Our London correspondent writes under date, August' 29--:-—" It being announced a few days ago that 'tbe Rev. C. W. Carrington, Vicar of Christ Ghioroh, West Bromwich, has been appointed to the important post of head of Christ's College (upper department), Chri-tcburch,' I at once took steps to find out all I could about the new 'head of Christ's College, and I feel -oure that "any particulars will be read with interest in New Zealand. The Rev. Charles Walter Cbrrington ia the son of the late Mr H. E. Carrington, editor and proprietor of the Bath " Chronicle," Somerset-.- He was educated at Bath, and alter leaving school entered the School of Engineering at the Crystal Palace, Sydenham. Having) duly qualified for the profession, Mr Caraington went into the employ of Messrs E. Wilson and Co., of Dean's yard, Westminster. Later he joined the service of the Great- Eastern Railway, and made good progress. In the year 1885 he appears to have come to the determination to read for Holy Orders in the Church, and, accordingly, he went to Cambridge and became a student ia the University, taking bis B.A. degree in 3888, with second-class honours in the Theological Tripos. He was ordained Deacon in the same year, and took priest's ordtrs in the diocese of London in 1889 Mi Carrington's first curacy was at St Clement's Church, Notting Hill, W. He held that curacy until 1890, when the present Archbishop of York, Dr. Maclagan— then Bishop of Lichfield, appointed him Assistant Diocesan Missioner for Lichfield. In 1894 Mr <_a*r-__gton was presented to the fiving df Chri-t Church, West Bromwich, Staffordshire, of which parish be has been Vicar during the past eight years. Mr a_d Mrs Carrington purpose leaving England about the sth December for New Zealand, but they have not vet- decided by which route they will travel. They will probably go, however, either by one of the New Zealand Shipping Companv'** steamers, or else via Australia by the Orient line."
Press, Volume LIX, Issue 11398, 8 October 1902, Page 7
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