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SITUATIONS VACANT. ! I [Prepaid Advertisements not exceeding eighteen words, One Shilling; three consecutive insertions, Two Shillings and Sixpence. I API'RENTIOK wanted to the Iron MoiiMlng.- Wilkinson. Ito*s, and Cox. Nelson St. 47 I T>jLA«'ks.\l!TH. -Good Improver wanted, I ■Dl able lo usiil on.—l. .s. Gee, Black-i smith. Clevcdon. 32 \ 1.-OCSK - M~acl)inisls wanted, wages :',(V i and bonus; only experienced hands | need apply.— lt. Kay. 44, Albert .St. 71) BUTCHER wanted in about two weeks' time, smart youth, or young man.— William Gray. Grey 'Lynn. 575 BOOT TKIVDE. - for heavy .work wanted. —Appiv Barton, Kingshind. 170 BOUT TRADE. — Beut-ninau wanted for nailed work: also, Boys for the trade. G..A. Coles and Co.. Ktii-n Terra .■<-. XZi BOY, smart, wanted for messages.—Alex. ■IJRrvey and &ons. Ltd.. Albert St. 3S T>OV. Intelligent, wanted for Wholesale -*-* 'Stationery Warehouse, to commence. 10/ week. —Apply by letter to Paper, 4.TT, Star Office. OS T>OY wanted, must be used to phone or -*-* taking orders. —Apply own lumdwriting to MeOallum Bros., Shingle Merchants. Parnell, Auckland. 12:'. 'HIEF and •Seeoml Mate wanted, for YsaheJ.—Apply <m boat. 61 wanted: appli~ cants to stale wages required.— Borongh Electrical Engineer, Tiiibape. 50!> FARRIER and General Blacksmith, flrstchiss wanted, must he good in lioth brandies.—Write Practical, 4XII, Star Office. 16 IRLS wanted.—Clark and Matheson, Printers and 800-binders, etc., etc., etc., 101, 10:s, 105. Albert St. 10 CVIRL wanted, just left school preferred, * a-ssLst counter amd'office. —New Zealand iLanmlry Co., Ltd.. Quay St- 18 GjIBL, Young, smart, wanted, to learn - boot sales, one "with, experience preferred.—Apply Taylor's. Newton. 40 MAN wanted to make himself generally useful.—Apply P. Gleeson, Seliwyn Terrace. Parnell. 02 MAN. young, with couple of good dogs, wanted for sheep station, rough, country, near Bast Cape.—Apply Moore-Jones Bros.. H-obson Buildings. 'Shortl-and St. 525 OFFICE BOY wanted.—Apply, In own 'handwriting or personally. Reed, Bailey, and Towle. Solicitors, 'High 'St. 24 PLAIN lroner wanted imme<Ua_ely; also Girl to Work Body Ironing MaeJtine. Apply Dominion Lanndry Co., Hbbson St. 503 OLKTTOR'S Clerk, wanted for general work, including Searcbios. —Apply, -writh credentials, stating salary required, Law. 110, iStar Office. 15 Bor, smairt, wanted eou oefh-e WORK. ©rUS'COE AND COMTAXT, LTD., Customs Street. 528 B0 OKKE EP E R WA X T E-D, Able to Take Chaise of Book--coping Depart nientPrcvlous Experience In SoEcifcor's Office Preferable. Good salary .to suitable man. Apply, by letter, stating age-ond ex-peri-i eace, to JOHNSTON. COATES. ANT) FEE, Barristers and Solicitors, 13 Safe Deposit Bldgs.,. High Street. ARCHITECTURAL. DRAUGHTSMAN!: WASTED. Apply DAXIELL AXD GRAT, v Arch itects, ', "Times" Buildings, Hamilton. 513 rpo THE BOOT TRADE., WANTED, cy /"VOOD /FLICKERS. Apply — R. HANNAH AND CO., LTD., 107, Queen 'Street, Auckland, 21 Or Leeds Street, Wellington. T>OY, SMART, WANTED FOR STORE AXD MESSAGiES. Apply NATIONAL ELKCY'RICAD CO., i Cor. Welleslcy and Albert Streets. 72 BAY OP ISLANDS HOSPITAL AiD CHARITABI.K AID BOARD. Applications for the POSITION OP CHARGE NURSE to the Rawene Hospital are invited from trained and registered nurses; salary, £70 a year and uniform. Also 2 PROBATIONERS; salary, £2d a year and aniforni. For further particulars, apply to MISS BAGLEY, Health Department, Albert St. 53G TANITOI!, MEADDWBIXK SCHOOL. 'Written applications, addressed to "The Secretary, Remuei'a Schools" Committee," are invited far above position, • returnable at Noon, FRIDAY, July 23rd inst. Applicants to state age and required. Particukirs of duties can be seen at the. iSohool. Waiatarna Road, or my Office, 10, Wyndham Street. 56 R. J. LUSHER, Secretary. AUCKLAND EDUCATION BOARD. Separate applications, on printed forms, will be received for any of the undernamed Appointments, until 5 p.m. on THURSDAY, 22nd July, 1915:— PIPIROA (Hauraki Plains), HEAD TEACHER. 'Salary, £200 and £30 House Allowance. Last quarter's average, 33. (The Head Teacher will be required to row children across the Piako River.) WHAREPOA (Thames-Paeroa railway line.—HEAD TEACHER. £200 aud£3o H.A. Average, Gl. OROPI tTauranga-ltotorua Road). — HEAD TEACHER. £200 aud £20 H.A. Average, 37. TTJTEKEHUA (near Kohukohu, Hokianga County). — SOLE TEACHEIt. £140 and £20 H_. Average, 2G. GLEN MU-RRAY (S miles from Rangirjri). —SOLE TEACHER. £110 and £20 H.A. Average, 10. LICHFIELD (G miles south of Putaruru). —SOLE TEACHER. £110 and £20 H.A. Average, 11. RICHMOND ROAD (ASSISTANT 31 ASTER), £290. BELMONT (Takapuna). — ASSISTANT MASTER, £130. FEMAJJE ASSISTANTS.—Ohura, _20; Matlere (Ohura Count}-), £120; lit. Maunganoi (Tauranga), £120; Whangarei Heads, £120; O-erahi (Whangarei), £120; Waiharara (14 miles from Awanui), £120; Beresford Street, I £110; ML Eden, £110; Pukekawa (near Tuakau), £120. 630 APARTMENTS WANTED. BOARD and Residence wanted with private family by a lady. State particulars.— Write Lady. 403. Star Office. 42 BOA;RD~and Residence wanted by M.C., no children, with private family (no other -boartlersl.—Apply, stating terms, to : B„ 464, Star Office. j__ 11 oTßD~wan"teu, by young gent , own business, with private respectable adult I family: state number: all conveniences.— . Private, oOs.J>tar Ogee. _i •DOOMS (2). fnrn. o, " " Sewton Tr G?afton.-"Urgent.' o | Post Office. Newton. , "1 -r»r.-smFVCE homely, wanted by young J R lady v b isint-ss, Pousouby, S/ weekly. f
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 170, 19 July 1915, Page 1
Word Count
814Page 1 Advertisements Column 8 Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 170, 19 July 1915, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 8 Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 170, 19 July 1915, Page 1
Using This Item
Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
This newspaper was digitised in partnership with Auckland Libraries.