquo from San Franohco St Afnenus barque, from Adela'de. Alioe Cum<Ton, barque, from Sydney. Rnv Bendlxcn barque from San Fianoisco. Cbiirlotto, \ndrowi barque, from Sydney. Dova, brig, from Sydney Reliance, brit; from Hobart Town. Volunteer, brlp reflttini? Jessie schooner, from Sydney Southern Cross, minionary schooner, from South Sea Inlands. Ileron, from Napier Tftiirnn'ja. ichooner, from .Naiiier. Eo^e Ann, scliooner, fro » ICnst Coast. J'jllah schooner, from Napier Victim, sclinonor, from 'icft T^lands. St Kilda schooner, from Norfolk Island. Sylph, schooner from H.av of Islands. Sea Shell ketch, from Napier. Courier ketch from Otngo Will Wafch, cutter from tlorotonga. Wild Wave, ketch, from Kaipara.
ENTERED I N \V AKDS-CO \.ST WI"»E. NoVrMBKR 10— Helen, 21?2 1 ? tonn, Fitt, from Wansaroa, -with 7.000 feet snwn timber. 2 tons knurl gum, 10 cwt wool, 40 000 shingles, 1 hljil gin Passengers— 2 Europeans — Stepheuson and Wardell ajronts 18— William Pulham, 48 tons, Young, from Waiheki, with 30 tons firewood 10 - Boneta, 28 tons, Potcrcon, from Wangarei and ■Nfnngnpai, with 1 hone 4 pigs Passengers — Messrs .Tamos M'T,ennon, Unlman \Mntls, Ilobbs, Burton, Amiston, Brown, Harkin?, Burton — "5. .T Edmonds igent IS— Mary, 22 tons. Brown, from with 40 ton* flrowooit, 2 tons potatoes. Passengers— 3 Euroucani. 10-Sttlley Crop, 16 tons, Bill, from WaiheM, with 25 tons firewood 10— Three Brothers, 18 tons, Seymour, from Sfangiiwai, with 200 biwheli of »an<l, 1 ton gum. I horse Paj-engers— 4 liurnpotns— T Mai ley and Co , aeents. 10— William and Juln, 33 tons. Scott from Mahurani-i, with 7 hams, 6,000 ihlngles, 700 pilings, 30 tons firo«ood Passenger — 1 European 16— Orpheus 22 tons Inness, from Mitakanti, with 20 tons flrowood, S 000 feet timber 16— Glance, 10 tons. Dickson, fmm MAta&ana, with 22 tons firewood 700 palings. fi2 posts, 42 rails, 5 bales wool, 8 boxes eggs Passengers — Messrs Greenwood, Sinclair. Brown, Adams, Bell, Croacker, Came.— Rattray and Matheson, agents. FOREIGN. 10— Charlotte Andrews SO5 tons, Jenkins, from Sydney. Pas*en«ers— Messrs Cri«p. Maines. Abraham, G L Lane, J Diwson, .r Johnson, Phillips Mrs E. Burton. Mr. and Mrs Sherrard, and 2cluldrcn.— Henderson and Macfarlane, ngonts. 16— Kangaroo, i s., 180 tons. Bell, from Sydney.— J. Boberton and Co , agents
ENTERED OUTWARnS.— FOREIGN. NOVEMBER IC— St. Magnus, barque, for Newcastle, KS W.
10— Vision, 18 ton«, Itopper for Manijawai. with 1 ton supar, 1 cask pork, 1 sack potatoes, 1 sack wheat, I sack binn, 2001bi. flour, 20 small pircels. Passengers— s Europeans, 1 Native 10— Mivry Ann, 15 tons Smyth for WaiheM. in ballast 16— T*urnnRa. CO tons, Sellari, for Mercury Bay and Tnurangn, with 3,0001bs flour, 14 b.igi mg ir, 3 casks pork, 2 baes rice, 6 bags biscuit sundry packages machinery, 1 keg butter. Faisengeis— llev C S VockncrMr anil Mh. Fatten, and 2 Natives — T. Macky *nd Co , agent'!. 10— Mary, 22 tout. Brown, for Wwheki, in ballast. 16— Salley Brass 115 tons, Bill, for Waiheki in ballast. 10— William and lulia, 33 tons, Scott f"r Mahuranji, with 10 cwt flour. 2 lieid cattle, 2 casks beef 10— Orpheus, 22 tuns, Innes. for Al»takana, in ballast.
