Signs of the Times.— No better illustration of the difference of the feeling existing between the two races now and this time last year, can perhaps be given than in the fact, that the Bishop of Wellington has recently applied to the Auckland authorities to rent, temporarily, the Upper Hutt Stockade for the purpose of a School and place of Divine Worship. Athen^um Lebture. — Last Wednesday C. de Castro, Esq , of Porirua, lectured in the Wellington Athensium on "Capital Punishments." Tbe lecture was very well attended and we were much isstructed by the clear arrangement of the argument, which went to | show that Capital Punishment did not prevent ! crime, and that true wisdom would therefore dictate, its abolition. Thb Superintendent. — His Honor sailed by the Storm Bird last Saturday for Wanganui, from whence he returns overland. He will probably begone a foitnight. New Appointmets. — Dr. Monteith having resigned the Provincial Surgency, has been succeeded by Dr. Johnston. The Surgency of the Lunatic Asylum, heretofore held by Dr. Johnson, has been accepted by Dr. France. Native Magistrate. — We iearn from the South, that Mr. Walter Buller, now at Canterbury, has been appointed to succeed Mr. Turton, as Resident Magistrate on the Native districts on the West Coast of this Provice. Mr. Bullet's present engagements will probably prevent his entering upon the new duties until after Christmas. The Terawiti Gold Fields. — As an illustration of how close the attention paid in Ausiralia to New Zealand gold discoveries, we may meution that the Provincial Government leceived by the last mail an application from Melbourne for the appointment of Commissioner at tlie Terawiti diggings. ! The New York Sable Minstrels.— This company have taken the Olympic Theatre for a short ssasoii, and have given two performances, one on the 2lst and one last evening, which have been very numerously attended. The performances consist of a variety of Negro Melodies, clog and pump dancing, the whole concluding with a laughable burlesque. The periormances were very well received, many of the songs and choruses being encored ; and the dancing so well executed, as to be redemanded more than once. It will be seen by an advertisement in another column, that the Minstrels give another entertainment on Monday next. Alma Temperance Society. — A meeting oi this Society was held at the Mechanics' Instiiute, last evening. There was a very good attendance of members and others. Mr. Tolley and other members addressed tho meeting and was listened to very attentively by the audience. There was an evident desire to inteirupt the meeting by a few persons, but it was quickly suppressed. After a vote of thanks to the Chairman, Mr. Reay, the meeting separated. Coroner's Inquest. — An inquest was held at the Crown and Anchor Tavern, on Saturday last, before Mark Kebbell, Esq., M.D., Coroner, and a respectable jury, on view of tho body of John George Hanneke, who died from the effects of falling into a ditch, on Friday morning last. Several witnesses were examined, and after the most patient investigation, the jury returned the following verdict, "That the Jurors are of opinion, that the deceased John George Hanneke died from exhaustion, from his ticcidently falling into a stream of water on the night of the 24th Oct., and the Jurors strongly advise that steps should be taken to cover the ditch in."
Wellington Independent, Volume XVI, Issue 1680, 29 October 1861, Page 5
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