AUCKLAND APPOINTMENTS. MESSRS. F. EARL AND J. R. REED. (By Telegraph.—Parliamentary Reporter.) WELLINGTON, this day. The following gentlemen have been appointed King's Counsel by his Excellency the Governor: — 1 John William Salmond, of Wellington. Frederick Earl, of Auckland. Alexander Gray, of Wellington. Charles Bruce Morison. of Wellington. John Rankin Reed, of Auckland. Mr. C. C. Kettle, S.M., at the Magistrate's Court this morning, congratulated Mr. J. R. Reed upon 'his elevation to tlie rank of King's Counsel. He added that he would also like to congratulate Mr. F. Earl, X.C.. who was not 'present. Air. Hall isVkelton, who was in Court, testified to the great assistance Mr. Reed had ever been to young members of the legal profession. Mr. F. Earl, of the firm of Earl and Kent, was born in .Melbourne, and educated at the South Melbourne Grammar School. Matriculating at an early age he. entered Trinity College, Melbourne, where he passed hie first year's law examination. Indifferent health was the cause of Mr. Earl then coming to Kew Zealand, and in 1574 be arrived at Bay of Islands. Later he became articled to Mr. S. Jackson, of the firm of Jackson and Russell, and in 1880 he commenced practice in Auckland, and line continued in active practice ever since, having first as his partner Mr. A. B Campbell, and then Mr. G. Kent. Mr. Earl's legal work has been of a very general and extensive character, and he has specialised in work connected with the Native Land Laws. The new King's Coimsel was for several years President of the Auckland Law Society. He was one of the founders, and was for several years President of the Auckland Club. The* Acclimatisation Society owes much to his zealous interest, and he has occupied the position of president of the society. -Mr. Earl has always taken a keen interest in all branches of sport, and is at the present time President of the Cricket Association. Mr. J. R. Reed is a native of Ipswich, Queensland, where he was born in 18G4. He is the eldest son of the late Mr. G. M. Reed. Jim education was received at the Auckland Grammar School, Dunedin High School. Victoria College, Jersey, and Clare College, Cambridge University. He served his articles with Messrs. Devore and Cooper, in Auckland, and' was admitted to the Bar in 1887. Mr. Reed practised in the Bay of Islands until 18.96. and then joined" Mr. William Thome in Auckland. Two years later he commenced on his own account, and in 1900 the firm of Reed and Bailey was formed, while at the beginning of the j present year Mr. Towle joined the firm. Mr. Reed also occupies the position of Judge Advocate-General of the Territorial forces of New Zealand. He is a keen military enthusiast, and previously held the position of Lieut.-Colonel in one lof the Auckland regiments. Air. Reed has also been President of the Law Society.
Auckland Star, Volume XLIII, Issue 267, 7 November 1912, Page 5
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