FOREIGN Id — Alice CamTOn. 317 tons, Birron, for Sydney. P/isseiijrers —Mr Fitjiiiatrick, Mrs Kotliory, Mrs TniMun Mr M'lnnis, Btr H Koche, Mr J. Carrol, Mr and Mrs Firth. Mr and Mn Ilivssiin. Mi J. Hassan, Mr. M. Hassan.— Henderson and Jlncfarlnne, agents
IMPORTS— FOREIGN. Per Charlotte Andrews. S(!5 tons, Jenkins, from Sydney : — 'i cn«es cigirs. Gilflllnn and Co . 2 eases cigiis, order , 0 J-tierces tobacco, 10 bnxes J Roborton and Co , 285 bags tobacco, 20 cheats tea, BO half chests tea Broun, Campbell, and Co : 100 cases brandy, C Peteliler ; 178 cases nine 0 Petchlcr. 1 package tobacco, order, 244 ba?s ttisar, so half chests tea, Brown Campbell, and Co , 10 cases coffee, Oiin lan anil Co ; S chests tei, 30 half-chests tea. 40 boxes tea ordei , 75 bugs su<jar. Hidings and Co , ISS bi!<s siisar. J. S Mncfarlnno and Co : i cases tobacco, 1 barrel preserved meats, i trnnlti boots and sho«s, 1 case cutlery, 6 ca^es matches. 15 and H, Isaacs ; 20 bags mabe, .T. W. Bain , 1 package rope. C Patchier , 1 case drays, T. Phillips : 4 barrel* oil stores, Hidings and Co , 1 box ironmongery, as addrossod ; fiO bags maize, II Kiln . \ parcel printinß materials, order , 40 boxes snap, j. Roberton anil Co . 20 cedar boards, order . 83 plec«« York fUgsing, E Brown ; 1 case glass J. Blackey ; 3 piles iron b»»k, C \ Harris; 10 cases hams, 10 cases cheese, 5 casai "■fines, order ; 3 c isea furniture, J Hoberton nnd Co 500 bags rice, J S. Mftcfurl.uio and Co ; 6 cases bacon, 1 ciso tommes, 15 nests tubs, 60 bsirrels peas, 191 cases lobsters, Oilflllan and Co ; 1 keg tobacco 1 case photographic materials, order; 100 bags rice, J. W Hill . 101 bags ma 126 ,18 Imu's rise, M. Somerville, 4 casks i\nw, Hamilton , fldms, J. Robe*ton ond Co , 2 cases clothing, (iovernment; 217 bags miizo, S. Cochrane : 118 bags oats R. Kelly : 14 bales leather, J. S, Macf.irlane and Co . 60 casks beef, 12 carts, J. Bobeiton and Co -. 40 drays, Government , 200 bags nwze, 50 bushels hay, 435 bags malzs, 52 baga maize, 6 kegs butter, 101 bags maize, order. Per Kangaroo, is, 180 tons, Bell, from Sydney, with 67 horses. Commissariat ; 2 hones, J, Robar'on »nd Co. ; sundry Commissariat stores — J. Roberton and Co., »gonts.
EXPORTS-FOREtG^ Per Alice Cameron, 317 tons, Barron. for"Sy<lnoy : 15 hhcU. brandy, I box gold, 14 cisks gin. 10 balei wool, 5 bales wool, 317 hides, 24 Iron Units, * ca3M fum, 100 kegs nails, 1 caso.
