it seems that Italy, quite as much as France,-; has 5 a -title . to call ;.itself. the "modern ' "Land of "Miraolfts." T*ie K oranu corresponden 'of the rDeutscherfiierkur says tha.t7hs was, assuredly a Cardinal that no week passed in which. not les9ithan two or three new miracles; at lea?t,t^e~rj^re"jw Roman congregation which is entrusted with the examination and Verification of snch phenomena,, andr-that^he siccounts are. always signed by a number ofcler^m.e»^o^pjit-,of-th;e-\Kay;parishes. How inventive the agricultural clerical mind is ih.fhTs^provfnce^^y-be gathered' from the amazing story of the "Maf donna of the Hens 1 " -AMiidorind 'delle' 1 Oalline. ThreerVears a£o,at-Pagani— a significant name for the village — not far from Naples, on the^rhpfrAprUijtlie: da j^(iedicated to Jj Thft_Se yen Sorrows '^'Map^V^'K^jbreip^ing^to the family "ofTofiora laid^an' e^g which exUib|teq an unuaualpand.npticeableYunevenness of Burfece'/japon^its^bell..; The. family concluded "tfiere' 1 was "a of superna^uraljiin^eriVentiqiir-innthis per*fectly natural phenomenbn, and called a cleric, after carefully scrutinising the i ie'gg«sjhel.K pflrceivea*t hat. the; roughened surface was nothing .more or ; less than ; 3 a 6 B'as- relief; tiW !^'ery "^aHistitfally £ 'cxci- ' .cutp^,,,of the.Lady . ; of §o o r ' the infant" Jesus in her arms. Such a t ipiecec- of -isMpernatjiral: sculpture: could not remain in private possession ;. it was taken to the'c'Kufcb^an^lfiid'upori the ailarTforithe veneM'tidnJtff !f the faithjful. Each succeeding year the parish • <BBS°ls^k» i atiWS i >3 amtißh^li|t ' ? JionouK7oftifchejqMadQnna«della.>U.alHn4 and tbe miraculous egg laid by Signora ! Tk^'splfaiP\fa$ a ßismffl Hie . jCpnAoiid.ajtiQnaf.qlattheHlfaUhi jiaf> 4toman Catholics in* au age of unbelief and 5 tio Y\iis b jUrl v ter' r *f)ie»'ffi^ <|,$i n^e, j aifgiteatj^prpcejsjqn ig^fhojiour;: ? of the marvellous egg was organised. The P^fj^try flocked to_ I^gani ;; from * tn"e~iurr^ulldin^^gK^o«rhl)od7"and a number of offerings Jvlere made to "Our .fiLadyipfcthe^Egg^^teoil x/.f ' — \1 '
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Bibliographic details
Clutha Leader, Volume VII, Issue 368, 29 October 1880, Page 7
Word Count
Clutha Leader, Volume VII, Issue 368, 29 October 1880, Page 7
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