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SITUATIONS VACANT. [Prepaid Advertisements not exceeding eighteen v eecutlve insertions. Two Shillings and Sixpence.] APPRENTICES (2) wanted for haber-1 dasbery department. John Court, Ltd.. Queen-st. 12° Oi' wanted for shop.—Apply W. Colt- » man, Security Jeweller, Queen-st. 27 >OY wanted for messages > warehouse.—Apply Knight, Steggall and Co., Ix>rne-st. __ I° B CABPBNTEK wanted, at on New Job, Ward-avenue, Kingsland. CARPENTERS— Wanted 2 good MenApply F. J. Matthews, 55, Jervois-rd., Pocsonby, or Bradford-st., Parnell. 189 /'Xa.RPBNTEB wanted, St. Stephen'savenoe. 2 minutes from tram, next Dcvorc's. —J. W. Wright, Contractor. 113 ] OOACHSMITH wanted: also, a Strik yj and two Boys.—D.S.C. and Cousins I and Cousins Ltd., Coachbuildcrs, Lonie-st. CHAUFFEUR wanted, smart youth or, young mau. qualified to manage and drive motor oar, and marine engine.— Address, statiDg wages, 1.1., Devonport P.O. ••NGINEER i "ineer- must be well up in automobile work.—Apply Box 420, G.P.O. 113 LRNITIRB SALESMAN, experienced, wanted, for outside work. —Apply Furniture, Box 541 G.P.O. UARDENER wanted: most be good —Apply 8, Day-st., Newton, bet.. .", and C o'clock. noOU Laundry Hand wanted: good wag 7 to good hand.—Apply British Laundi isonbv-rd. u '& JUNIHK salesman. lor mert-crj »™ v *r.r" Ing. wanted.-Apply Gray and Co., The Outfitters. 240, Queen-st. J2l LAUNDRY.— Wanted, Finery Irouers, also Girbi for mangle room.—New Zealand Lanndrv Co.. Ltd., Quay-st. 33 "ADY Typist and Shorthand writer, -U thoroughly competent, wanted, with allround office experience.—Apply C, G.P.0., Auckland. - u ■IbUXERT-One or Two Young Ladles -Tor the showroom wanted at once.— i Apply The Bon Marche, Newton. 15 A>T~or Yonth wanted, distribute circulars, fawv costume.—Apply, mornings, >"clock. Ixnils Lewis. Auctioneer. 00 STRONG Youth wanted, for the grocery business.,-Apply Ilubber, Grocer, Ed_en Terrace. r ' n * UMPIRES Operator wanted immediately. 5 State speed, experience, and wages quired. —Manager, Times, Dajigaville. 629 TRAVELLER wanted, first-class, for retail grocery.—Apply M.J., 807, Star Office. 106 rno BAKERS.—Wanted, good Second 1 Hand. —Apply W. H. Philip, Epso™ rpAlLOßS—Wanted at once. ( *- Coat Hands.—Apply R. Millar, tailor, :ikekohe. 539 rpAILORING—Wanted, First-class Vest J- and Trousers Hands; constant.—W. A. Bunker, Tailor, Premier Bldgs., Queen-st. dy Bookkeepers wanted, for ;arel; start 3rd January.—Apply nsley, Quay-st., next New Zealand .nndry. RM i/ATCHMAKBR wanted; »» steady work.— J. Murrell, Jeweller, Cambridge. WANTED, smart Young Man who un stands wire mattress making.—A| W. Hart. Lorne-st: „ ; WANTED 7 respectable young Man to drive baker's cart.—Apply Mrs W. KelWoman Feeder int. —Brett Printing Co. WANTED, at once, a Boy to learn the trade.—Applv Redwood and Co., House Furnishers. IGB, Symonds-st. 590 WANTED, a Man, used to feeding planVV ing machine: also Box-maker. —D. Goldle and Sons, Breakwnter-rd. 42 WANTED. 2 Good Brush Hands; good ■wages to good men.—Apply J. Hoar, Granmere, near "Valley-rd. 619 'H. Hyland, Onehunga. YOUNG Lady wanted, experienced, for retail grocer's office.—Apply G.K., 809, Star Office. 11l Y OUT 11 wanted, for Point Erin Park.— Apply, after 6, Lismore Fruit Mart, Upper. Symonds-st. 14 rOUNG Lady Assistant wanted, for Xmas week: experience necessary.—O. R. Howard, Stationery and Fancy Goods, 188, Karangahnpe-rd. 40 Voufri~ '■ J. self g - -. „ Apply J. C. Mathle, Takapuna. Take 'bus from Xortheote. 13 -\ f\ FIRST-CLASS Walters and 10 flrstAv class Waitresses Wanted. —Apply after 7 p.m. Monday, Sinclair, Caterer. Claude-rd.. Epsom. 87 W 'ANTED, TWO GANGERS, experienced In sewer construction in wet ground; •wages 127 per day. Applications to be accompanied by copies of testimonials and full particulars of works carried out. Apply to BOROUG-H ENGINEER, NAPIER, before the 20th December. 530 7 A N T E D, ' CADET FOR SHIPPING OFFICE. Must hold 6th Standard Certificate. Wages, to commence at 10/ per week. Apply in own handwriting, stating age and enclosing copies of testimonials. Address HACRAKI. T.O. BOX 255, AUCKLAND. TYPISTB AND SHORTHAND WRITER For an Insurance Office. Salary to commence £26 per year. Apply, stating age and experience (if any) ' ' SMART YOUNG GIRLS. To those just leaving school, DESIRING TO LEARN MACHINING, We are prepared to engage Girls to start work after the holidays. rhoroughly taught. Constant wo Good inducement to capable girls. Apply— RCH. pWRK AND g ONS . T, TD Sealandla Shirt and Collar Factory, GREY LYNN. \ MALE ATTENDANT FOR AUCKI/AND MFSNTAL HOSPITAL. Applicants must be strong and healthy, pot less than sft. 91n. In height, have passed the sth standnrd or equivalent in education, ami produce satisfactory references. Those accustomed to farm worn preferred. Salary to begin at £77 10/ per annum, with board, residence and uniform. Apply at once at the Mental Hospital to rhe Medical Superintendent. 51S CLASSIFIED ADVTS. CONTINUED ON TAOV.S 2 AKO 6.
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume XLII, Issue 295, 12 December 1911, Page 1
Word Count
739Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume XLII, Issue 295, 12 December 1911, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume XLII, Issue 295, 12 December 1911, Page 1
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
This newspaper was digitised in partnership with Auckland Libraries.