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The American, steamer 'Surprise' has brought us news from Yedo of a murderous attack on'the British Legation on the night of the sth inst, in, which Messrs. L. Oliphant, Secretary of Legation, and G-. S. Morrison, H.M. Consul at Nagasaki, were wounded, and all miraculously escaped the general massacre premeditated, owing their ' safety entirely, iinder Providence, to the several bands of miscreants which filled the house having lost their way in seeking for Mr. Alcock's apartment at one end of the building, where all in the house were collected after the recontre with the first band. This is a sad state of affairs. It is neither peace nor war, and has not the advantages of either. Admiral Sir James Hope was daily expected at Yedo in H.M.S. • Imperieuse.' By the latest accounts Mr. Oliphant was " doing well. We have received the following account of the affair : — "T lately communicated to you intelligence received from Yokuhaina of the safe arrival at.Kanagawa of the British Envoy Mr. Alcock, and the travellers who accompanied him from Nagasaki through Japan. My correspondent's letter bore a tone of the utmost tranquillity, without a trace of any •nxiety whatever (if I except a doubt expressed as to the out-turn of the last shipments of Japanese tea and silk to England.) "He certainly alluded to the appearance of the Comet, andtke saying of the Japanese that it portended mighty events, but when and from what dhection, their prophecy declared not Coming eventsdo not always cast their shadows before ! " On the llth my correspondent writes as follows : "On the 4th inst , (July) the whole party, excepting Mr. de Wit (the Netherlands Consul-General) proceeded to Yedo, being met half way at a olace called. Kavasaki, by the whole staff of the Legation ; Mr. Oliphant, newly arrived Secretary of Legation, " Mr. Bussell (a nephew of the Secretary for Foreign Aftairs) also just arrived in Japan, and other gentlemen — an easy occasion, had it been sought, to dispose at one coup of Ministers, Consuls, and Attaches ! "They were allowed however to reach Yedo in safety, and to secure an instalment of that rest which they doubtless needed after thiee-and-thirty consecutive days journeying. But 'one swallow does not make spring,' and one night's slumber is not sufficient to recrnit a weary frame. Soon after dinner, I am told, on the evening of the sth, the chief rose from the table to retire, saying that the day just closing had been the most fatiguing of all (owing to the multitudinous affairs to be attended to), and he had so many hours of sleep to recover. The rest of the company also retired. They, however, shortly assembled again in the garden to admire the comet which dispersing clouds exposed to view. Most fortunately was this so, for the dominion of sleep was thus postponed a little longer, tending with other circumstances to the preservation of their lives. Whdst they were so engaged, a murderous band of ruffians or heroes (in whichever light they may be viewed) was approaching its unconscious victims ! " In less than an hour thereafter those who were awake were distuibed by sounds as of wrangling and conflict, which mingled in the dreams of those who as yet but lightly slept ; but they were sounds which did not admit of continued slumber, whose temfic significance could not but open the drowsiest eyes. " The Legation is a straggling sort of bungalow, open to the garden at the back, and having passages leading through from stables, kitchens, and in fact any direction. At the front is a large portico door, a feature of all temple architecture, — but except to those who come in that particular direction no obstacle to free entrance or exit. A Japanese house consists of a roof supported upon beams and wooden posts, divided into rooms and passages by paper screens which slide in grooves between the posts. The transverse beams are generally at a height of about 5 feet 6 inches from the floor. Such building is the temple at Yedo occupied by the British Legation. The Minister's bed-room is at the rear corner looking out on the garden, and just beyond the dining and drawing rooms, which do so likewise The other bedrooms are mostly on either side of a tortuous passage leading from the entrance door to the dining room. Just beyond the entrance door is a chamber of the priests, opening by a scieen into the hall or main passage. Heie Mr. Morrisons Chinese servant was sleeping. " The note which aroused thesleepers and awakened all to the impending peril, was a determined effort to burst open the mam door, upon which (as described) the blows fell like the