Tub Nomination for 'two candidates to represent the City of Wellington in the General Assembly took place on Monday lost. At 12 o'clock the Returning Officer., Mr. J. E. Smith, commenced the proceedings by reading tho writ, and announced that those candidates who had had seats before, would be nominated first.
Mr. Waring Taylor proposed, and Mr May seconded, Dr. Feathorston.
•Mr. Tamo proposed, and Mr. Muckay seconded, Mr. E. J. Wukofield.
'Mr. Johnston proposed, and Mr. Pawcett seconded, Captain Rhodes. Mr. Varnhani proposed, and Mr- Russell seconded, Mr. Bowler.
. After the candidates had severally addressed the electors, a show ot hands was called for, and declared to be in favor of Captain Rhodes and Or. Featberston, whereupon Messrs. Wakefield aiid Bowler demanded a poll. The Roturning Officer allowed the candidates to satisfy themeelves as to the correctness of his decision, by giving the following numbers as those held up for each of them:— Rhodes 318 Feathorston .....,.'.....293 Bowler 277 / Wakefiold 256 Yesterday the Polling oommenced at 0 o'clock, aud Messrs. Wakefield and Bowler took the lead,and increased their speed up to-12 o'clock. At itiisliruo the election was thought by many to bo deoided, but by 1 o'oloek Dr Featherston and Captain Rhodes wero coming up fast, and shortly after 2, thej had both shot α-head. From this hour to the close, at 4 o'clock, the utmost excitement, prevailed, it being impossible to calculate who would fiually gain the second position, the race being uook aud nock between Rhodes, Wakofield, aud Bowler.
Captain Rhodes was eventually successful, aud shorlly after the close of the poll, the Returning Officer declared the result to be as follows:— '
Feathcrston .;}(io Rhodes .-. .302 J3owidr ;3-)9 Wakefield ~ , !....347 The caudidates all showed nn the hustings, but two much excitement prevailed to'listen co 'thanks or anything else, and. after a few motions, tho concourse separated.
We shoulcl bo wanting in justice to tli*3 electors of all parties, did wo not ■record that the proceedings in front of the hustings yesterday wore more orderly than they were even on the election for Superintendent, a month ago. The oloseness of the run, , and the-iuipdrtonce' of every vote, seemed to inspire the vast majority with a 'feeling that it -was not -tho .time for sky-larking; but as soon as the 4 o'clock gun (ired, and tho contest was ovev, tho long pent-up excitement burst forth, the nir was-that of Babel, and flour was in constant requisition ; but we 1 are happy to say, very little beyond those harmless modes of expression was anywhere manifested, only one or two instances to the contrary having come to our knowledge.
Wellington Independent, Volume X, Issue 1310, 28 July 1858, Page 3
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