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The following- is Captain l-iiwin's weather forecast for 24 hours from 9 sum. this day: "Strong winds tt> gale from between north.-w.esi. ami west and south; glass rise, rain probable-" A aituag oi the Supreme Court w*s held in Chajahers yesieixi&y, when probate vras granted by His ikraiar Mr Justice Eiiwauds. in Lite folia wrinjr deceased estates: Benry Marshy (Mr I*iahoney). Charles Matthew (Mr JJLaiioiieyh Ternanee Cox i.Mr Mahoaeyv. iSairmel Robert Fairweaxser luiboney* . William T -?TT|t> (Mr Maiuoney), "Raeresa Frosi (Mr Gribbin), Owen Pacton <Mx Buddie). Jane Cote Hutson iMr <iriffitas). A mntioß for renewal of letters of administration in the deceased estate oi Thomas Cbas. tSrdier <ilx Gribsin) was granted. This morning, on the motior of "VtT iluddio nermissucnt was given tc the auministxztrix oi Mj«:ha«l Pagre (deceased.) to aell real esta.te of the ceased-Is-fonwrrding , a dieque for £10e to the City Tre?.surer r \vith a request that, it bt lisaded to tht? trustees of the Leys In strtutp. Ponsonby for the purpose cri forming- the nueleiß of a rand w> be applied to the establisteirteat of a gymna '-ium in connection witJk i.he isetitntion —c Mayor (Mr. Artlnr M. Myers) wrote: "I may say that taie £100 repre seaEP a portion of my honoi"anirm a; Mayor, and I feel sore that in devoting it to farther extending the sphere oi in Swm* of the Ley« lactate, which w ; all recognise as meeting a felt wVOt il : pMjatwiby, I an spending it in a rnannei ; wiaeti will be to tb»- aiTiiitage of thi I emmnunity.'* Mr. Court, ax last nignt'i ' : of the ConneiL mored that tht ; Mayor be thanked for his gift. He menI tinned that £300 was sow available foi the erection of a gymmtsiom next winter i and xhc coißßUttae hop. id to be in a posi 1 tion to carry out the -work. Tbe motioi I was adopted. i In toie figkt for l*usLaess between th« J State Fire Insaranee Department ant j private oompsuiiea, t'&e j Council has decided for the latter. Ten j ders for the insurance of the Council 7 : ; properties were recently considered bj the Finance Committee au follows: Ne? Zealand Government Fire Insurance De j paronent (for portion only), £121 6/5 ; Souta Britiefi., Standard. National, Nev I 2e&laml Insurance Camp&xzi* cc (f gt th< I whoie-). £I<7 14/4- The tender of the as I csnrpaoies was aeeepTted, and thi i Council, coafixxned this iwilmaan las T-n i —iiu'i t iifcTi with the uerw city afai*' I "Coir, ttar Mayor reported to xiie member :of tiie City "Council last mghu that Mi G. S. Goidsbro'. the arebiteet. had re turned from h-«» tctxr of the ooianj. am ■ had assured him tiiai be .Celt sattisfiet i ,I *"' he could, submit rough plaos wtthii ! a fortmgiit which would statDd the foil esfc crttirigrn He had been ii> tzwaca wit] I Government officials as well ;ts majiager oi the- other abattoirs an«i freezing J works. When tie pfcms were ready the; would be submixSed to the butchers asi ' atherF interested. The Mourn Welling j ton Soad. Bosird signi 6ed its ccneeat ti I the iipplieatiaii of the City Oetmeil fo' , the establishxaen; of the city nita+tTri- . near tiie Portage road. Gtahuini. The Bills ComnutUw of tie Canter I bury Trades Gaaaai adopted the follow '. ing- rcwoiarioe -w-ich regard to the Work I men's Homes BHI: "While gtrongHj pro I testing against those clauses "which allo? ! alienation of Crown lands, the Conned j fully appreciate the efforts of the Got I eminent in introducing *3»»a na^tsart I and trust it will receive the hearty sup pan of thofee members oi the House wh axe. anxious to fur that the interests o the workers of this country." The President oi the Casxsrbur Chamber of Commerce received a lette from the dbairman oi the British Fir j Prevention Ceuuxiitlee. eoßgxatalatinj [ him on the formation of the New Zea j laad seetiom. The dtiinsaii suggests J that at present there should be appoint Jed s small load exeentive of are men ■ bezs. comprisiag a chainma amd tiire leesal exarutiwe officers, amd a load bencs j ary seeretarr; -whose appointment wil A ]we be cou&Tjnd oy lii*ik|iin i fers. i Caßpfetenese v tbe only word thai j expresses oar aaeortmeit—glovei IbncH. eoDew, tie*, s*ade sad bows lAt G*». >—hit , .—Ad.
