AMUSEMENTS. CHRISTCHURCH CINEMAS, LTD. Present At The REGENT To-day at 2.15 p.m., 5 p.m., and 8 p.m. MARION DAVIES In “ HEARTS DIVIDED ” Dick Powell Charlie Ruggles Ed. Ev. Horton—Arthur Treacher. Claude Rains—Henry Stephenson. (Approved for Universal Exhibition.) Reserves D.I.C. or Regent, 34-616. MAJESTIC To-day at 12 Noon, 2.15 and 8 p.m. ON THE STAGE Afternoon and Evening ALOHA BAKER Explorer Her Adventures Exciting ! Thrilling! And “THE GIRL ON THE FRONT PAGE" Edmund Lowe Gloria Stuart. Reserves D.I.C. or Majestic, 33-537. (Recommended by Censor for Adults.) TIVOLI To-day at 2.15 p.m., 5 p.m., and 8 p.m. GUY KIBBEE In “ THE BIG NOISE ” Alma Lloyd, Warren Hull, Dick Foran. Sixty Hilarious Minutes! Outstanding Supporting Programme. Reserves D.I.C. or Tivoli, 32-810. (Recommended by Censor for Adults.) LIBERTY To-day: Non-Stop from 12 Noon. JOE E. BROWN in “ THE CIRCUS CLOWN ” He’s a Daring Young Man on a Flying Trapeze ! And Alice Faye George Raft in “EVERY NfGHT AT 8" Girls and Music ! (Approved for Universal Exhibition.) Reserves D.I.C. or Liberty, 35-067. r D A M n Continuous IjnAiND From 11 AM. WILL ROGERS in “ JUDGE PRIEST ” A Laugh a Minute—And “WILD GOLD” John Boles Claire Trevor. Buck Jones in “The Roaring West.” (Recommended by Censor for Adults.) SHIPPING. QRIENT LINE. ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS TO LONDON. Via Sydney,- Melbourne, Adelaide, Fremantle, Colombo, Aden Egypt. Naples, Toulon, Gibraltar. Channel Port. bvtOTRANTO bvtORFORD h’ORMONDE vtORONSAY hvtORION 20.000 Dec. 19 20.000 Jan. 1 14.853 Jan. 28 20.000 Feb. 13 24.000 Feb. 24 tFirst Saloon and Tourist. tFirst Saloon and Tourist B. ‘Tourist, one class only. hCalls Hobart. vCalLs Villefranche. bCalls Burnie. FARES, NEW ZEALAND TO LONDON; Ist Saioon from £B7 Single, £153 Return. Tourist, from £4O Single. £7O Return. Tourist B from £37 Single £67 Return. Above fares are subject to Exchange CORONATION, LONDON, 12th May. 1937. Early Booking is Recommended To Fremantle, Adelaide, Melbourne Brisbane. Through bookings from New Zealand to Sydney, thence by Orient Line round Australian Coast. UNION S.S. CO of N.Z., LTD., Agents. tTUDDART, PARKER, LIMITED (Incorporated in Victoria. Aust.) T.S.M.V. WANGANELLA, 10,000 tons. For Sydney and Melbourne. From Wellington December 15th (Noon). January 21st (Noon). February 19th (Noon) Auckland to Sydney February sth (3 p.m.). March sth (3 p.m.). Auckland to Sydney and Melbourne, January 4th (3 p.m.) Summer Cruises to Whangaroa Harbour, Russell, Bay of Islands, Port Fitzroy, and, from Auckland, Dec 30th, 1936. To Milford Sound from Wellington, Feb. 15th, 1937. • KINSEY and CO., LTD.. Agents, 154-156 Hereford street. FEDERAL STEAM NAVIGATION r CO., LTD. (Incorporated in England.) Regular Service to and from Avonmouth, Liverpool, Manchester, and . Glasgow. STEAMER—EarIy. For Freight Rates and Space Reservations. apply tB KINSEY and CO.. LTD.. Agents, 154 Hereford street TkUNEDIN AND * TIMARU U M.V. PORT WHANGAREI. TUESDAY. DECEMBER 22nd, 'Latest ’argo 9 a.m.) WELLINGTON, AUCKLAND, TAURANGA AND WHANGAREI. M.V. PORT WHANGAREI.' MONDAY, DECEMBER 28th. Latest Cargo 4 p.m. Thursday 24th. KINSEY and CO,. LTD.. Agents, K4668 154 Hereford street. 7V60K T S TRAVEL SERVICE FOR PASSENGERS TO EUROPE. VIA SUEZ. NCTBOOKING FEES. eservations and Tickets from COOK’S TRAVEL SERVICE, Hereford street, Christchurch. — 2 READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS BEFORE YOU BUY. RECAUSE it saves time, energy, and most important of all—money. In the realm of home management and in individual buying in general, the advertisements act as a market guide ... a guide not only as to where to buy and what price to pay. but often as a guide as to what to buy. Many things that make life more enjoyable and comfortable are first discovered in the advertisements. Many things that save on the family budget are discovered when the homemaker has learned to find the . news of what’s new by. watching the advertisements in “THE PRESS".
Page 1 Advertisements Column 3
Press, Volume LXXII, Issue 21969, 18 December 1936, Page 1
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