THE WAIKATO SEAT. MR. GREENSLADE'S CAMPAIGN. A meeting of Mr H. J. Greenslade's Hamilton East committee will be held in the Masonic Hall on Friday evening next at 8 o'clock. The Frankton anid Hamilton West committees will meet on the same evening at the old Borough Council Chambers at the same hour. Full attendances are reguested in both cases.
MR GREENSLADE AT CAMBRIDGE. (Own Correspondent.) CAMBRIDGE, Tuesday. A meeting of the friends and supporters of Mr H. J. Greenslade, M.P., was held in the Oddfellows' Hall last evening, there being an excellent attendance, including representatives from the various outlying centres. Mr Greenslade briefly addressed the gathering, after which a strong committee was formed to further his candidature, with the Mayor (Mr George Dickinson); as chairman and Mr J. Byrne as secre tary. Sub-committees are also in the course of formation at Leamington, Monavale, Maungiatautari and other centres.
MR YOUNG'S ADDRESSES. Mr J. A. Young, the non-partv candidate for Wiaikato, addressed a meeting of the ladle® of Hamilton at the Oddfellows' Hall yesterday afternoon. There was a good attendance, Mrs J. Wrigley, 'being voted to the chair The candidate spoke on ■questions more particularly of interest to the ladies and at the conclusion was accorded, on the vote of Mrs Kuhtz, a vote of thanks and confidence. This was seconded by Mrs W. A. Graham and supported by Mrs J. Paul. The resolution was carried by acclamation. Mr Young spoke at Te Rapa last night when Mr W. N. Smith occupied the ohair. At the conclusion of a good meeting Mr J. Graham proposed a vote of thanks and confidence | wbich was seconded by Mr J. W. ; Madill, supported by Mr M. King and ; carried by acclamation..
WESTERN MAORI SEAT. ; (Own Correspondent.) HUNTLY, Monday. Mr Hamui Tawheio informed yo'ir correspondent on Saturday, that in - consonance with the wishes of his " brother "King Mahuta," he has I definitely decided not to contest the j Western Maori electorate at this t juncture. His supporters and friends, t therefore, have signified their intenI tion to support Mr Pepene Ekatone s against the sitting member, Mr i Henare Kaihau, M.P.
THE RAGLAN SEAT. i J MR BASIL HEWETT'S CANDIDA--1 TURE. t 2 (Own Correspondent). f Mr B. Hewett visited the Ruaf puke district and addressed a well y attended meeting and was well rel ceived. Mr Jackson was chairman. _ A vote of thanks was carried with v acclamation. On Friday he ads dressed a meeting at Te Uku, Mr e Ralfe tieiog in the chair. His ade dress occupied over an hour and a - quarter. Mr Sweetman proposed and - Mr Wallis seconded a vote of thanks, and that he was the man to repret sent them. Mr Hewett returns to 3 Waitetuna and Te Mata district , withtai a fortnight to address the electors there. g Yesterday afternoon Mr Basil Hewe ett, the Independent Liberal camdie date for the Raglan seat, addressed , a t good meeting ®t and in the evening spoke to a large audience iat Waiimai. , _ . At both places he .accorded j a hearty vote of thanKs.
SIR JAMES CARROLL. LEVIN, Tuesday. Sir James Oarroll addressed a veryi large meeting here last night, the Mayer presiding. After expressing regret at the death of Mr Mas9ey, senr., Sir James entered into a lenothy justification of the Acts of the present administration. He received an excellent hearing, the meeting concluding with a resolution of confidence in the Government.
MR MASSEY. AUCKLAND. Tuesday. Mr Massey cancelled bis speech at Patamahoe last evening, but speaks here to-morrow nie?ht. He then visits Hbwicfc, Papakura and Otaihuhu, and will probably deliver a big policy speech in Auckland next week.
Waikato Times, Issue 12124, 7 November 1911, Page 4
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