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Of the many training families resident at Newmarket, not one is more popular or more respected than the Hayhoea. Old Joseph Hayboe. the father of the present head of the Palace House stable, was one of the most popular men that ever resided at the headquarters of the turf. -" Joe" Hayhoe was a man for whom everybody had a good word. He was always " hail fellow well met," and few knew how to enjoy life better than he did. Buddy of face and hearty looking, he had a perpetually beaming countenance. He never forgot that speech of the late Barpn Rothschild afc Folkestone, when "Follow the Baron " became the cry of the Turf. Ac that time Hayhoe's paddocks were filled with good horses bred in " the Vale," where in late years Lord Rosebery has drawn his chief thoroughbreds. Joseph Hayhoe himself was born at a village called Coltashall, near Norwich, so that he is a Norfolk man. . His first experience in a training stable lasted sixteen years without a change of masteis. This was in the stables of James Edwards, who had many good horses, the property of Lord Jersey, under bis charge. These included Bay Middleton. Glencoe, Mameluke, Ibrahim, Achmet, Riddlesworth, Gienartney, and others. James, or " Tiny" Edwards, was father of a great many riders of that name In their time, including William, in his day a jockey and trainer to George IV., who granted him, a pension and part of the Palace stables aa a reward for faithful services. One of the best of James's sons as a jockey was Harry, who had only one eye. George, Chirles, Edward, and Frederick were all sons of James, and all followed the paternal calling. It is said that when George IV. once noticed his horses mixed with Lord Jersey's team whilst exercising at Ascot, he observed the lads that were on their backs, and as the answer to almost every question he putas to " Who is that %" was ''Edwards," the King exclaimed, " Bless mc t.what a lot of jockeys that woman breeds!" Joseph Hayhoe was afterwards head lad to John Scott, of Whitehall, when- that great stable was at Its zenith. In 1855 he became private trainer to -Baron Rothschild, which he held until the death of his employer in 1875. Amongst other horses he trained and had charge of were Favonias, Hannah, Corlsande, Klsber, and Sir Bevys, thus winning the Derby three times in the" " seventies."
Having such a father; it la nfluaronder that Alfred Hayhoe has done so well, and has held hie own with his rivals. " Follow thy< father, good son," is the motto that has apparently guided the. success of Joseph Hayhoe In his profession. Turfites who remember Baron de Rothschild's old trainer will bear as out when we say that Alfred Is a regular chip of the old block in personal appearance, conduct, character, .and Industry. Itissomethingoveraquarter of a century ago that Alfred Hayhoe first commences to ride exercise in his father's team at Newmarket, and soon after this, n 1935. he took up the calling of a jockey Increasing weight, though, was all against him becoming a rider of great renown and in a very short time he had*to give tp that profession. Young Hayhoe had exceptional opportunities in learning the business of a trainer, being attached to his father's stable, and there he went through all the gradations and the preliminary introduction to the calling that he has adopted. Being so well grounded in what may be termed the " science "of managing racehorses In the stable, it is no wonder that he has been so very successful. The first animals that Alfred Hayhoe ever grained oh his own account were owned by Count Renard. who was young Hayhoe's early master. These were Bauernfanger and Prlmas, and it win be remembered that the latter won the German Derby. Primas was by Ostregor, and Bauernfanger was by Grimston. both of their sires being sons of that splendid horse Stockwell. cCoant Bernard sent Primas over to this country as a two-year-old, .and he ran at the Newmarket Houghton Meeting. The main object of his visit to this country was that he should be trained by Alfred Hayhoe for the German Derby, which race he won in 1872, Primas only ran once as a two-year-old in England, which was in a race won by Mr G, Herring's- L-'Orient, who was by Lord. Exeter's old horse, Knight of th,e Crescent,. , Bauernfanger was a very speedy, good-looking horse, and the, facetious members of. the ring used to style him "Burn your fingers." As a tawse-yeau-old, In 1871, he very nearly beat Azalea fo* the Bretby Plate at the Craven Meeting, and then he won three races in succession, In one of which he cut down sacri horses as Bigby Grand* Anton, Moorlands, &c Count Benard was . a very popular German sportsman, and he was generally accompanied by the Countess when he visited our racecourses. He had a big, ponderous figure, with a jolly, laughing lace. The Count was Prefect of Nancy during the occupation of that town by the Germans, and after the war until.