ARRIVAL OF THE 'HELVELLYN, 1 FROM LONDON. This fine vessel came up the harbour yesterday motuinsr, anil dropped her anchor off the Queen stieet Wliarf shortly nfber eight o'clock, after a passage of 120 duyi from England. Sim sailed fiom Giaveseml on the 14lh of July, ami on Saturday, the 18th, called in at Dartmouth to take the doctor on hoard, which piotracted the voyage for several day*. She left Dattmouth on the 19th July, and expoiienced fine weather until arriving off the meridian of the Cape. Crossed the equator on the 23rd August, in longitude 29 degrees west. No detention was experienced from culms. Passed the meridian of the Cape on the 26th September, in latitude 44 degrees south. After rounding the Cape, met with some severe gales, and encountered rough weather until uisrhtiug Tasmania. Made the Three Kings, on the New Zealand coast, on Wednesday, November 11th, and had heating weather all down the coast. Diopped her anchor off the North Head on Sunday morning, being unable to get up the harbour. There were two deaths amongtt the pnisengeri on the voyage ; the fit st, on the 23rd July, a Mr. Oopeland dying of consumption, the lecond on the 29th August, the deceased being Mr. Thomas Finn. There wat one birth, on the 4th October. One vessel only was spoken with during the passage — the »l»ip ' Raja,' from Rio Janeiro, latitude H5H 5 north, nml longitude 27 * west;. The 'Helvellyn is a fine large vesiel of 1,017 tons, and it commanded by Captain F. S. DalUon, She was built in Simderl.ind, by Meisn. Robert Thompson and Son, and Ims been classed A 1 for 13 years. Her accommodation between decks srems to be all that could be wished for, and the health of the passengers during the voyage hns been very good. General latisfaction appears to have been given by the captain and officers of the ship, and ,lie lei vices of the surgpnji in charge, Dr. Aabain, have been highly appiecl.ited. Mr, \Y". S. Laurie it her agent. Passenceps. Chief Cabin. — Mr. and Mu Gerald Beere and family, Mr. D. Beeie, Miss Brady and servant, Mr. Tuok, Mr. Wheeler, Mr. anil Mrs. Owen, Mr. ntul Mrs. Broadfoot and family, Mn, Grovenor, Mr. Houty, Dr. and Mn. Aiham.
November 16.— Wind 8.W., ch»nK-*ble and nntettlwl weathtr throughout ; thunder and lightning ut night.
SECOND CfiASa. —Captain Mackenzie Wilson, Mr. Dutliie, Mr. G. Smith, Mr. Norton, Mr. Gilmoie, Mr. VioUrew, Mr. antl Mr*. Ledlntter, Mr*. Oopeland and family, the Misses Mercer. Third Cws£:— Mr. Rolwon, Mr. Miller, Mr., Vi«% you, Mr. Barton, Mr. A<Hn, Mr. and Mn. Jones and < family, Mr. «nd Mrs. Sanderson ami family, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Snowden, Mr. Clifford, Mr. and Mis. Haekidiall, Mr. and Mrs. PliiliipV, Mr. Davis, Mr. and Mm. Hamilton and family, Mr. Lenlie, Mr. Bialihins, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jones and family, Mr. Porter, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson and family, Mr. nnd Mrs. Midli'iiden, Miss Rvcmft, Mr. and Mm. Douglas and family, Mrs. Finn, Mr. and Mm. Fieeinan.i Mr. and Mrs. Beale, Mina F.irley, Mr. Atkinson, Mr. Pw tington, Mr. Fowler, Mr. Biynnt, Mr. and Mrs. Wilmm, Mr. Mid Mm. Pocock and family, Mr. Rainliow, Mr. Hector Mackenzie, Mr. Harrison, Mr Nutlmll, Mr. Plimpton, Mr, Glover, Mr. LovuleKs, Messrs. G-. and W. Morley, Mr. and Mra. R«yuoldi ; Mrs. Tiacey,
