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The barquentioe Viotor Eugene arrived at St Pierre on the evening of April 27 with four sum. v irs from the fishing brigantine VailaDt, which struck upon an iceberg off the Grand Banks on the 14tb of April. The ship struck with terrific force, splitting her bows open. Some of the crew who were below at the time were drowned by the inrushing waters, others on deck were crushed by the falling spars. The vessel beid together for a short time after she struck. The boats were hurriedly launched ; but these proved insufficient to take off the whole of the crew, who numbered seventy-three. So far as is known, only one boat — the dory — with seven hands on board, succeeded in getting away from the vessel. She w,aa adrift for five days, the cold being intense. During the whole time there wa* uo food in the boat, and three of the crew succumbed fr.»m* starvation and exhaustion; the remaining four men saved t eir lives by eating the b.<dy if one >f their dead c xnrades. Wneu they were picked up by the boats of the Victor Eugene the survi« vnrs were suffering severely from frostbite, apd it was found necessary to amputate either arms or legs in eaoh case. It is believed that all the others, numbaring (jt>. have perished, making the t .tal number of livrs lost 69.

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Bibliographic details

Bay of Plenty Times, Volume XXIV, Issue 3570, 12 July 1897, Page 2

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TERRIBLE TALE OF THE SEA. Bay of Plenty Times, Volume XXIV, Issue 3570, 12 July 1897, Page 2

TERRIBLE TALE OF THE SEA. Bay of Plenty Times, Volume XXIV, Issue 3570, 12 July 1897, Page 2