: Th<» Custims rtntif collected at Auek- ! >WJ during tip past rnooth totalled £» lfl/S etsnpaxed witi «7ejaß 15? for the eorxespcudiag' latarth last year, a decrease oi £10,218 12/6. The fceer duty amounted to £14flS 11/3. eomptrei wai £1583 18/3, a. deeresse «rf *131 */. Tbe exports were made up as foDam%z Gold, 16.047 oat. 2dwt, T&taed «t £64,406; sQver, Sl,6Sot lOdwt, ralneri at £830$ as against 88,4440 a. valueC at £9875; trotter 276* wt, rained- at £1499, compared vritn 155Scwt. valued at £7224; efaeese 19* ewt., vahsed at £55, compared with 9 cwt_, rained at £23; oats, 502 bushels, vained at £<E as against 419 bushels rained at £47: wheat, 249 bustela, valued at £4S- compared with 176 bushels, rained at £24; beet 55 ewt, valaed at £ 122, as against 27 cwt.. vained at £75: phormitnn lenas, CS9 tons, valued at £14,475; potatoes. 25 tons, valued at £234. compared with 38 tons, valued at SEI3SBrick premises are shortly to be erected in Fort-street for Mr H. E. S'haeklock- Bnuedin, maker of tie Orion ranges. Tenders received yes-T-erday by Messrs Keals and Sons, architects for the building, to be forward'cd to Dunedin for acceptance, were as 1 follow:—S. Clark £2235, Burfoot and iSoa £2630, J. D. Jones £2250. J. E)JTigh«™ £2064, J. T. Julian £2087, JIW. Jones and Son £2177, H. C. Small i £2243, J. Davis £2195. Craig Bros. i £1857. J. A. Moody £2045, G. G. Bollard £2312, A. Granalson £2530, B- } Fan-ell £2200, J. J. Holland £2198, G. jM. Handeoek £2156, W. Fbileox and Son £2079. An order tor a 50ft steam lannrh with a beam of lift, has been placed ' with Mr C. 3ailey. Jan., by Mr I- j ■ Kitchen, of Kaipara. The vessel is to ! 'be completed in about two months from j ,' date. ! Oood progress is being made with tbe construction of the Devonport Feiry Co.'s new ferry steamer, and she is j now in frame. The builder, Mr C. ; Bailey, pin anticipates thai sh* will jbe completed by the end of the year. j i The hardship inflicted upon property- j I owners through the city by-law provid- ' ing for a particular mininmin space beI tween bnildinga. and the rigid enioree- ' meat of tie "brick area" condition. w»s referred t« last nignt at the Council meeting, when an application to erect an addition to a blacksmith's shop was refused because it was proposed to build in iron. A similar application was also received from one of toe Council's required more office aceammod*! jub at tie CSty Market. Toe Mayor moved that «•■*"•* be considered by the Finance j and Legal Committee, and Mr. Rngn*tl protested against the Council blowing I bot and cold in that The Mayor, j upon hearing the sentiments of other j councillors, said that to be consistent he would withdrair his motion. The appiiI ™tirvn was thai declined. iSx. H. \tayß, who applipd for penniesiion to build in wood on a 33ft allotment, in Lower Hepburn street, was informed that the matter wooid be considered when the Goand! passed its amended by-laws. Mr. Farrell remarted that an *-mpTi<fm«snt of the by-law in regard to the space between bnildings was urgently required, as a greaz portion of toe city was cut up I into allotments having a frontage of 33 j feet. A collision ocrarred between tbe ferry ; I beat Britannia and a fishing boat oil the ' Eailwav Wharf rjriTfng thick weatier' bate last night. The steamer's engines J were reversed with promptitnde, wilii J the result that there was scarcely any J impact, tbe boats just grazing each ] other. 