discharge of musketiy. A legion seemed to be at the work. I should think, if there was time for any sensation, those who appreciated the reality of the attack must have felt the cold hand of death — and such a death — upon them ! Japanese assassins, reckless of their own lives, seldom leave their work unfinibhed, and here they were with clamour and yell within a few paces of their destined prey. " While yet the door stood fast, the Chinaman saw the screen of the priests' room slide open, and a man incomplete armour with sword in hand come forward. He did not want to see more, but with great presence of mind crept on (in the direction the assassin must proceed) to arouse his master. The man turning into a side room afforded him a few moments' start, which were invaluable. He handed sword and pistol to his master, who at the same moment heaid Mr. Oliphant in the passage calling for assistance. Mr. Oliphant, it seems, occupied a more distant room, and on hearing the noise of what he thought was a brawl, ran in the direction, armed only with a heavy hunting whip. In the passage he ran against the two foremost assailants and must have then immediately received a wound (which is on the right shoulder). Taken in every way at a disadvantage — for, ignorant that an attack was being made, had he been armed and seen them approaching he would have known no reason for firing upon them until they had attacked him — he bravely kept them at bay with his heavy whip, they being protected by the darkness behind them, he exposed by the light of a lamp which they had not yet reached ; for they extinguished every light as they approached. "Hearing the call Of Mr. Oliphant, Mr. Morrison drew aside his screen and found himself beside the parties striking and cutting at each other — (Mr. Rus.sel and Mr. Wirgman were approaching, but quite unarmed). He fired at both the assailants — one being seen to fall back,* but the other, protected by his armour, was unhurt, and succeeded in again wounding Mr. Oliphant on the left wrist and Mr. Morrison on the head. Cuts upon the posts and transverse beams of the passage showed marks of blows which had missed them and the protection they had received from the smallness of the space. Sensible of haying been wounded (independent of any pain, for in the excitement of conflict pain is not usually felt), and knowing "out of Court" the usual nature of a Japanese sword-cut, the sensations of these gentlemen cannot have been agreeable. "The darkness, intensified by the flashes from the pistol, rendered it difficult for the assailed to see their enemies or the effect upon them; but it is certain that after the retaliation blows, intended to be avenging blows, were struck, the latter retreated by, a side passage, leaving drops of blood and bloody finger-marks upon their track. They kicked down a screen of the room from which they were fired upon, and in which there was a lamp burning, evidently to lighten their way down the passage : and passing another bedroom, one of them must nave entered it : a book upon the table was cut half through — the mosquito curtains were cut across as with a razor, and a pine bed-post two inches thick was broken by a blow which cut an inch deep into it : the mattrass was also thrust through in a most malicious manner. By this time, which must have passed quicker, than the narration, the six occupants of the .building were assembled in the verandah beyond the drawing-room, entirely ignorant'of the numbers pf their assailants or the direction in which they would come, anticipating only a final struggle and immediate slaughter. Of the six, one was completely, disabled, and amongst the rest were only two revolvers and two or three swords, — one a dress . ijword, not a bad weapon for a single encounter, but less serviceable against a rush of heavily armed foes. So with a revolver, — when your antagonists emerge from shelter at tliree or four paces distance and do not hesitate to rush on, yon are quick if you can give them a second shot, bnt you will be slain with three undischarged; in this condition and without a thought of rescue, the windows of an adjoining room were heai'd to yield to the blows of violent assault, the glass crashed and the framework was smashed in, and then the angle of a passage alone separated the attacking and the attacked. The intervening room was well lighted, and the whole side opened on to the garden which, was considered the best position for defence, there would be space for fighting at close quarters, and from the darkness the assassins could be fired upon as they approached through the lighted room. But to the surprise of ' all, they did not come, and silence soon ensued. The passage from the room into which theyjast penetrated led t (unlighted) in one direction to the 'hall door and out

