GIRL SENTENCED TO DEATH (Becfived December 19th, 8.42 a.m.) LONDON, December 18. Emma, or otherwise Kitty, Byron was found guilty, with ti» strongest recommendation to meroy, and sentenced to death, for stabbing * Sbook Exchange derk named Baker. The tragedy is thus described in • Loo don paper of November Hths — it wm in it* port office passage, between Lombard street and King WuHarn street and jUrt outside the Lombard > street Post Office doom, that the crime was committed in the right of several people. It was just after half-past two o'clock when a sudden ciy of "Murderl" caused people at the post office counters to rush to the doors, and a crowd to gather in an instant in the narrow court. A quarter of an hour earlier, Kitty Byron, a young woman of attractive appearanoe—s%ht of figure, with dark eyebrows, black hair, and handsome ftature*--went into the post office and sent an express letter to the Stock Exchange. She -waited a few minute*, and then Mr Baker joined her. She carried a muff. They entered into conversation for some minutes. It became obvioue tfcat they were quarrelling, and when the loud and angry tone of their conversation attracted attention they Utt the post office and entered the passage. Then, while people were within a few yards, the young woman, it is alleged, drew I from her muff a knife with a blade several inches long, and quickly, with, much force, struck her companion with it in the face The blade penetrated near the. left temple, causing a terrible wound. Aβ the man staggered and turned, it is said that she struck at "aim again, and plunged the knife in near his heart and between hie shoulders. He fell Hterally in his blood. It Mas a spectacle that made the hearts of onlookers stand still. In a moment several men sprang at the girl, and handed her into the custody of a constable named Hunt. She seemed appalled at wbat she had done, and quletlv gave up the knife, the blade of which was kept open by a spring. She was taken to Cloak lane Police Station. The man was quickly placed on an ambulance by the police and taken to St. Bartholomew's Hospital, but he had died before the hcspßol was reached. The City detectives ascertained that II r Baker and the young woman have for a few weeks past been living together at ;i boarding-house in Duke street, PortlaaJ Place, where they occupied a bed-sitting-room. The young woman was known as Mrs Baker. Next day the girl was charged with the murder, and she said, "I killed him will-ii-giy, and b« deserved it. The sooner I am killed tbe better." Baker's real wife and children were living apart from him.
Press, Volume LIX, Issue 11461, 20 December 1902, Page 7
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