The nomination of a qualified person to i serve as member of tho House of Eepresen- ' tatives for the electoral district of Wanganui took place at the Coui'fc House, Wanganui* on Friday last at noon. Punctually to tho time appointed, D. S«. Durie, Esq., Returning Officer, requested the Clerk to read the writ by virtue of which the election was to take place. • He then called upon any electors present to propose one or more candidates for the seat. Mr. Morgan had great pleasure in proposing Mr. John Bryce as a fit and proper person to represont the district. Mr. Sim seconded the nomination. Mr. W. H. Watt, nominated Mr. H. S. Harrison. ! Mr. Edwin T.Woon seconded Mr. Watt a motion. 1 Mr. Jackson proposed Mr. John Garner, and Mr. Nathan seconded the proposal. The Eeturning Officer having called for a show of hands in favor of the respective candidates, declared that the majority was in favor of Mr. Bryce, whereupon a poll wasdemanded by Mr. Harrison and Mr. Garner* The result of the poll was :•*- *^# Bryce 102 Harrison .... ••. ... 61, Garner 7 Mr. Bryce is therefore duly elected/ i
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Wellington Independent, Volume XXI, Issue 2331, 6 March 1866, Page 4
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Wellington Independent, Volume XXI, Issue 2331, 6 March 1866, Page 4
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