• His body, ihot through the brtwt,>M af tcrwufdi found ia

by the priests'room, and in the other into the diningroom, by the lamps of wbioh it was strongly lighted. It is difficult to suppose they missed their way, in the choice between a dark and a light passage ; yet they took the former. The inference is, that they had in turn become assailed by the Japanese guards, and thought only of retreat— an inference not destroyed by the fact of their having knocked over furniture and inflicted some wild blows in the same aud an adjoining chamber in their route ; but supported by the siege of the main door haying been raised, the assailants failing to penetrate in that direction ; they only succeeded in driving holes between the heavy cross beams. Here too they were probably dispersed by the somewhat tardy but nevertheless effective anival of the Japanese soldiery. . These now filled the grounds, to the number probably of two or three hundreds, and with the exception of an occasional cry of "Look out, look out!" when a fugitive Looningf broke looso, there was no further sign of danger. Two gentlemen of the Legation lived in a cottage m another part of the giounds, to enquire after whom messengers were sent as soon as possible. Some anxiety was felt at the non-return of these after unreasonable delay ; at length it was ascertained that these gentlemen had not even been threatened, ami were ignorant of the nature of the disturbance until after the arrival of the guards to protect them. Enquiries wore also made with satisfactory result as to the safety of the American Legation. Probably the British Envoy was the object of the attack, but that would aggravate rather than otherwise the fate of any falling that he might be reached, and it would certainly be no 1 consolation either to the suffeiers or their friends : but doubtless aocoidingto their degree any membor of the British Legation wonld Lave been a valued sacrifice. A second surprise (if allowed) will not probably prove such a complete failure. "I have not been able to gather at what precise time or in what direction the Japanese assistance iirst arrived, but most probably as pointed out in the foregoing : nor is there any clear clue to the exact number of the assassins. At the moment of attack it was of course impossible even to surmise their numbers, the details would suggest 14 or 15, (or possibly a few more), say the two who were actually encountered, two to four who smashed through the glass windows, and from 5 to 10 at thefiont door. Theie is no evidence of any others either entering or endeavouring to enter the house, and it is impossible to conceive their doing so without penetrating to the drawing-room, to which one mam passage leads, the side ones only being intricate, the one being lighted and the others dark. Neither would the casualties suggest any great numbers — five Loonings were killed and seven soldiers were wouuded, some very severely. t One of the officer's grooms was also killed. On entering the grounds the assassins cut down two gatekeepers, and passing through the kitchens demanded of a native servant ' where these foreigners were to be found ;' and on his denying any knowledge, they wounded him mortally with their swords. One of the priests likewise was cut down but was not killed, and is doing well. Amongst themselves, the Japanese think very little of death aud wounds, affrays are so common ; the importance of the present event is the rank of the intended victim, the Kepiesentative of the most powerfid of Sovereigns, and the audacity of the attempt. Their deliverance must indeed have been felt by all to have been most providential. Surely such an event cannot be passed over like the pi evious assassinations. "On the next day Mr. Alcock and the whole party visited the wounded soldiers. "It must have been a sad sight to see these poor fellows suffeiing, in obedience to orders, for foreigners with whom they had no personal sympathy. It is said their expression was very passive, but lightened up when spoken to, with an appearance of good-will rather than otherwise, towards the persons for whom they had bled; they willingly pointed out the position of their wounds, and acknowledged the thanks which were expressed for their effective aid. The bodies of the slain assassins lemamed where they fell, laid low by tiemendous gashes of the nature which it was their intention to have inflicted on our countrymen. Besides mangled arms and other wounds, the mortal blow