Auctions. SALS OF V.D.L. TIMBER, PALINGS, AND SH.SIGXES. ' Ex Swordfisb, from Hobart Town. WH. HARGREAVES will SELL by » PUBLIC AUCTION, on WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, : .-_■» ■: " AT TBM . . CHRISTCHUROH STATION, As above, THE OABGO, EX SWORDFISH, Consisting of— 228.000 shingles 22,000. paling*, 5 feet 80,000 palings, 6 f«»et * 20,000 feet timber, 3 x 2 and 4 x 2, in lengths from 8 to 18 feet. Sale at 1 o'clock. Terras at sale. 8-4 SALE OF BINE NEW TEAS. THUEBDAY, BEPTEMBEB 9. WH. HABGREAV-tS is instructed to a SILL BY PUBLIO AUCTION, AT HIS BOOMS, CATHEDRAL SQUABS, As above, Immediately after the Sale of Sugar, 200 boxes fine congou 65 half-chests fine congou 25 chests fine congou., Terms at sale. 9-7 —_-_—._.———-_ M ____«,______. 92S2SSS2SZS2E2 11« ■ '~~~^~= Merchandise, &c. THAMES GOLD FIELDS. J* S. BENNETT has received instruo--6 tions to OFFER FOR SALE— SOB IP S H A B TB S, As follows:— 84 Shares in the Ballarat Kohinoor Gold Mining Company. 100 Shares Southern Enterprise. Further partio-lara apply to 7 J-H. BENNETT, o.y Hereford street. THB UNDEBSIGNEP hate on SALE— 1000 tons best Newcastle coal SO toi» oorrugated iron, various brands Horse drays and spring carts 4^.7. Building materials of all kinds. THOS. & Bf-PATITT g._s i GHcraoestar street. ——_—_—__—_——» 11, ■ i ——«——— '' ——————————— fl S B D S. TWO SOffS ?icEY'£f PERENNIAL UYB GBABS One.ton Italian Rye Grass One ton Cocksfoot Two ton« Cloven Ttfo ton* -tape Mangold,.C,arrot^Turnip, and every de- «' l ;T «srip€io!ri of and Flower .Seeds. . W.WILSON, 8-28 Nursery and SeedsmaiU OATS. aSd 'wMWhJfta M>i- sale In any quantities. Also, a fine sample of seed barley. J. H. BENNETT, ' < ' Hereford street; or s - * _S; GRIFFITH, 3-12 Imperial Stores, Railway Station. ah nit uT. 7 J.j.-.jJ., -. w '..- "*.i ii., l ,-!■"-'/ T \ .UMBEfi. TIMBER. TIMBER. ~*,■*. Of s_g&s Buuding Materials of all kinds/" Posts and rails, in large or small quantities ■' ■"■ ; * ; ■■■ * - : *'' Doo*feftnoVaashes, cheap—a large variety Best &_wbo3, in any lengths. ' BEST NEWCiSTLEFcRKENED COALS aY depot will he promptly attended to, and either delivered or otherwise es may be required. gfcipJaenta of the above constantly arriving. O-lff*. and Timbar Yard, Tuam street; ~ Coal Depot, Railway Station. 9-4 ■ o *if-'X"^'..'•■ ® X^J'\Y' : s & . % J^ io A ; L jt\_.; [. A° FIBST-aCiASS SAMPLE. §-B.''V:- ■ .S\\r a GENERAL SERVANT, coolLmg ant good references. Apply between the hotirtf elf tan and two, to Mra 09OSf s Haht, Cashel street west. "1 9.6 a mmmAL SEBVANT ; VT- Good references ~-*&atote-AM&fc'*i> '%&n Jofcai^ , 7 arsonege. — - g^ TTIJASnraD, an experienced GENERAL Vjsm*kvo&%m&} A Aa#rWl. 4 ; office ■i; a*f tMs ' —■ — 8-X1
Page 4 Advertisements Column 1
Press, Volume XV, Issue 1996, 8 September 1869, Page 4
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