SITUATIONS VACANT. X "ROOT Trade—Wanted Machinists and •« X> Denc-buieu; hlßheßt waeea. —10, lluskin v St.. Parnell. 'Phono 2354 A. 530 ~ TJOY wanted for fa-ctory.—W. Casey, |; -*-» Ueanniojit β-r. st>i t. "ROY Toe th« ofllce.—Kaiapoi 0 ■*-* Woollen Co., Wellesley St. 151 •; l>ol , , clean and smart, for lolly tray, n •*-? Grand Theatre.—37, yueen 'St. 23 a , "ROY, foT light juessages; good wages.— y'. •*-* Chemicals, Llmlied, OT. Fort St. 142 1 ' "R"^" , alll>l,t Hi wanted; good wages.—J. , -*-* C. Pelhaui and Sons, (Victoria -St. W. 550 •t "ROY, about 15; good wages, good prosT-- ±J peC'ts; refs.—M. Robinson, 81, Victoria ,i St. W U "ROIS wanted immediately.—John Bull t i Manufacturing Co., G3, Union St.. i- I A-uckland. 04s » TJOY, active, wanted.—G. T. Chapman, 7 ; -*-*' Stationer and Paper Merchant, Iβ, Swanaon gt, in. TJOYS wanted for factory.-Apply Fore--1 JJ man. Textile Bag and Sack Co., opp. ■ n City Markets. 14 s r T?'°Y, respectable, to assist on baker's -, \*-* cart: wages £].—J. D-avls, (Baker, 1!). •• I ] - d '' n Terrace. 635 -'."R'OY, smart, to learn trade; good wUjres; j, I-*-* escc:ient chance.—.l. Walters, .Saddler. 4 |5. Kit.cihener St. , 3 :"- T-i FoT warehouse.--Wm. T i J-* Crosher and Sons, Ltd., Electrical 3 ; Kneiiieera. I.orim St. 07 I, I "ROYS, f o r factory; good wanes, good t - 1 - , norklni- conditions. —Northern Boot [- I 'p.. r.fil.. 00-7.1. Federal St. 143 .", R UV or Vo "' 1, - smart, wa.Hcl at once; r "V highest wages.—The Empire Dvere. 358. '" f .' l "'eii St.. opposlle Town Hall. " 524 I"!"ROYS (121. respectable, wanted for sell- ■' L Ing In Victoria P.'.rk. to-morrow (Satur|day).—Apply sharp. Pell's Fruit nnd Con,'j ■ fpctiouey Shop 0, Patteaou St., Freoman's ;? i *_!■ j Ms • T-i OY ' INTELLIGENT WANTED n ±J FOR WAREHOUSE". , S. FCLLJAMES, 25, ELLIOTT ST. 37 '. "15 OY wanted for office ; splendid prospects y ■*-* for Intelligent youth ; Btate age nnd send credentials.—Spedding. Ltd., Wright's hSuildlnfts, Fort bt_ Auckliiud. 000 *J» it iiluiv wauLeu lor cuumry; ailJ -* round man; wages £1 lU/.—Address at STAR. SK! "R'RICKLAYBRS fj), KO o"d wages to good 5 ■*-* men.—Andy Aston, (5. John St.. Polisi)ul)y. . 172 BKIOKI-LYK-U wanted, cuinpeleiit take charge of Job; gnod wages.—Apply cor. WLlllatu St., Dominion ltd. Tram Terminus. 1 87 ■ Salpßimui. one wltii previous Vy e.vperlenre pret.; good commission.— 5 LM.D., 1), STAR. 147 C" IAHPENTERS wanted; good wages.— ' Apply on job, Curran St., Ponsonuy. N. ("ole, Builder. wanted; top wages nn'J fares.—Apply on job, Te Kotl, «, Orakel Rd., Uenincra-. 522 9 /"10AT l-'lulehcrs wanted urgently.—A. Corlirniie. 2«, Swanson St. 107 COOK (Plain), wanted: also HousemalriWaltress.— "Hlnemoa. " Alfred St. 129 OAIIfvENER, good, practical; constant em- . _ ployniont.-C. OS3. STAR. 71 ARDiENER wnnted for Parnell Tennis 'J 'Courts, three dnys week: cood -wages. G. 13. Bnker and Co., Ltd., Cpmmerce St. 3 - « l STONBWADLEIK wanted to build wall/ and repair stepn, etc.— Apply corner Williamson Ay. and -LlureouTt St., Grey , 2? 4 .pOMPETENT CLERK REQUIRED. The Glsborne Sheep I-'armers" Frozen • Meat and Mercantile Co.. Ltd.. require the services of a Competent Clerk, with Freezing and Costing Experience, to take charge of Factory Ofllco, Glsborne. Libern. salary to suitable man. -_ Applications, stating age and experience, must be ludged with the undersigned, with copies of testimonials attached, before the 15th September, 1020. W. F. CEDERWALX., General Manager. P.O. Box 78; Gisbornc. 503 jTiOIS (2) WANTED For Fittings Department. "c AUCKLAND GAS COMPANY, I- LIMITED. 512 a BOT, ENEiRCETIC, JUST DEFT SCHOOL. TVANTEID FOR lIA.RDART; STORE. Apply 3 ST'FPLIE-S, 'LTD., 68, Fort Street. 502 T3OY, SMART, RESPECTABLE, f. WANTED ,| FOR OUR DRUG DEPARTMENT, 1- }; aiso, jj ONE FOR THE OFFICH Apply to THE MANAGER, - KE'MPTHORNE, PROS3ER AND CO.'S ~ ( :>" Z. DRUG CO., LTD., Albert Street. f 57 /CARPENTERS, AT TE AROHA GLAXO FACTORY. >7 3/ per hour and found. Long hours. Apply A. E. CAVE. a On job, by letter, or wire. 575 a pOSTING CLERK, FOR OUR SADDLERY FACTORY. One with previous Saddlery Experience 0 Preferred. Good Prospects. FARMERS' UNION TRADING CO., Hobson Street. 552 JUNIOR CLERK WANTED. Good Prospects. Apply personally— THOS. COOK AND SON, Tourist Agents and Foreign Bankers, n New Zealand Insurance Building. 306 JUNIOR, SMART, WANTED FOE OFFICE. One with 'Little Experience Preferred. E Write JUNIOR, Box 23, Auckland. 149 YOUTH WA-NTEID FOR HiEDW'A£E ■WAKiEHIdTJSB. Good Pro»p«Cts. 1 ' Apply, P.O. BOX 656, AUCKLAND.