Yesterday was. a "red letter" day in the history of th« Addington school, the occasion being a fete and bazaar to raise funda for a echool libriry, which is very badly needed. The fete was opened in the. afternoon, when hundreds of scholars and many adults were present. Tho function was continued in the evening, the school buildings being packed almost to suffocation. Tiie iiist part of the proceedings consisted of a review by .\i«jor Ashin vi, ol tho school <adets, under the command ot Lieutenant Morgan. Tho next item was an exceedingly attractive display of physical drill, with dumbbdis, "wands, Indian clubs «iud by n number of little girls, mootly dressed in white, who were trained by Misses Leverr-odgc, Bowden and Beck. A pretty littie incident w»s then witnessed, in tho presentation of a magnificent bouquet to Mr D-alziel (chairman of the rJducation Board), who declared the Ixizaar and exhibition open. This ceremony was performed by three email girls, one of whom eku rend a letter ot" welcome to -Mr T>i\lzicl, whiltk another pinned a small bunch of flowers in his coat, being compelled |to stand on a choir to carry out tho operation. There woe an excellent display of oil kinds of work executed by tho scholars, the exhibits including somo lino specimens in plasticine, also mapping, writing, composition, drawing, brush work, and other branches ot school work, somo especially fine exhibits in pencil and wtiter-colours by Musters Frank Penlington and Jack Wh<?lan being worthy of noto.
Both in tho afternoon and in the evening excellent business was done at tlit' stalls .'md side-shows. The stallholders were a.s follows:—Produce stall, Mosdames Seay, and A. nnd W. Johnson ; eewijig stall, Mesdnmes Schwartz, Downing, Morton and Jackson; art still, Misses Williams and Thonwe, Mo-dames Maude, Kennedy and Jlore; swectd stnll, Misses Suckling, Walker (3), and Mrs Walker; Christmas tree, Miss Bowden; fairy well, Mrs Gates; flower stnll, Miasee I'Anson end Beny; refreshment room, Messrs Burns and staff.
In tho evening a concert was held, items being contributed by Misses Francis, Bowden, Kcpple, Morgan end Hodges. Messrs Thompson, Scott, Rowlands, R. \V. Morgan, S. J. Morgan, Dickie and Parry, nlso tho school boye (under Mr Morgan), and the girls (under Miss Beck). Tho fete will bo open this afternoon and evening. The distribution of prizes will bo nwulo at 9 p.m., by Mi H. C. Lane (secretary of tho Education Board).
Messrs Turnbull and Jones ire supplying tho electric lighting free of cost, ■and tho committeo uro most grateful for tho manner in which the residents havo come to their assistance with sifte of various kinds.
Tho following are the officials •_ President, Mr W. G. Burns, 7*oe-pre-sidents, Mrs W. S. Bean and Mr W N. .Seay; treasurer, Mr Hans EenB , c "/; hon secretary, iMiss 31. S. Shirtcliffe. .
The competitions were judged by Misses Luxton and Turner, Misdomw \V. Keece, ftancarrow, Herman, R. W. Anderson and Walsh, and Messre H C Lano and Clomente. The following as
PRIZE LIST. OPEN COMPETITIONS. .Cooking:--Plum Cake: Mrs Mcc 1, Mr* D ° W ? xr Sandwich: Mrs W. BowPWnJ , ?" ff* I"*™1 "*™ a - &P<"'Ke Cake: Mrs iliss M. Bowden 1, ilrs W. .Bowden 2 Half, doeen Soonee: Mrs Carruthers 1, Mre W. Bowden 2. Turkish Delight: Miw L. Bean 1, Mrs D SluHchfle 2. Collection of Mixed Sweets: Miss B. Horns 1, Miss D. Seay 2. iaiioy Work-Set of Pincushion, Hatpin Holder and Hair Tidy: Mrs MoLellan 1, Mre 6cott 2. Crochet or Knitted Tie: Miss McKenzie 1, Mies Horrell 2. Cushion: Miss E. ltey.nolde 1, Airs Hore 2. Dressed Doll: Miss Felton. Painting (not cards): Mrs G. Johnston 1, Mr Wood/icld 2. Wood-carving—Miss A. Keppell 1, Miss A. Devcrell 2. Carved Tray: Mr B. Cado 1, Mr W. Jackson 2> COMPETITIONS FOR CHILDREN" UNI>F.R 15. Ccoking«—Sponge Sandwich: Dorothy Down 1. Ruth Gee 2. One Dozen Small Tarts: Eileen Champnees 1, Amy Sly 2. Six Scones: Edith Cross 1, Rosie Maurice 2. Toffoe: Albert Gordon 1, Caretco Seay 2. Fancy Work—Huckaback Cushion: Mudgo Walter 1, Adele .Seay 3. Dressed Doll: Millie Smart 1, Violet Merton 2; (under 10) May Dalley 1, Marion Sly 2. Twelve Fowls' Eggs: Sarah Down 1. Sidney Craze 2 (also two highly oommendeds).