SITTJATIONS VACANT. BLACKSMITH wanted immediately, for sawmiilj must be good shoei| top wages.—Box 1, I-loropito. 6-is IJLACKBMITH1 NG—Wanted, Boy to learn * trade, or Improver.—Mephan's Coach Factory, l'apatoetoe. Phone 78. 212 1*0 DV Builders and Wheelwright wanted. * Apply by wire.—Krebs and Co., Gisborne. 3_s BO OT Trade.—First-class Repairer required.—Apply T. Kennedy. Oargaville. 100 T>OY wanted for solicitor's office.- Apply x* in owu handwriting, P.O. Box 927, Auckland. _u7 BOY, smart and intelligent", wanted for cycle trade. —Pioneer Cycle Works. .Nownjiinket. 50 BOY wanted for Messages, etc.; 20/ per week.—Whitcombe and Tombs, Ltd., Queen St.. Clty. 191 BOY. wanted to learn trade: good wages. Ledtard and Klugsford, Leather Goods Manufacturers. 164, Queen St. 232 BOY, c-nuart, wan-ted; Just lvft school; grand opening for willing lad. —Mauagcr, .Pearson's ilioot Store, Karangaluipe Rd; ; 178 BOYS wanted, 14 to 16 years; 17/(1 week to start. Q/iick rises to good boys. W. F. TUCKER AND CO., Mfrs. Baking Powder Jelly Cry_t_4S, etc.. Severn St., lihyber Pass. D 4 BRICKLAYER'S La-bourer wanted] good wages.—G. litrwson, N.Z. Home Buildings, Woodley Ay., off Roslyn Ay., ißemuera. 572 B (, good ail-rouud man, wauted: must tie reliable; good wages to good man.—Address at STAR. 320 C\ABiN_n , MA--ERS, good, wanted; per- ' maueut job.—W. F. McCliutock, Puke- ! kohe. 78 CX-BIN'-TIMA-SBICS Bench, good, with J Parkinson Vise preferred; also Cramps: urgent.—Cash, 8, STAR. 72 CANVASSER wanted lor land agent; salary £3 10/; speedy advance for eucrI getlc man.—Advertiser, Box IS2, Auckland. I 350 CARPENTERS (2) wauted.-Apply at once, T. B. O'Connor, Thames Hotel. 721 C" ARFENTEKS wonted; Blakey's Job, Domtnion iRd.—C Flti*ess, Dominion 1 j ltd. CARPENTER wauted for shop fitting, 3/ per hour. —-Mrs. Walker, 43, Victoria St. . | West. 33 CARPENTER, good, wanted.—Apply on jab, Beaumont St., next Horseshoe I Factory. 2i>s CAI-PENTERS; 2/o.—New Job. near corner of Owens ltd. nnd Mountain ltd., I Epsom. 554 CARPENTERS, 2/6 and part fare. Take tools to 18, Bassctt Rd., Remuera.— i ' Frank Webster, Builder. 714 rXAiI-IIKN'Tr-RS wauted; Remuera. Mt. , \J Eden, Stanley Bay; high wages.—Clyde Blon-flcld, Omahu ltd. 'Phone A 2-73. 381 CARPENTERS and Joiners; constant work and good wages to good hands. C. A. LEE, Ngahuru St., Eden Terrace. 'Phone 2010 (2 rings). OSS j pWATHAKEOS, "first-class hand; top . *—' wages, piece or weekly.—ll. Bunker, 2nd Floor. Strand Arcade. 502 ATTENDANTS WANTED ' ■"" For AUCKLAND MENTAL HOSPITAL. Salary for married men £180, with board, and lod-gi-g; for single men £130, with board and lodging. 1 Must I>e" under 35 years of age. Apply persormlly to the MEDICAL SUPBRrNTENDENT, Mental Hospital. 575
AUCKLAND SAVINGS BANK HAS A VACANCY FOR A JUNIOR CLERK. Aged Hy. With Secondary -School Education preferred. Apply to MANAGER, 061 Queen Street, Auckland. TJRICKLAYERS (0), GOOD, WANTED. Apply n£ the Office, J. T. JULIAN AND SON, LTD., Cook Street, Or FOREMAN, Mennle's Job, Symonds Slreet. 561 ./""-IADET REPORTER WANTED FOR A METROPOLITAN NEWSPAPER. Must have -»la-triculatoed. Apply by let tar to "AUCKLAND STAR." CARPENTERS. —20 FIRST CLASS JOURNEYMEN. Permanent Employment to Suitable Men. Average Week, 48 hours. ' Wages, 2/9. Country Allowance, 0/ per day. Apply quickly— R. H. LOMAX, Builder, 504 Box 1061, Auckland. /"-IARF ENTERS WANTED FOR WRIGHT, STEPHENSON'S JOB. OTAHUHU. 2/9 PER HOUR. TRAIN FARES PAID. No Lost Time. FLETCHER CONSTRUCTION CO., LTD. 523 f-ILERK, JUNIOR, Wanted Immediately. For Large Commercial Oflice. Good Prospects. References. WRITING, 821, STAR. D. FIRST - CLASS MOTOR MECHANIC WANTED. Highest Wages and Good Prospects for Suitable Man. WESTON BROS., Whangarei. 558 THIRST ASSISTANT S WANTED, FOR WAIPU BUTTER FACTORY. Applications received till 24th from married or single men; wages £4 per week. Living room and allowances. J. N. I. McKAY, 1 601 Secretary, Waipn. TfIUR CUTTER WANTED " For Good Work. Good Wages. Apply MANAGER, MONTREAL FUR COMPANY, 63 Queen Street. 505 JUNIOR CLERK And. TWO 'BOXS, Wanted for She Hardware Trade. E. PORTE-t AND CO., jlfflL, . Queen. ____