IMPRESSIVE CEREMONY. The funeral of the late Mr. John Bollard at the Avondale Anglican Cemetery yesterday afternoon was attended by nearly 2000 people, among the number being the Prime Minister, the Right Hon. W. F. Massey, Messrs. F. VV. Lang, A. M. Myers, C. J. Parr, A. Harris, .J. S. Dickson, and C. 11. l'oole, members elect of Parliament, anil the Hon. T. Thompson, Ex-memberu of Parliament who had sat while Mr. Bollard was a member, included the Hon. George Fowlde, Hon. J. A. Tole, X.C, and the Hon. E. Mitc.helson, Messrs. >E. W. Alison, J. H. Bradney, F. Uwry, K. -Me(iuire. and A. Kidd. Most of the public bodies in and around Auckland were also represented. The chief mourners were Messre. H. F. Bollard, memberelect for Raglan, A. Bollard. H. Bollard, son* of the deceased legislator. Messrs. Bailey, Milne, and Waters, .sons-in-law, Messrs. John Bollard. Arthur and Harry Bailey, grandsons, ami Mr. YV. Berni, brother-in-law. The wreaths and other floral tributes were so numerous that the services of 50 of the elder boys from the Avondale srhool were needed to earn- them to the graveside. The mourners all followed the hearse on foot, the cemetery being near the house in Rosebank Road, where the late Mr. Bollard had resided for over fifty years, and the service, which was conducted b.v the Veil. Archdeacon ('aider. Vicar of All Saints', was an impressive one.
Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 73, 26 March 1915, Page 6
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