Local Intelligence.
Waiharapa Election.—The election of a member, to represent the* Wairarapa District in the General Assembly, took place at the school room in Greytown, on the 7th inst. J.'Yom thirty to forty persons were present, and pre cisely at 12 o'clock, B. A. Ferard, F.sq., the recently appointed Returning Officer, having read the writ convening the meeting, called on the electors present to nominate some one duly qualified to represent the District in tbe General Afsertihly. Mr. Moles proposed Charles Rooking. Carter, as a fit and proper person. Mr. Fisher seconded him; when there being m.other candidate proposed, the Returning Officer declared Mr. Carter duly elected. Mr. Carter then addressed the meeting at considerable length returning thanks, explaining his views in General Assembly matters, and answering several questions put. to him by Messrs. Rewns, Jackson, Hawke and others, evidently to the satisfaction ot the meeting, which on breaking up, gave three hearty cheers for their " new. member."
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Wellington Independent, Volume XV, Issue 1381, 18 November 1859, Page 3
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Local Intelligence.
Wellington Independent, Volume XV, Issue 1381, 18 November 1859, Page 3
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