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SITUATIONS VACANT. [Prepaid Advertisements not exceeding eighteen words, One Shilling ; three consecutive insertions, Two Shillings and Sixpence.] APPRENTICE. —We have vacancy for an Apprentice.—Walsh Printing Co., 106, Albert St. 30 ASSISTANT COOK WANTED. Apply— UNION STEAM SHIP CO. 526 1" }AKER, all round man wanted. —Write -» Baker, 475, Star Office. 109 UTCHER Boy wanted.—Apply Pork Butcher, Dominion Rd. 54* BOOT TRADE.—Finishers, constant work for competent men.—Northern Boot and Shoe Co., .Federal St. 113 OOT Trade.—Wanted: Experienced Pressman, Young Girls, Elderly Women, for machine room; Boys, .all departments.—Coles, Exruouth St. 533 BOY, smart, wanted for shop.—A. Kohn, Jeweiler, 178, Queen St. -'0 BOY, strong, wanted; good wages.—James Seatu, Grey Lynn Bakery. 534 OY, smart, wanted; good prospects. — Apply P. B. Greenbougb, Dehance Factory, Newton Rd. BOYS wanted, for all branches, to learn the trade; good opportunity.—Apply J. Wiseman and Sons, Ltd., Albert St. 2 /"XARPE-NTDERS wanted, accustomed to \J reinforced concrete work. —Apply Foreman, Whitcombe and Tombs' Job. D 4 RESSMAKElf""wonted, at once, for small country business, able to undertake all classes of work.—Write L.0., Post Kult_ £<J FX'ISHER wanted for Men's Straw Boater and Panama Hats; also Girl to learn Straw Hat Finishing.—Plenderleatth and Burgess, Wyndham St., opp. St. Patrick's Church. 105 fIftOCERY and Fancy Goods Packer, vT first-class, wanted, wholesale merchant.—Apply Box 122, Post Office, Auckland 21 used to sewing machines, wanted; good wages.—Apply J. Wiseman and "ons, Ltd., Albert St. 1 GIRLS and Boys wanted for Factory; good wages. — Browne Bros, and Geddes, Ltd., Mfg- Confectioners, Stanley St 89 J~ UNIOR CLFJRK wanted for our Railway Wharf Office, experience preferred. — Apply J. J. Craig, Ltd., Railway Wharf. 510 MAN wanted, to cook for 11 men, timber mill, near Ohakune; leave at once. "Indore," ML Eden Rd. 'Phone 2251. 39 MAN, elderly, wanted at once for Sheep Run, Milk Cow. Garden, Fence, Ditch, make himself useful; good home, 50 miles from city.—Write Comfortable, 472, Star Office. __J 10 MILK ROUND.—Good Man wanted; good wages to one suitable. —Takapuna Dairy, Melrose, Devonport. 563 PLUMBING.— Smart Lad wanted to learn the trade.—Apply D. and J. Miller, numbers, Wellesley St. East (opp. Library). 57 ALESWOMAN wanted, with experience drapery sales, for country town convenient to Auckland.—Apply, first instance, to Sales, 424, Star Office. 521 rnUIRNERS and Fitters wanted for clean, -*- accurate work.—Auto. Men. Cp., Nelson -St. i 2 ~Q V WANTED. Highest wages to suitable lad. -E. E. CROTHALL, SUlt_ Renovating Specialist and Practical Tailor, 137, SYMONDS STREET. 23 APPRENTICES, IMPROVERS, AND MACHINISTS FOR LADIES' UNDERWEAR, ETC., WANTED, FOR/ THE WAREHOUSE. Competent Workers, 35/ to 40/. I ■MISS BUCKLE. I MACKY, LOGAN, CA'LDWELL, LTD., ELLIOTT ST., CITY. 32
A PPLICATIONS ARE INVITED FOR **■ POSITION OF TOWN TRAVELLER (Wholesale Grocery). State age, experience, and salary required. None eligible for military service need apply. T.T., BOX 240, G.P.0., AUCKLAND. 509 nHUSi COUNTY COUNCIL." Applications will be received at the County Office, Ohura, up to June 20, 1917, FOR TEE POSITION OF TEMPORARY CLERK to the Ohura County Council. Salary, £4 per week. F. ROMAYNE, County, Chairman. Ohura, May 31, 1917. 530 T A U N D R X. WE HAVE A VACANCY FOR A YOUNG WOMAN IN THIS DEPARTMENT. One used to Ironing preferred. Apply, MR. WOODS, ARCH. CLARK AND SONS, LTD., SHIRT AND COLLAR FACTORY, 522 Williamson's Avenue, Grey Lynn. BLOUSE, DRESS, AND SHIRT FACTORY. Wanted Urgently. MACHINISTS, FINISHERS AND PRESSBRS. IMPROVERS AND APPRENTICES for all Branches; also SMART YOUNG LADY for Boxing Department. Best Wages and War Bonus paid. Constant work guaranteed. MACKY, LOGAN, CALDWELL, LTD.. Brown Street, Ponsonby. Di pLOTHING AND COSTUME FACTORY. We Require Urgently Several COAT FINISHERS, MACHINISTS, AND APPRENTICES. To All Branches of Clothing. MACKY, LOGAN, CALDWELL, LTD., Cambridge Factory, Violet Street, Eden Terrace. B 0 pR_SSM AXE RS.
The Undersigned require the Services, early In August, of a THOROUGHLY CAPABLE DRESSMAKER AND COSTUMIER fn take charge of their Dressmaking Department Must be used to First-cTass Woik. Apply, with copies of testimonials, stating salary required, to THE C. M. ROSS CO.. LTD., P.O. BOX 27, PALMERSTON NORTH. 47 UNDERCLOTHING AND APRONS. MACHINISTS, IMPROVERS, AND APPRENTICES WANTED. ALSO GIRLS FOR PLAIN *SEWING. SIACKY, LOGAN, CALDWELL, LTD., MACKELVIE STREET, 9 GREY LYNN. ■pARM MANAGER REQUIRED. Farmer, drawn In ballot, requires competent WORKING MANAGER for 2000 acre farm, carrying 4000 sheep and cattle. The property is situate in ihe Walmarino district, about 19 miles from Raetihl. j Applicant must be ineligible for military ; service, and must have full knowledge of I! sheep work. Apply, forwarding references and particulars of experience to TUSTIN AND WALDEGRAVE, 515 Solicitors, Haetihlj- ,
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume XLVIII, Issue 137, 9 June 1917, Page 1
Word Count
756Page 1 Advertisements Column 8 Auckland Star, Volume XLVIII, Issue 137, 9 June 1917, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 8 Auckland Star, Volume XLVIII, Issue 137, 9 June 1917, Page 1
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
This newspaper was digitised in partnership with Auckland Libraries.