A deputation consisting of the members of the town board waited on Mi Stout when ho was here, Mr L ike introduced the deputation. Mr Walton, chau man of the board, was spokesman. He asked.w hether the l.ulway bridge would be made suitable for loud tiafhe. The deputation pointed out the necessity foi having a traffic bridge, as inatenal would have to be taken across the nvei for the line in course of construction, and the road from hero to Kilukini would not lie able to cany all the tiattic dining the winter months. They pointed out th.it tlie ti attic under ordinal y circumstances was as much as the road could beat, but it would be enormously nicieased if the railway inatenal were taken that way. This is only ono of the many reasons given why thebiidtfe would be lequired. They also asked tli.it the old railway timetable should be reverted to for the vvintei seiion explaining the great inconvenienco the piesent tune tablt caused the settleis. They asked that a goods tiam should be run tluough to TcAwaiuntu, pointingout thatit would be almost a necessity as i ail way iiiateiial would have to be biought tluough for tho line in course of constiuction. Mr Teasdalc, on behalf of S. John's ve-tiy, asked whether an obelisk, or some monument, as monuscd by a previous (Jovernment, would be erected to the memory of tho soldiers who fell in action at Rangi.iohia and Oiakau, and vyho were buried in this churchyard. Ho said tho graves had beon levelled by a party of the Armed Constabulary, and not a trace of them was left. The tiblots on which the name* weie inscribed were removed, and a list of the names and the regiments to which tho men belonged was taken, with the object of having a suitable monument with the linme-i tlicroon erected, but nothing has been done in the matter. Mi Stout went down to tho chin chyaid ami took notes of the bubject, and said it would be looked into. With reference to the other nmtteis, he pioun^ed to biing them under tho notice of tho Ministers to whose departments they belonged; The deputation having thanked Mi Stout foi ln» couitesy, then withdiew. 1 forgot to htate that the want of proper accomodation in the Post Office was bi ought under Mr Stout's notice, the building being too small for the requirements of tho postmaster's family, and also for the public, tho lobby benif; no small that with half a dozen people in it it was inconveniently crowded. They askod that tho addition piomised by Mr llaliance should be erected. -(Own (Jorrospondent).
Sc'KNK. — Army competitive examination. 'If King Alfied were atill alne. what pait would he piopsrly take in tho politics of tho present day ?' Competitor — ' If King Alfied were still alive, ho would bo much too old to tako part in politics.'
Piucticai. — 'Oh, yes; capital supper ! But I wasn't very hungry, so I just told the waiter to bring me the inranga. you know.' ' Oh, Tommy! That'» not the way to pronounce m-c-r-in-g-u-e s!' ' No, but it's the way to get em !' — Punch. Ihe local option poll in connection with the Knngiaohia I lcepsing District will be taken on Wednesday, *-h May. Mr J. S. Huckl.md will hold his next C.imbrd^c Cattle bale on tho 23rd; Cambridge Hnrse Sale on thc'iiitli; and the Ohaupo Live Stock Sale on the 18th. M I. T. Home, Hamilton, has a fine selection of single and double barrelled breech and mui!/,le-loaders just in. A Laiiv's Wish.— " Oil, bow I do wish my ikin was as clear and soft as yours '"' said a lady to a friend. "You can easily make it -so, answered the friend. " How '' inquire d the first l.idv. "Hy using Dr. Soule's Hop Hitlers, that makes pure rich blood and blooming health. It did it for me, as you observe." Reaa
Waikato Times, Volume XXIV, Issue 1994, 18 April 1885, Page 2
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