seemed generally at the back of the head, through skull and jaws and tongue to the teeth — horrible to look at, but of course attended with instantaneous death. Close in the neighbomhood of the Legation is a suburb called Sinagawa, in a teahouse of which the assassins are found to have held a debauch previous to their undertaking. The government is sure to obtain information, but the question is whether they will communicate it to the foreign authorities. The immediate peni past, the diplomatic difficulties commence, and these aie almost more formidable than the former; they leqiure certainly much more endurance. Admiral Hope is expected here m a few days with two ships ! Few thanks, aie due to him'tHat he is not too late. "One thing is certain, proved by Japanese history, that an enterprise momentanly defeated is uot finally quelled ; and unless the British government deteimines, and that speedily, to support aud protect their representatives cast into the midst of hostile principalities, these will certainly sooner or later fall the victims of assassination. " There is much to be said m legard to our relations with Japan, which are entirely misundei stood at home, founded as they are upon a treaty which was what billiard-players would called a mere ' fluke.' My views on this subject I may communicate to you at another time, my present object being meiely a simple uncoloured narration of an event ; lack of time also precludes my atleinptmg more at the present moment. "Some details in the above may admit of correction ; remember we are 20 miles from Yedo with little communication, and the event is not a week old. — Yours, &c. "Flaneur. "Snanhai, July 18, 1861. "Note. — Mr. Wirgman has made two or three admirable drawings of incidents in the affair narrated, which wdl appear in the Ulusti ated London Neivs. "P.S. — I have just received another letter from Yokuhama, which says ' a Japanese merchant arrived here about noon of the day after the attack, so that he must have left Yedo soon after sunrise. He gave a foreign acquaintance many details, which could only have been learned from some of the escaped band. He stated that he had passed the previous day in Sinagawa, the suburb neai' the Legation ; that a band of 30 or 40 men had been knocking about all day, ending by a debauch, some of them in a particular tea-house kept by an old retainer of Prince Mito, and the usual haunt of his people ; that they paid their bill of 30 Itziboes, and went forth to the rendezvous, the gate of the Legation. Here all were to havejassembled at the tolling of a belL which occurred nightly at the same hour in a neighbouring ceremony. Before the time, however, a dog within the gate commenced to bark. Those who were ready thought it was a foreign dog, and that they were discovered. They, therefore, on the gatekeeper refusing' to open, forced their way in through the side palings, cut him down, and killed the dog. He also said that the village officers had informed the police during the day of the presence of the suspicious band. The truth of this ■ man's statement is evinced by the facts, that the entry was effected in the way said, that the gatekeeper was cut down, and the dog lay killed just within the gate. The question becomes important how all these and doubtless further details should be known throughout the village while the blood was still warm m the veins of those who fell. The speedy ai rival of effective aid, would also almost imply that the governmeut was forewarned. . It is said that the usual guard on the grounds being called on for aid, refused, saying that their duty was to write— in fact to spy — and not to fight. It is presumable that Mr. Alcock would quickly send these carpet knights about their business. "F."

The following is a copy of a circular letter addressed to the Foreign Representatives in Ycdo, by her Majesty's Envoy Extraordinary, -which We give as authentic though not official : H. M. Legation, ( Yedo, July 6th, 1861. Sib, — Last night, between eleven and twelve o'clock, the British Legation was suddenly attacked ; and an entrance effected at several /points simultaneously by armed bands of Japanese said by some to be Loonins", and by others Prince of Mito s men. Two of the members of the establishment, Mr. Oliphant and Mr. Morrison, were met in a' passage an^l both founded, the first I am sorry, to say very severely ; when a-momentary diversion was' effected by a shot from Mr, Morrisons revolver, which appeared to have taken effect. A few minutes later, the same or another division of the assassins sought to effect an entrance to the apartments occupied by myself, by breaking through and hacking in pieces some glass doors opening on to another suite, having mistakeu their way. To this alone, ' nuclei' Providence, we probably owe our lives, for several minutes were thus lost to them, at the end of whicli, some of