1 Next smamer's diet nuisance was foreat last nig-hf= meeting of tile J ; City Council, -vrhen the Streets Coramit- ! tee reported that they had considered the AncJdand Tramway Company's sngI westions in regard to an eleetrie street j j watering ear. Tney reeoßimended that j I the company be informed that the price quoted is considered excessive compared i with the present cost, and that the com- ] pany be asked to confer with the City I Engineer to see if a feasible scheme for j watering by electric ear cannot be sob- ! mitted. A much-desired improvement is to be i ! made in connection with tiie Anetiand I j Domain. The Parks Advisory Commit-' : tee recommended to the City Council last j j aigfet that tie main entrance to tie Do- j main gmrdeas be made near the old eon- j I servatory, that suitable gates be erected, ' and thai the fence between the new a-nd j I old gates be straightened up and painted. j Tbe City Kngrneer reported the cost of ! erecting the iron fence and gates at £48, J i and repairs To the pyrai-i-ng fence at £20. I j Tfce Council decided to call for tenders j for the new iron gates and fence, and to make the necessary repairs to the fMmw One of the sweetest songs in The ! Moorish Maid" was the delightful "Loverland," and Mr. Alfred HHI in publishing it separately hag given to lady vocalists tie opportunity- of adding jto their repertoire one of the most I charming solos that has been published, j ! The words by Mr. J. Y. Birch are thoI roughly poetical, and the theme and its . treatment, by bath the librettist and the musical composer, are extremely happy. • The music is esquisitdv enchanting, sod i appeals instantly u> both the cultured . singer and to the popular taste. Mr. Hill ■ has written nothing better in this gh»«a ;, of music. Tjoverland 5, is sure, not only | :of immediate demand, but of finding a j i permanent place in the list of ""best j . ! songs." The 3ong is published by a new f ] block proeeas by the Brett Printing Com- ' : pany. and altogether lie work is fully ( equal to any done by the largest English ' publishing houses. We acknowledge a ; , copy of "Loveriand" from Messrs. A. | Eadv and Co. Applications for the position of prin- j i eipaJ of fh» Auckland Training College ; j closed yesterday. The candidates from ■ i Enjrfartd number 4S. while seven applies- ! tions hare Wen received from Aus--1 tiaJia. and 14 from New Zealand. I 1 Dr. H. •D. Bamford, a candidate for ' i City East, will adtiress tbe electors to- '! night in St. Andrew's HalL Symoads- [ street. Tbe meeting was incorrectly an- • j nouneed for last night in yesterday's -; issue. The Auckland Carters' Union holds % ; ; caneen, and dance at St George's Hall to-night. The musical portion of the pTTMrra wrmg 20 of a vaxieo, chstracter, and a splendid eveaing-'s en- • tertainment is anticipated. i New oilcloths, new linoleums, at The ■ ! Beehive. Katangahape-road.—(Ad.) Stirring prices on sterling goods! . j Tweed trousers 5/11. working shins 1 2/11, colonial undezSanaels 2/9, from , Geo. Powlds s .—Ad. p J See the new accordion-pleated die— ! skirts, showing to-morrow, at The Be«- ---[ hrre, Kaxangn hape-yoad.—(Ad.) -1 Coloured dress linens. 36in • j wide, 4}d. 6d, CJd yard, worth >j 1/3 to 1/9: dress lengths 3/2; ■ J blouse i/. 1/3 : pare linen, I! At HistetTs sale. Ponsonby-road. Cheap Drints; eh*?»D and gmhrftt^gywwf ; —Ad. , See the new carpets and carpet . { sqsßias. —At Tbe Pwhive, TinTigiWM 'road.—tAi.)
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Auckland Star, Volume XXXVI, Issue 209, 1 September 1905, Page 4
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1,909Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XXXVI, Issue 209, 1 September 1905, Page 4
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Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XXXVI, Issue 209, 1 September 1905, Page 4
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