MANIFEST. 200 tons coals, order ; 1 case, at addrd ; 4 cases, fiilfill.ui anil Co. ; 4 cases and 2 hales, Owen and Graham: 1 hhil., 15 liales, 9 kegs, 7 casks, 2 cases, 1 half, 1 cask, 10 bales, 5 casks, 9 stoves, 2 boxes, 1 Idul., 1 bale, 27 bales, 2 casks, 1 package, S. Ha»ue Smith ; 25 lirkini, 5 tiercea, W. 8. Liurie ; 6 rolls, 1 bale, 9 boxen, A. Claik anil Son; 2 cask*, 28 chains, R. Lusk ; 4 tierces, 1 tieice, 3 casks 5 cases, 4 casks, S. P. Phillipsou ; 2 bales, order; 12 cases, Bucholz and Co ; 20 casks, J. lloliertnn and Co. ; lOlihds., oider; 750 sucks, Mark S»inervillf ; 4 canm, order; ] box. as addi eased ; 154 bale*, 15 kegs, J. Macfarlimo; 15 trunks, John Rout; 1 ciate. 1 tierce, 1 cask, 1 cue. Randall Fisher ; 1 case, Gilfillan and Co. ; 1 case. Peter Giace ; 1 package, as a Idiemed ; 3 cases, as addressed ; 6 casei, J. Manning ; 109 boxes, 100 kegs, \V. S. Lamia; 2 trunks, Ralph Keesiiig; 6 cares, 6 crates, 1 imx, 4 tiuukx, 1 quai tei -cask, David Levy; 5 timiks, H. Smnerville • G eases, Bucholz and Co. ; 1 ca*e, S. Clarksim ; 1 case, F. Nelson ; 4ca c«, S S. Forsaith ; 1 case, John Roheiton nnd Co ; 164 cases, C. Davis ; 8 bairt-ls, 6 biles, S. Bimvne ; 1 case, J. \V. Fe.vice ; 6 cmes, Blown and Campbell ; 16 quarter gaski, Gilfillan and Co ; 75 ctilcs, D. Graham anil Co ; 8 c isea, 3 bale*, 7 cases, 30 hogMie.uls. S. H. ljurnside ami Co. ; 100 caiex, 50 caiKs, oider ; 11 imck.iges, Gilßllun and U'>. ; 1 ca«e, E. Leytr ; 15 hogshead*, 51 casks, 4 ca^es, ouler ; 2 canei c.iMc«, 42 ci^es, President of the Mew ; 3 000 slate*, older ; 12 cme*, 29 baireli, J. S Mucf.uline ; 11 ciates, j.iniei Iteilfeui ; G crrbk, G. S. J.ikin ; I box, at ad- reised ; 1 ci'e, iiucllolz and Co ; 5, order ; 50 bundles, 10 b.iles, 10 cis»s, 1 cask, Owen and ; 5 tiunkn, G. Fmrrll; Bqr-u«ks, 1 bus samples, Ciuickshauk. Smart, and Co. ; 43 cases, 20 hlnl«, 4 qr.-c.u««k(i, 10 case*, 60 cases, 5 cask*. 2 iaiei, 40 casks, 2 bales, 2 tierces, 13 h ilf clii'Btx, 100 boxes, 100 casks, 5 cases, 4 quarter-oa-ks. Conm^s and Daldy ; 2 bales, 2 case*, Ralph Kt-esinsr ; 32 cases. 31 casks, 100 keir*. 60dimns, 20 Immllex spades, 20 bundles ciicket*. 20 bundles wiie, 500 slates, C Petschler; 9caHes, M. Someiville ; 1 case, as addres^d ; 8 bales, Cmi< kahank, Smart, and C<>. ; 6 casks, 12 cases, 60 boxes, oider; 1,578 bags, J. Roherton and Co; 425 nags, oulcr ; 5 anchois, 2 bales iron, 3 wheels, 2 pieces of pump. 3 pipes, 10 columns, 8 bales, 1 c.ise, 1 k<ig, 1 cask. 1 hhd , 3 casks, 1 case, order of R. Gilmour ; 100 cases, oider; 275 !»•«», 200 bag--, J. Rolieitun and Co ; 100 ca>-ks, 50 bags, 25 sacks, 10 hhs., 80 casks, 4 cases, 1 bale, 6 cased, 2 bales, 18 east)*, 13 bales, 23 cases, 10 bales, 11 cans, 1 cask, 3 cases, 3 cases, 1 cask, 1 box, 3 cases, 1 package, 17 ciates, 5 cane*, Owen and Graham ; 200 exsks, 850 bags, J. Robeiton and Co.; 40 eises, Owen and Giaham; 3 cases, 8 trunks, H Keesinj,'; 4 cas>es, order; 10 Imrrelf), 25 fiikins, 20 bariels, 8 packiges, 10 bundles, 5 cases, 4 packages, 5 case*, 3 l>ales and samples, I<l. and 11. Isaacs ; 41 trunks, Ruling* and Dowden ; 150 casks, Criiickshniik, Smart, and Oo ; 38 iron tanks, W. S. Laurie ; 2 bales, 6 cases, 5 cases, S. and J. It. Vaile ; 1 ca«*, »s addressed; 12ci«ks, 4 firkins, 4 j irs, 2 tins, 7 case*, 3 tierces, 41 barrels, 1 half-chest, 1 big, 3 pk«js. ham*, W. S. Laurie; 100 cases, Owen and Graham; 200 casks whiting-, J. Uoberton and Co.
