Engineer's Office, Lower Hutt, 18th August, 1860. S" EALED TENDERS in Duplicate will be received at this ofiice, until Wednesday, at noon, ol the sth September next, for the erection of A STOCKADE AND BLOCKHOUSE, At the Upper Hutt, on Mo Hardy's Clearing, according to plans and specifications, No. 1 ond 2. Further particulars may be obtaiued upon application to Corporal Tapp, Royal Engineers, at this office. Persons may tender for cither plan, No. 1 or No. 2 or both The lowest Tender will not necessarily be accepted. W. RAWSON TR AFFORD, Major Commanding Wellington Militia, and Volunteers. ~^"~ FOUND STRAYED. "~ IN one of my Paddocks, Porirua Road, o« or . about the 15th of July, a TiLACK GELDING, nbout 14 hands 3 inches high, with star on forehexd and white hind feet, 'i he owner can have him by pa} ing the expenses incurred, and applying to WJLLIAM LUNN. Poriiua Rood. Wellington, 21st August, 1800. REDUCTION OF CARRIAGE TO THE VVAIRARAPA. WR. HASTVVELL begs to inform the , Publ.c that he has made the following reduction in his rate of charge's for the carriage of goods to the Wairarapa, viz. :— Wellington to Featherston £5 per ton " Greytown i'O " " RlaHeitou ........ jEB " ' Passengers per luggage (Jait, 5s each to the Wairarnpa, per Mail Cart, 155,, which star;* from tlie Post Office nt noon evovy Wednesday, nnd arrives at Greytown at 10 p.m. August 17, 1800. WANTED, a Steady Young Man who underttanils business. Ap[ly to H. NATHAN, Lrnibtou Quay. August 17, 1800.
Page 2 Advertisements Column 3
Wellington Independent, Volume XIV, Issue 1448, 24 August 1860, Page 2
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