•Bandit. » l , tTho Authorities nko arosaid to have made a loturn of WUoiHVut'Uu* may have beon to exaggerate tUo Value of tholr Msistanco (tlio vrounUed vrsro icson.) '

the Yaeannis or Daimio's guard appear to li(vve come to the spot, and the assailants were finally driveu out of the house, after having penetrated into nearly every room except my own, leaving traces of thenpresence by slashing at all the beds and furniture. Marks of blood were found in various directions, and a, prolonged conflict to6k placa outside in the avenue and approaches to the Legation, with the officers and men on service. Such a deed of atrooity, perpetrated in the capital of a government to which Foreign Eepresentatives are accredited by the Western Powers, needs no, comment ; I only feel-it a duty to communicate, to my colleagues the facts for their guidance and information j and to acquaint them that, as a .temporary measure, I have ordered up H. M. S. ' Ringdove, and caused a guard of men to be landed. What measures it may be expedient to adopt for the future .security of this and the othor Legations in "Yedo, and the maintenance of those Into rfcional "rights and immunities bo grievously attached, bocomes a serious consideration ; and one, the pressing importance of which cannot well be overlooked. But on this part of the subject, I shall be glad to enter into further communication with you and the rest of my colleagues, shoidd you feel disposed to favour me with your views. — I have, &c, RUTHBRFOBD AxCOCIC

-(from the "china mail," augtjst 8.) Japan, that country of turbulent nobles and feudal loyalty, has just been the scene of an all-but-success-ful attack upon the chief members of Her Britannic Majesty's Legation. Accounts of this deed of barbarity are to be found iv another coluniu ; the story somewhat reminds us of the assassination of James I. of Scotland in the Blackfriar's Monastery at Perth, svith the very important difference that, in the present case, the scoundrels were unsuccessful in achieving their main object. The members of Legation, which now, we are glad to see, includes Mr. Laurence Oliphant, had returned from a most inteiesting and delightful tour through some of the pleasantest regions of this jealously guarded laud: the people along their route had shown them civility — and we know that both the Chinamen and the Japanese know how to be civil upon occasion, although we sometimes wish to believe them semicivilized — and they no doxibt considered their safe arrival in Yedo as matter for some little gratulation. They dined. While they were dining, a band of 1 uffians were engaged in a diabolical debauch in a house not very far away. The members of Legation bioke up after a very pleasant evening and retired to their separate chambers. The band of assassins now consideied that their nefarious work was easy of accomplishment. Advancing on the devoted dwelling, they killed the gate-keeper and the watch dog, De " sides any alarmed straggler who came in their way ; and then followed a confused and sanguinary onset, in the course of which Mr. Oliphant and Mr. Morrison were wounded. It is veiy much to be regretted that our representatives in Japan should be from time to time exposed to attack and assassination, but, as we oui selves aie continually asserting, the country, iv respect to political advancement, is some centuries behind us, and as nothing, certaiuly not a devastating war, will advance the Japanese three centuries in one generation, we cannot hope or expect ever to see the day when bands of assassins will cease to hold midnight oigies, or to finish those orgies by a deed of daikness like that now before us. We may spend ten millions and burn Yedo to the ground, but when all is done we will find ourselves much as we were — except the money spent and the lives lost in the operations. We must take Japan as we find it, and it cannot be too much deplored that we do find it in such a state ; or we must leave it altogether. Ono thing is certain, we cannot regenerate it ; such I -a task is not Herculean, it is impossible. These aie perhaps not pleasant truths to contemplate, bat they cue truths, and we should not close our eyes to them and enter on any blind policy as heretofore with China. There aie some pleasing features m the late unsuccessful attack upon the British Legation at Yedo to which we are glad to call attention. The 1 uffians were evidently