The Kaiapoi "Woollen Company have a very comprehensive display of thoir various manufactures, all bearing their ..■well-known motto, "All pure wool," which has made the- Kaiapoi "Woollen Company's goods famous, not only in { New Zealand and Australia. but throughout the world. Kaiapoi goods aro enquired for. The company manufactures all classes of woollens for suitings, and woollen mixtures in all the newest shades and blending, navy and black coatings, heavy reversible overcoating, and merino saddle tweeds and whipcords.- In ready-to-wear clothing are somo very ssnart juvfenil c- fashions for tiny hoys, and tho stronger and serviceable 6chool and business suits. Tho m,.n's ready-to-woor "suits are smartly cut and tailor-made, from pure wool, Kaiapoi and tweeds. There aro also specimen, of men's Kaiapoi overcoats, which have become so popular during tho past season/ Very smart caps aro shown in thc newest shapes and material, from the boy's school cap to tho motorist's cap, with goggles; some very smart models of Kaiapoimade ladies' costumes and coats aro also displayed. Kaiapoi rags arc shown in a splondid array of colourings, iv tho_ varioas qualities so well known. 1 Kaiapoi rugs aro enquired for from all parts of the world, wherever the Union Jack flies. Kaiapoi blanket* are vn evidence for tho fall .use double bed Ia various qualities, and the dainty silkbound merino blartkcta for children's cots. Kaiapoi hosiery is shown in .all qualities and makes that wool ca-gj&e knitted into; also ... men's "'&£§_ . and golf hose, boy. hose, :''fflfil fancy tops men's knitted ..£&. . and nants, men's muißers ' a.<| ladies hosiery in all qualities and white, pink, and natural, Men's, shirt-fc and pyjamas iv Kenhyr, cambric,, silk, and various other materials, are shown.; mado in the Kaiapoi Factory from irtrs ported materials.
Press, Volume L, Issue 15124, 13 November 1914, Page 9
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