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QUEENSLAND BEATEN BY 25 TO 15 (By Telcurapli-Press Association-Copyright <Rcc. June 20, 5.5 p.m.) Brisbane, Juno 19. Twenty thousand poopic witnessed the England-Queensland Leapuo football Eame, ivhlch was very fast throughout, Queensland opened the score with a. penalty goal. Soon Bacon (England) scored and Gronow converted. Wagstaffo captured l the ball and passed to Bacon, who scored, fironow failed to convert. Immediately after, Fewin (Queensland) kicked a coal from tho Held. On play resuming. Broadfoot secured the ball and raced up the win?. Thomas tackled Broadfoot, who scored. Thomas appealed, but tho try was allowed. It was not oonverted. Immediately after, Itocrers secure,d the ball, and eventually Stackwell scored. Gronow converted. ' Just before half-time, Paten (tlnoenßland) succeeded with a try, which was not converted.
There Was twenty-five minutes' play in tho second half before the fcore was altered. Queensland havincr the better of the play, and several times jioarly scoring. The English defenco held until they forced play upfield, where Gronow kicked a penalty ?oal. Roes (England) retired Inlured. The play developed rourh towards ♦he end. Stockwell received the leather from llogers and scored. Gronow kicked si roal. Queensland rose to the occasion, and Richards scored a try, which Paten converted. Almost on . time Sogers snd Wagstaffe wero prominent in a passing rush, which resulted in Bacon scoring. Gronow converted. The final score was England 25, Queensland 15.
Br Telegraph—Pr""? *n<HnMnn. Auckland, Juno 20. A torrential fall of rain yesterday afternoon necessitated the postponement of the Leaguo match, Auckland v. the Best of the Dominion, ns the Domain ground was a sheet of water. LOCAL MATGHESi The competitions under tho auspices or the Wellington Rugby Leaguo were continued on Saturday in fine weather, but the grounds were heavy. Newtown and Suburbs met at Newtown Park.' and after n Btrenuous strueelo tho latter wore successful. SUBURBS 19. NEWTOWN 3. Neither team was at its full strength In thiß game owing to Pollock and Woolf, of Newtown, and Rigby and Scott, of Suburbs, being absent with tho combined New Zealand team In Auckland. The abscnco of Pollock mado a vaßt difference to the loserß, their back and team play being disorganised. Tho score doeß not by any msans indicate the difference between the teams, tho play on the wholo being very even. Suburbs played downhill in the first half, and immediately set un a strong attack. The forwards, playing with good dash, worked down field, where from a scrum Lynch obtained possession sSd made a fine opening, Swaysland Bcoring. The kick failed. Nowtown then took a hand, and some fast, exciting play took place on the Suburbs lino, over-eagerness eventually spoiling the effort. Play was very hard and fast for some time, Petersen tfventnally beimr successful with a penalty kick. Shortly after Bmith obtained, And after beating his man sent out to Lynch, who cut in and beat the opposition badly. The kick failed. The opening of the Bccond spell was marked by a strong Suburbs attack, and Tanner scored from a loose rush. Nowtown attacked strongly, but their efforts lacked finish. A long kick to Newtown's fullback was charged down, by Lovey, who gained possession and sconed a good try. Swaysknd converted. Newtown mado strenuous efforts, and eventually Stroak scored fram a clever cross kick by S. Pollock. Play continued very fast and open, hut no further scoro was registered until tho last minute of play, when Dusky scored. Mr. 0. Murphy waß referee. JUNIORS. ,i The ifame between Petone North and Central, the two leading junior terms, resulted in a win for tho former by 21 pointß to The game waß fast and hard from start to finish, both tedmß bcintr very fit and willing. From a spectator's point of view there was not more than threo points between the teams. For the losers tries were scored by Hyhdman ana Bowers (one try was converted by Hyndman, who also kicked n penalty poal for the winners). Tetley (2), Ryan (2). and Bell scored tries. Ryan converted two, and Kenwood one. Mr. Evans was refereo,
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Dominion, Volume 13, Issue 228, 21 June 1920, Page 6
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685LEAGUE FOOTBALL Dominion, Volume 13, Issue 228, 21 June 1920, Page 6
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LEAGUE FOOTBALL Dominion, Volume 13, Issue 228, 21 June 1920, Page 6
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