suborned, and had so little heai t in their woik that they found it necessary to inflame themselves by means of a previous carouse. The native guards of the Legation pioved most providentially faithful to the trust reposed iv them, but for which all our countrymen had_ most probably been destroyed. The Japanese authentic? came piomptly in person to enquire after Mr. Alcock's safety ; this last may have been an act of dissimulation, but the other circumstances of the case do not favour such an idea. Had the guaids proved woibhless, as they certainly did not, the whole matter would have looked bad, but so far from this being the case, the various accounts go to prove that the Yacuuins, by their determined bravery, saved the lives of the entire embassy. We fancy this guard was that furnished by the authorities when they last took measures for Mr. Alcock's greater seciuity, and we see they have not played him false in this respect. However much we may feel, then, that this state of things will never do, there is some difficulty in naming a remedy. Allowing that the party in power should ask us to make our own demands, as it appears they did when Mr. Alcock was recalled from Yokohama, what aie we to leply? The great men of Japan live in places of strength, and keep a force always at command ; the probability is, that a Japanese noble could not himself hve nnmolested m a place &o slightly defended as the residence of the British embassy. If this be true, the conclusion that follows is as disagreeable as it is indubitable ; since we cannot suit the country to ourselves, we must suit ourselves to the country ; this is a case, if ever there was one, in which the mountain will certainly not come to Mahomet ; wheiher the latter will go to the mountain, it remains with Lord John Russell to determine. But supposing our Minister in Japan to do as the native dignitaries do, and to build for himself a place of strength, would his seciuity be greater than before ? Or would such a proceeding not operate as a challenge to the hostile Princes, and provoke from them a display of superior strength in the form of a strong and well-org«.uised attack upon such a stronghold ? The likelihood is that it would ; but as such a place, constructed by our own engineers, and perhaps garrisoned in part by our own people, would scarcely be taken by one stroke, time would be afforded for the friendship of the governmenfto be shown, failing which, we should have a sufficient cause of war — and there is some leason for supposing that this nation would not readily bring matters to the issue of battle. From all we can see of the present affair, it is only an assault, instigated by private malice, either against the governing party as we have hinted before, or against the British Legation, strengthened, as that has lately been, by the clear head of Mr. Laurence Ohphant. We feel sure that this providential escape will not be made the ground for a suspension of relations with this romantic land. Whether the failure of the recent barbarous attempt will or will not be followed by measures more desperate and on a larger scale, we must remain with some anxiety to lear n; meanwhile it is something to know thalb one or two ships of war aie almost at hand. There is some little mystery in the security of Mr. Harris^ and the members of other Foreign Embassies ; it is possible, however, thajt the recent invasion of Japanese privacy, by the overland journey from Nagasaki to Kauagawa, had aroused the resentment of certain men whose jealousy of strangers is only equalled by their own fantastic notions of honour. The following notice on the subject has since been issued by her Majesty's Consul at Kanagawa;—

British Consular Notification. KanaoawA, July 7th, 18G1. The undersigned, H.B.M.'s Consul, knowing that rumours are in circulation respecting an attack made upon H.M.s Legation at Yedo on the sth instant, by some disaffected Yaconeens,'begs to impress upon the minds of the British community that there is no cause for apprehension or alarm. H.M.s ship ' Ringdove' has gone, to Yedo, to protect H.M.s Envoy from further attack, aiid every means have been taken for the protection of British interests, in connection with the ships of war now lying in this porb. British subjects are requested to be careful how they walk about during the next week, the undersigned having heard that the streets of Yokohama are likely to be exceedingly crowded, and to remain at home during the evening. The undersigned again calls upon the British community to be calm under the existing circumstances, no apprehension for their safety being contemplated. F. Howard Vyse.

