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The Rev. James Buller, whose decease we recently announced, was a native of Cornwall, England, where he .was born in December. 1812. In early manhood he emigrated to New. South Wales, but after a stay, of a few weeks only in Sydney, came on to New Zealand as, tutor to the sons of the late Rev. Nathaniel Turner Mr Turner was then a' Wesleyan missionary in Hokianga, and after the lapse of twelve months Mr Buller also entered upon mission work. For three years on the Hokianga station, he was associated with Messrs Turner and Hobbs, and saw Mission work in its palmiest days.' Heathenism was forsaken, cannibalism checked, schools erected, and slaves were 7 manumitted, while large congregations listened to the preaching of the Gospel. In 1839 Mr Buller was removed to anew station called r Tangiteroria, on Wairoa river. There, with the exception of a short time spent at Mount Wesley, on the same river, he labored for fifteen years as a Missionary to the Maories. His work involved much exposure and canoeing, and long absences from home,, but being strong and hardy, he evangelised the" Native tribes in that district, and at the same time taught them the arts of civilisation, and around the mission station literally made "thewildernesstoblossomaßtherose." He was a resident in Wairoa when these islands were proclaimed & British Colony; .and,, durirg Honi Heke's war m the North was able through' loyal Natives to apprise the Government a. of menace intended to the then rising, settlement of Auckland. Iv 1854 Mr Buller, for the purpose of educating his children, was obliged to leave his bush station, but he always cherished a deep interest in the Maori people, and by many of the old men his labors are still gratefully remembered. Mr Buller has eeen daring his life the rise of all our New Zealand towns... When the only European residents ia Auckland dwelt in tents, he visited them in the exercise of his ministerial duties. In the latter part of 1839 be started from Kaipara for Wellington. The whole of the journey wa3 accomplished on foot, and in Port Nicholson Mr Buller preached to the first of -the. New Zealand Company's Wellington ■-■ immigrants on board the ship Aurora. In 1855 he took up his residence in Wellington, and for five years labored as minister of the English Wesleyan congregation there with marked success. He had also several Native churches under his care, and frequently visited the outlying districts, extending his journeys through the Wairarapa on one hand, and to Wanganui on the other. After six years in Wellington he took up his residence in Christchurch, and as the Superintendent of the Wesleyan denomination, his sphere of labor extended from Lyttelton to the Kowai Pass, and from the Ashley to the Selwyn. .He was then in fuU vigor, large congregations attended his ministry, and the present Durham street Church standsas an enduring monument of his labors, while by many Canterbury residents his visits, to their homes are still remembered with great pleasure. Subsequently Mr Buller labored in Auckland for four yeara, afterwards on the Thames Goldfield for three, and then returned to Canterbury for a second term of service. In 1876 he retired from the active work of the ministry to pay :a long meditated visit to England, where he. remained for five years. During his residence there by the publicationof his books, "Forty Years in New Zealand" .and {\ New Zealand: Past and Present." he directed the attention of many English people to this land, who are now among onrbest colonists. Since his return to the colony in 1881 he has resided on the Papanui road, and for a time rendered valuable service to the churches of theSt. Albanßcircuit. Twoyears ago, disease laid the strong man low, and for several months past he has been confined to the house, so that his death was not unexpected. - By his brethren of the Wesleyan ministry, and the members of that Church gene- ! rally, the deceased gentleman was held in the highest esteem. For twenty years he held the responsible office of |man of the district,"..ln 1864 he was elected President of .the Australasian Conference in Melbourne, and eleven years later received a unanimous vote as President of the New Zealand Conference.. An able preacher; "he war also a capable administrator, and organised the Wesleyaa Churches in Tlmaru and Westiand. He also took considerable interest in public affairs. - His advice on Native matters was bftensought by Dr. Featherston when that gentleman was Superintendent of the Wellington province; During his earlier residence in Canterbury he was for several years a member of the Board of Governors of Canterbury College. Few men were, more widely known in New Zealand, and everywhere his kindly disposition, exteneive information, and deep interest inthe colony, gained him troops of friends. Ihe reverend gentleman leaves a widow, nve sons and one daughter, to mourn his loss. The funeral of the deceased took place on Nov. Bth. There was a very large following of carriages when the cortege left the half-past two* The service was held in the Durham street Wesleyan Church, by the Beys. Morley, Aldridge, and Williams. The Rev. ; Mr Best, with many other clergymen, were prasent. The church was deeply draped in black - and the services were very impressive. The congregation quite filled the church. The services ended, the funeral procession set out for the cemetery where the body was interred.
