From oub own Correspondent. The cricket clubs of the Raglan district have formed an association, and hare arranged for matches each Saturday afternoon during the season. A trophy, to be subscribed for between themselves, is to be given to the Club winng the largest number of matches. The first was played at Te Uku on Saturday afternoon last, between the Te Uku and Te Mata Clubs, and resulted in a very easy victory for the former. In their two innings Te Mata scored but 23 runs (16 and 7), whilst Te Uku put together 61 in a single innings. The next match is between Raglan and Te Uku, at Raglan, and the event is being looked forward to with great interest, previous games between the elevens having shown that they are very evenly matched.
The exports from Raglan for the week ended loth inst, per s.s. Kia Oro, included 106 bales of flax and 93 bales wool. Mr Rutherford, who has flax mills at Papanui, I'akoka and Te-ao-te-rei, is erecting another one on Eaitoke Bay, near to the township. The curlew shooting season has combut the birds are said to be very shy, and though several local sportsmen ha ye been iu quest of theiu the number so far " baggea " is small. The Waikato visitors to Raglan at present include Mr and Mrs William Taylor, fj*mily and party, from Te Awamutu; -igses Germaun,Ross and Kay, Paterangi; *:tf and Mrs La Trobe, senr., from Mr M. A. Clark, of Messrs Area. Clark and Sons, of Auckland, was here last week, having driven through from Ngaruawahia via Waingaro. The season's shearing at Te Akau styjfeiolif has now concluded 4,600 wet ewes, the last instalment of the flock for the shears, having just been shorn of thai* fleeces. Local devotees 9? fee'hook and line are having good sport, and some splendid catches have recently been made. Messrs C. Cox and Vercoe went outside the bar one day this week and returned with over eighty fine schnapper.
Mr E. J. Nicholson has sold his farm at the junction of the Euapuke EoaJ, Te Mata, to Mr B. Millar, through Mr Bankart's agency.
Waikato Times, Volume LIV, Issue 6331, 23 January 1904, Page 3
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