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SPBEYDON. The ordinary monthly meeting of the above Board was held at the Road Board office, Lincoln road, on Monday, January sth. Present—All the members, the Hon. Ernest Gray in the chair. The clerk's monthly report was read as follows: —1. In accordance with instructions I have interviewed Messrs Johnston and Wilson re the drainage of Johnston street. Mr Johnston strictly adheres to the conditions stipulated in his letter to the Board. Mr Wilson is willing to allow the drainage through hie land, provided that the Board will improve and maintain in good order the entire length of the drain, which will be about eight chains, and erect an outlet culvert of sufficient capacity across the footpath in Selwyn street, and also allow him the sum of J£s per annum for the use of the land. If the Board considers these conditions unreasonable, the only course left is to take the required strip of land under the Public Works Act for drainage purposes. 2. One of the approaches to Prebble'a bridge has broken down, which renders the road unsafe for traffic. 3. The receipts since last meeting were : —Rates, JE96 9a IOd ; Selwyn County Council, dog fees, £2 33 6d; from aft sources, .£93 133 4d. Credit balance at Bank, £360 3a. On .the eubject of Clause 1 Mr Drinkwell interviewed the Board, and bitterly complained of the nuisance caused by stagnant water in wet weather, which renders the houses in the south end of the street uninhabitable. A long discission here took place as to the liability of the Drainage Board to provide an outlet. Resolved—That the Board take no action in the matter. Clause 2. Resolved—That the work be attended to at once. Tho remaining portions of the report were adopted. Proposed by Mr Bull, and seconded by Mr Brizley— " That two men be put on to work on the roads at once." Mr Ashworth stated that he failed to see where there was any work required to be done on the roads. Messrs Bull and Uiizley pointed out several places where even Bix men could be advantageously employed. The motion was carried, Mesers Amyes and Ashworth dissenting. Proposed by Mr Amyes, and seconded by Mr Ashworth, "That only one man be employed." Lost on the voices. A deputation, consisting of Messrs Henderson, Garforth, and Green, interviewed the Board re forming and shingling the road known by the designation of Henderson's road. Mr Henderson stated that this road very much required to be formed and shingled before the winter sets in, as they all knew from experience that it was simply impassable in wet weather, thereby rendering a large tract of the best land in the district entirely useless to the owners and occupiers, and hoped that the Board would favorably consider the matter. Mr Green stated that he would have to abandon his land unless the road was put in order. The Chairman informed the deputation that this being only a half chain road the Board could not do anything in the matter, as a resolution was passed about six years ago that no roads less than a chain in width be taken over by the Board for the future. Mr Henderson stated that this road was in existence before the Board, being an old Canterbury Association road, and did not requ're to be taken over. The minutes were referred to, which ehowed that the resolution alluded to did not affect any of the roads then in existence. The deputation having thanked the Board retired. It was resolved that the road be formed at once. Correspondence was read and dealt with as follows: —From the Works Committee of the Sydenham Borough Council, asking if the Board will agree to pay half the expenses in prosecuting Mr, Robert Russell, under section 189 of the Municipal Corporation Act, 1876, for obstructing- Strickland street, by erecting a fence so encroach thereupon, Resolved—That the Board will not contribute to the expenses, as requested by the Borough Council. From. Messrs Harman and Stevens, oa behalf of Mrs Simeon, widow of the late Captain Simeon, one of the earliest Canterbury settlers, and owner of B.S. 154, asking if the Board will oblige her by giving to the road known as Wilderness road, between R.S. 154 and 76, the name of Barrington road, as there ie now no property named the Wilderness, and therefore there does not appear to be any object in retaining the name. Resolved—That Messrs Harman and Stevens be informed that the Board does not object to change the name, but it is of opinion that it will be difficult to give effect to it. From the Waimakariri River Board, calling attention to the fact that no payment has yet been made by the Board on account of rates for the current year, and requesting that a cheque be forwarded for any rates in hand, and to urge on the collection of the balance as expeditiously as possible. Resolved to forward a cheque for all rates collected up to date. From the County Council forwarding cheque for the sum of JJ2 3a 6d, being proportion of dog fees from July te September. Some minor correspondence was read and dealt with. Accounts amounting to JEIO9 10s 2d were passed for payment, and the Board adjourned.
The Boston Society of Natural History have adopted a policy with regard to their library which, if generally followed, wonld make scientific libraries more generally ueefol. The Society sends such books as can be replaced to students in any part of the countt y. The receivers, of course, pay tho coat of carriage, and, in addition, strangers are required to deposit a sum equal to twice the market value of the books so lent, ac a guarantee against loss. A bureau of scientific information has been formed in Philadelphia, composed of officers and members of the Academy of Science, whose duty shall be the imparting, through correspondence, of precise and definite information upon the different departments of science. The organisation is purely voluntary. The Secretary is Professor Angelo Heilprin, of the Academy of Science.
Bshshbxb This.—lf yon are sick Hop Bitters will surely aid Nature in making yon well when all else fails. If yon are costive or dyspeptic, or are suffering from any other of the numerous diseases of the stomach or bowels, it is your own fault if you remain ill, for Hop Bitters is a sovereign remedy in all such complaints. If yon are wasting away with any form of kidney disease, stop tempting Death thia moment, and tarn for aoureto Honßiftera. If yon are sick with that terrible sickness nervousness, yon will find a "balm in Gilead" in the nae of Hop Bitten. If yon are a frequenter or a resident of a miasmatic district, barricade your system agains the scourge of all countries —malarial, epidemic, bilious, and intermittent fevers—by the nee of Hop Bitten. If you have rough, pimply, or sallow akin, bad breath, pains and aches, and feel miserable generally, Hop Bitbera will give yon fair skin, rich blood, and sweetest breath, health, and comfort. In short they cure all diseases of the stomach, bowels, blood, liver, nerves, kidneys, Bright's disease. J&500 will be paid for a case they will not "-cure or help. Druggists and chemists keep. That poor oedridden invalid wife, sister, mother, or daughter, can be made the picture of health, by a few bottles of Hop Bitters, costing but a trifle. Will you let them euffer?—[Abvt.l
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Press, Volume XLI, Issue 6027, 9 January 1885, Page 3
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1,252ROAD BOARDS. Press, Volume XLI, Issue 6027, 9 January 1885, Page 3
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ROAD BOARDS. Press, Volume XLI, Issue 6027, 9 January 1885, Page 3
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