By Cohb's coach, last night, we are in receipt of files to the 16th insfe. GOLD AT THE WAITOTABA. Mr W. F. Bassell, of the Bank of New Zealand, has taken to Wanganui from the Waitotara a quantity of conglomerate interspersed with rough specks of gold, clearly visible to the naked eye. The specimen would pay well, hut the question, does similar material exist in sufficient quantity, and over what extent of country is it to be found P remains to be tested. MAOBI EEPEESENTATIVE. The nomination of a Maori Representative for the " Western Maori Electoral District;," took place at the Courthouse, Wanganui, on Wednesday last. From eighty to a hundred natives were present, many of whom seemed much amused by the novelty of the proceedings. Robert Parris, Esq., Returning Officer for the Western Maori Electoral District, having read the writ, and explained the mode of procedure, called upon the electors to nominate a fit and proper person to represent them in the Colonial Parliament. Captain Kemp, of the Native Contingent, came forward to propose Mete Kingi, Paetahi, There being no other candidate proposed, Mete Kingi was declared to be duly elected by the Returning Officer. CBICKET. A cricket match Married v Single, recently played at Wanganui, resulted in a victory for the bachelors, in one innings, with eighteen runs to spare. PEOVINCIALISM. Under the above head the Evening Herald says : — " We are informed that persons who have driven sheep across the Patea river, are threatened by the Provincial authorities of I Taranaki with a fine of 'ls per head." LITSEARY INSTITUTE. At a meeting of the Institute, held on Tuesday, at the old Presbyterian Church, Wangantiij the Secretary reported that the building committee had received promises for £81 ; but they had exhausted the means of getting more, and unless the Society would come to their assistance, they would have to , give up the idea of building at present.
Wellington Independent, Volume XXII, Issue 2669, 18 April 1868, Page 5
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