The death of the Rev. J. Buller, Wee- j leyan Minister, was solemnised bye special service held at the Durham street Wesleyan Church on Sunday, 9th, and attended by a large audience. The church was draped in black. At the conclusion of the sermon the choir sang the anthem "Blessed are the dead whoidie m Hie Lord*' and the organist the "Funeral March*' as the congregation dispersed. The President of the Conference, the Rev. Morley, delivered the j obituary - address,- which was, a most impressive one, and! during the hour occupied incite deEvery was Listened, to
in profound silence. The rev. gentleman chose as the subject for his remarks parof the S6th verse of the Mth eh. Acts ofthe Apostles, " David after he had served his own generation, by the will of God fell asleep and was laid unto his fathers." Having given an outline of David's character, the speaker came to that of the Rev. Mr Bailer, who was a man who had served the Lord in his generation. He searly found his subject and successfully completed his task, during the accomplishment of which he witnessed the many _ changes which have taken place in the colony in his time. He was consistent throughout, a white flower of a blameless life. Very little was said in eulogy of what the deceased had done in the cause of the Church, as the speaker considered it out of place to do bo, but a condensed description of his life and character was given, the greater part of which has already been published. The salient points touched upon were his energy, determination, firmness, courtesy, sympathy, and regard. Instances were quoted to show that he had studied others rather than himself; that he was a man of definite views, and no bigot, and as concerned his family he was a most attentive husband and devoted father. The sympathy of the . Wesleyan. connection was tendered to the bereaved widow and family, and for themselves they wished they might die the death of the righteous. . A special service was also held at the St. Albans church.
On Sunday evening, November 9th, the Rev. W. J. Williams, of the Lyttelton Wesleyan Church, delivered a funeral sermon upon the late Mr Buller. The text by which the sermon was Ecripturally applied was from Revelations xiv., part of verse 13—" Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord." The sermon which was delivered with great. earnesti ness, was listened to by a large congregation with deep attention, and created a marked impression. The pulpit was draped in mourning, and at the conclusion of the service, • which lasted until long after the usual hour, the " Dead March" was played as the congregation left the church. At the Kaiapoi Wesleyan Church on Sunday the pulpit was draped in black, and the Revs. J. A. Simmonds and J.~ A. Luxford referred to the death of the Rev. J. Duller in fitting terms. The Wesleyan Church at Bangiora was also in mourning, and the Rev. W. Rowse referred to the decease of one of the earliest Wesleyan missionaries in a suitable way, paying a tribute to the energy and perseverance of the deceased gentleman ■in promoting Christianity among the Natives of this colony. Suitable anthems and hymns were sung" at all the services. Memorial services for the Into Eov. Jas, Buller were conducted on Sunday in the St. Albans and Durham street Wesleyan Churches. Each service was conducted by Rev. William Morley, President of the Conference, who was assisted in the morning by E9V. F. W. Isitt, and in the evening by Rev. E. "Best. ' A large congregation at St. Albans, where the deceased gentleman worshipped during late years, testified to the respect in which he was held. In the evening the Bpacious Durham street church was filled. Hymns appropriate to the occasion were sung, and the solo from the Messiah, " I know that my Redeemer liveth," was rendered at the morning service with 'great- feeling. In the evening pope's ode, "Vital Spark," and the anthem, "I heard a Voice from Heaven," were sung. The text chosen by Rev. Morley was Acts riii., 86,-" David, after he had served his own generation by the will of God, fell on sleep, and was laid unto his fathers." The preacher regarded this as a-brief record of a useful life, and a Christian view of death and the hereafter. After a reference to their truth in reference to Israel's great king, these points were spoken of as illustrated in the life and labors of the deceased minister. A biographical sketch of Mr Buller followed, and mention was made of his energy, firmness, and Courtesy. His labors for the good of the colony were dwelt upon at length. | Reference was made to the maturity of bis Christian character, his resignation in sickness, 'and his peaceful death. Grateful testimony was also borne to his distinguished and long-continued service in the j Church.
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Press, Volume XL, Issue 5998, 3 December 1884, Page 3
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1,736OBITUARY. Press, Volume XL, Issue 5998, 3 December 1884, Page 3
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OBITUARY. Press, Volume XL, Issue 5998, 3 December 1884, Page 3
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