MISCELLANEOUS The Helen, from Wangproa, arrived yesterday with a quantity of timber, kauri gum, shingles, and 10 cwt of wool. The BimeU lias returned from Wangarei and Mangapai, bringing 1 horse and 10 passenssrs. The William and lulia, from 4r»hurangl, brlnra 7 horses, 0,000 shingles and 700 palingj. The Glance came up yesterday from Matakana. with one passenger, and u large carsjo of palings, posts rails, Ac: The schooner Tnuratig*, Captiin Selleri, cleared at th« Customs yesterday for Taurangl, and took her departure hst evening The St. Magnus hai cleared at tlio Customs forNowcastlo, N.S \V , and will probably sail (luring the week Tlio Boy Bendixen has hauled oflT from the wharf and dropped down the stream She may probably Bet away to day. The schooner St. Kilda, 63 tons, C.iptiin Edwards, from Norfolk Island arrived in harbour yesterday afternoon She siilcd from the island on Sunday, the !Oth inst , with 31 head of cuttle, and discharged them at the Tamaki on Saturday evening S J Edmonds, »gem. The horsos brought by the s i. Kangaroo were^safely landed yesterday. The Kangaroo Is to l»ivi on Friday next for Sydney The s s Phoebe, from the Southern Provinces with th« mails, &c , h now due, and may be expected to-day. The Snlncia arrived at Newcastle on the 27 th October from this port The Adcl lide Bell, slap, arrived at Newcastle on the 27th October, on her way to Auckland dipt Edwards of the St Kilda, reports the lUinbow, Capt . Nicholls, loading at Norfolk Island The schooner Sylph, 70 tons Capt Norris, arrived at tho Tamaki on Sunday morning from the Bay of Islands, and, after landing 28 head of cattU, came up the harbour and anchored near tho wharf. The St. Kilria p ssed the Sea Breeze at anchor on Saturday morning outside the heads, she was afterwards seen under weigh by the Sylph Uhe gunboat sandfly was busy at work ye>terday Steam was got up at five in the morning, and sho brought up alongside tho Himalaya, for the purpose of landing the rnmainder ot tho itoldior-: In the afternnou she embarked 100 of the Naval Tolunteers, and co .veved them to the Esk where they were transhipped, Tho Sandfiy afterwards took in coal from the Marion hulk, and took her departure about half-pabt oight for tho ThauiPS H Sf s s isk and Miranda, the s i Corio.and several cutter pot under weigh yesterday for the Thames, with troops; volunteers, stores, &c. The Jessie will probably follow this morning,
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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XIX, Issue 1977, 17 November 1863, Page 2
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2,809SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF AUCKLAND. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XIX, Issue 1977, 17 November 1863, Page 2
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SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. PORT OF AUCKLAND. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XIX, Issue 1977, 17 November 1863, Page 2
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