Letter from One op the Party. (.The following is another account,' by a gentleman present, of the late attack upon the British' Legation > in Japan : — ' _ «• ■ . " Ihave just rettirned from the trip through Japan, and shall, if all'go 1 wft^l, .send you an account of. it by the next .mail. At present, revolvers are' the order of the day ; "the second night of my^stay in Yedo an attack on the legation occurred of 'such a dotei mined nature as nearly to put au end to the whole of us. iWe had just retired to 1 eat after a merry dinner followed by a fow songs, when a loud knocking at the front door disturbed the even, tenor of our thoughts ; thinking there ,was a five or a disturbance among the coolies, we paid, no attention at first, but as tlio noise increased and footstep.? began

to lie heard running along the passage, followed by two pistol-shots close to my room, I thought it time to get up, and in doing so paw Mr. Oliphant and' Mr. Morrison bleeding awfully — one^ with a cut in his head, the other wounded in the arm and shoulder. We all went into Mr. Alcock's room and enquired what was up ; arms were produced, revolvers loaded, and every preparation j made for a determined resist>anoe, when an awful smashing of windows close to us, ..and various noises, made us sure that our end was at hand ; they got in at five different entrances, but the Yacunins must have been attacking them by this time, for they did not come where we were. A tumult was heard t outside, and we supposed the assassins had returned in force, for we had no idea of the numbers, when in rushed Yacunins aimed with swords, muskets, and lanterns; they piled their aims in front of the verandah, bayonets were fixed, bonfires weie lighted, and we kept watch every now and then, the watchmen's two bits of wood beat quietly, and we wero on the gui vke. More Yacunms, naked swords, and picturesque dresses — all the officers wore knickerbockers— a Looning had been caught ; this happened two or three times ; we watched under arms the whole night, and when daylight began to dawn we sallied forth in the grey fog to see the damage. The long straggling garden was filled with guards and watchmen in every diiection, ponies were tied up to the bamboo fence, dead assassins lay about with heads almost seveied from their bodies by frightful sword cuts ; one Looning, wounded in the head and every limb, was being cross-examined, and the shaved doctors were attending him ; he was surrounded by a fine guard and the scene was quite dramatic. Several ibeds had been cut about, books and chairs sliced with swoids, sliding partitions smashed and covered with blood, a red pool marked the road our two wounded friends had taken, the lanterns began to burn dim as the light of day appeared, disclosing picturesque and soldier-like gioups in all directions. The Japanese ministers came at five iv the morning to get an audience, which was grauted them ; at twelve, matters were discussed and pipes were smoked. A despatch had been sent in the night for the 'Ringdove,' she anived at about one o'clock ; a guard of marines and some dozen Frenchmen reinforced us, and the various rooms were re examined. I cannot conceive why they made such a noise, because they might have come in so many ways without disturbing us at all ; five of the Loonings were killed, three committed the "happy despatch," and one was severely wounded. Our Yacunins fought like tigers, and certainly saved our lives j seven or eight of them were woua.led, one dead — they say five of them, but we saw only those who were on the premises ; we went round, and they appeared quite dehghtod when Mr. Alcock thanked them. Two gatekeepeis were very severely wounded for refusing to open the gates, and. a gioom was killed. It was certainly an awful night and quite unexpected. Ido not know whether we shall ever hear who caused these men to come, though it is said said they are the Prmce of Mito's retainer's. Mr. Harris as usual is perfectly safe, and it is only against the English Embassy that these attacks are directed, — not from any ill-feeling towaids foreigners, but to embroil the present Japanese government with us, so that Mito may be revenged for having been degraded. Mr. Ohphant is doing well, and Mr. Morrison is all right. We came down here m a boat next afternoon, and have been heie ever since ; last night a report that Captain Vise's house was to be attacked was sent by the Governor, and a guard of Yaounins and Frenchmen sent down. The Admiral has not yet ai rived, though expected in a few days. Meanwhile, as I said before, rcvolveis are the order of the day, and ' blue funk' pievalent. No one knows what is gping to happen, but something is expected. We shall see. "

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Daily Southern Cross, Volume XVII, Issue 1452, 15 November 1861, Page 5

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JAPAN. ATTACK UPON THE BRITISH EMBASSY.— ATTEMPTED MASSACRE. (FROM THE "NORTH-CHINA HERALD," JULY 20.) Daily Southern Cross, Volume XVII, Issue 1452, 15 November 1861, Page 5

JAPAN. ATTACK UPON THE BRITISH EMBASSY.— ATTEMPTED MASSACRE. (FROM THE "NORTH-CHINA HERALD," JULY 20.) Daily Southern Cross, Volume XVII, Issue 1452, 15 November 1861, Page 5