(the* indemnity money was raised. Count Renard did not, however, long survive that important era in the history of the Fatherland, and he was universally regretted by all the good racing men "with whom he came in contact in England. In lateryears Barbe Bleue, who won the French Two Thousand, was under the charge of Hayhoe. He had also some horses in hie stable belonging to one of the brothers Baltazzi, who were In England some years ago., John Day, Shillelagh, and Plunger were some of the horses he had at Newmarket, and it will be remembered that the last-named ran third for the Middle Park Plate. Another of Hayhoe's early winners was Midlothian, who tddk the Brocklesby Stakes at Lincoln in 1878, and Roeinante landed the Spencer Plate at Northampton in the same year. Hayhoe also had some horses belonging to the Duke of Fjestjand he won him the German Derby with Pirate, whilst another of his animals, the colt by Scottish Chief out of Katie, ran second to Beauclerc for the Middle Park Plate. Alfred Hayhoe's father died on June 5, 1881, upon which he was appointed private trainer to Mr. Leopold de Rothschild. TUI» gentleman h&s completely rebuilt the famous Palace stables, and at the present time that establishment is as complete as any in Newmarket, What was known as the Old Palace Stables were originally erected by James I. near the site of the pa)ace in which that monarch used frequently to reside. By-and-ty the dwelling fell into decay, but it was rebuilt by Charles IL, vrho also made many improvements in it. James 1., we may remark e» patxmS, was the flr-tt English monarch who had a residence at Newmarket. Ever since Alfred Ha: mc became trainer to Mr. Leopold de kotlMchild he. has done welL In the first year, 1881, he woo thirty raoes in a short season, and in the next flat-racing campaign he captured fifty, whilst in ras3 he won slaty events. Horses that ttsed to carry the Menfcmore blue jacket and yellow cap In the early days were Fashion, Brag, Lncerne, Valentine, Tunis, Isabel. Nellie, Hamako, Fetterless, »nd many others. Daring the past ten seasons that Hayhoe has looked •Her Ms Leopold de Eothechiid's horses at
Palace House he has decidely done, his work well. It is impossible, however, for a trainirto wio rich and important races if be does not have the cattle to do it with, and it must be said that Alfred Haphoe has nofc been particularly favoured Iα that respeefc. Since Baron de BothiMShUd has joined the stable, and he has laid out Bloc of tnofley in purchase of the yearlings bred by M". Lefevre at Chamant, matter* nave improved, bat up to that time the horses that had been located under his charge had not been much above escona class. Still, Mr Leopold Bothchild did very well In 1883 and 1884, and he won stakes in the former season, and £10,931$ , in the latter. The season of 1885 was rather a disastrous one for the dark blue and yellow cap, as the bearers of these popular colours only won £2,315, but matters improved some what in the follow- ■ ing year, as the total reached £4,896. In 1887" there was once again a drop, •* as although Mr. Leopold .da Bofchsohild ft horses only won fifteen races worth £2,828, aad Baron de Roth«*ehUd** four I contests valued at £1,924. the candidates had never been fortunate iii important races In England. In 1888 Mr Leopold de Rothchlld's horses won fifteenraces worth £4,298, and Baron de Rothschild's three valued at £1,212. The principal event was the Althorpe Park Stakes with Ero*. The best season that Alfred Hay hoe's stable has had up to the present time was that of 1889, when several good races fell to the share pf the Palace House horses. Altogether Mr Leopold's thoroughbreds were successful in twenty races with £8,959, and the Baron's in nine events worth £0,156, the former standing sixth on the list of winning owners. This sportsman had a good chance of winning the Derby with Morglay, and Fred Barrett was claimed to ride him, so that Tom Loates was fortunate enough to ride the Duke of Portland's horse. At the commencement of the racing campaign that has just passed away, Alfred Hayhoe's prospects looked very bright. Baron de Rothschild had a couple of horses in Lβ Nord and Heaume who were expected to show very prominently in the classic races of the year. Unfortunately, the former was very unlucky. In France Heaume won the Poule d'Easai dcs Poulains, or the French Two Thousand, and the Prix dv Jockey Clnb, or the French Derby, but he unfortunately met with an accident in that race, which prevented him running for a long time. His next and last appearance was in the Doncaster Sc. Leger, when he was struck into and severely hurt. Le Nord ran second to Surefoot for the Guineas, and to Sainfoin for the Derby, ! and ultimately he developed a will of his own. However, the two former did fairly well, Mr Leopold de Rothschild securing 26 races worth £9,396, and Baron de Rothschild ten, valued at £7,377. Lactantius carried the blue and yellow cap to victory in the Spencer Plate at Northampton, and beat Signorina for the Electric Stakes at Sandown Park, amongst other races; Bumptious also did good service, as did Boiart, Prismatic, Lack-a-Daisy, and others. Baron de Rothschild's best performer was tbat very smart two-year-old, Haute Saone, who will most probably secure next year's One Thousand and Oaks. Hayhoe s greatest success during the past season was with Alicante in the Cambridgeshire, which race the I French mare won so handsomely for M. I Ephrussi. Beauharnais also won the July Stakes for Baron Rothschild, and it, is unfortunate that neither this horse nor Bumptious are engaged in the Oaks, Derby, or St. Leger. Hayhoe's prospects look wonderfully bright for the coming season, and. the aboved named horses, assisted by Mardi Gras, Gjdwit, High Havens, Flibustier, Galloping Queen, and the yearlings, which we hear are a very promising lot, make it look as it Palace House will be one of the most successful of all the Newmarket training establishments during the season of 1891. We heartily hope that these bright prospects will be confirmed.— LUxnaed VtctuoUera , Gazette. '
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Press, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7803, 5 March 1891, Page 2
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1,916THE ROTHSCHILDS TRAINER. Press, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7803, 5 March 1891, Page 2
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THE ROTHSCHILDS TRAINER. Press, Volume XLVIII, Issue 7803, 5 March 1891, Page 2
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