The following abstract of tho 'performances' of this young 1 scoundrel, who managed -to effect his escape from the Dubbo lock-up, is furnished by the ' Yass Courier:' —'John Dunn joined Hall and Gilbert in j October, 18G4; ihe two Latter having bc^n engaged in active busUimnging for two years and a half previous. He was a wel • come recruit to Hall, the gang having'just experienced reverses in the wounding of Dunleavy (which led to the latter's ultimate surrender), and the capture of-Mount, alias the ' old man/ by the police and black trackers, after a chase of 200' miles firm of Hall, Gilbert, and Dunn then .went a-head as follow :—1864:— 24th October, robbed Mr. Chisholm and others on the highway near Goulburn ; 27th October, robbed Mr. Macanslrs station ; 28th October, robbed the Albury mail, near Jugiong Creek; Bth November, robbed Mr. Rossi's station, near Goulburn ; 9th Novembei*, robbed the Goulburn mail, sis miles from Goulburn; 11th November, robbed the Yass mail, on the Breadnlbane Plains ; 15th November, robbed tho- Gundagai moil, near Jugiong, after a desperate fight with the armed escort, which resulted in the death of the gallant Sergeant Pany, shot dead by Gilbert; 19th November, stuck up and plundered Mr. Clarke's station, Botero; 19th December, robbed the Goulburn mail, near To wrong; 27th December, robbed Mr. Morris's store, Binda, forcing the proprietor and his wife to attend a bail at the neighboring 1 tavern, winding up the orgie by adjourning to Mr. Morris's store and burning to the ground; 30th December, robbed Mr. Davidson on the Murrumburrah Plains. ISGs —l9r.h January, robbed Mr. James Christ ie*'s j store; 25th January, robbed John Ross lon the Gap Road; 27th January, stuck up I several carriers near Collector; on the ! evening of the same day, bailed up tho hotel in Collector, Hull and Gilbert ransacking the premises, leaving Dunn outside on guard, who, seeing Constable Nelson approaching, shot him det>d without a challenge; Gth February, robbed the j Goulburn mail, twelve miles from Goulburn; 18th February, recruited their stud by robbing Messrs. Bowen and M* A lister of their racehorses; 23rd February, fought, the police near Burn's; put some of them horn de combat, and then escaped; 13ch March, robbed the Gundaroo mail, near Geary's Gap; 14th March, attacked the gold escort from Araluen, near ; Major's Creek, shot one policeman through the body, caused two others to perform a'flunk movement,' but the fourth trooper stuck to his post like a hero, and finally beat off the rascals minus the gold; 22nd March, seen in the neighborhood of Gardiner's old haunt, the Pinnacle; 24th March, rode up to Mr. Atkins's, Billnbong, mounted on Mi*. Morton's racers, stolen the day previous, refreshed themselves, gave their nags a feed, and left; 25th March, stuck up Mr. Jones's store in the town of Forbes, and took therefrom £90 in cash, and a nice assortment of winter clothing; Ist April, robbed Mr. Sutter's station, Boramble-; 10th April, bailed up Watt's Inn, Ncwrea; 11 th 'April, robbed Mr. Gallinrjre's store, and the White Horse Inn, Black Rock: lGth April, bailed up the Newbriggen Inn, extemporised a soiree dansantc, compelling everyone in the neighborhood to join the ' gay and festive scene;' 18th April, robbed Lee's station, Larras Lake; 25th April, robbed Cropper's station, Lachlan; Sth May, robbed two travellers seventeen miles from Marengo, on the Cowra Road; 10th May, stuck up Mr. Furlonge ; 13th May, Gilbert and Dunn encountered four police near Binalong; Gilbert shot (Uad; Dunn, though wounded, managing to escape. The gang by this time was reduced to one, Hall having, a few days previous, been | surrounded by tho police in tho bush, near Forbes, and fallen dead after receiving upwards of twenty wounds. On the lfnh May, Dunn, solus, stuck up Mr. Julian's station, Bogolojig, obtained fresh horse--flesh, and was heard of no -more* for upwards o-f seven months, until the lStliuh., when he was recognised and pursed by the police near M'Phail's station, Walgett. Ten days afterwards he experienced theiiite tho fate of Hall and Gilbert —that is, was. betrayed by those in whom lie trusted, and after a desperate fight with the police,^us wounded in three places and cagtureiL