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Shipping Intelligence.
November '23, schooner Old Man, 15 tons, ——, from the Coast.
Same day, barque Barbara. Gordon, 400 tons, Lilley, from London via Auckland. Passengers— Mr. and Mrs. Jl'lvor and ft children, Mr. and Mrs. Couperand 3 cliildren, Messrs. C- R. Jeffs, Hillman, Le Cren, Lindsay, Longden, & C. Servantes. Same day, schooner Rapid, 15 tons, Walker.from Wairau, with 84 sheep.
Same day, schooner Mary, 40 tons, Boyce, from Nelson. Passengers—Messrs. W. Wreg, Adams, and Nichols.
November 24, schooner Olagn, 70. tons, Stephens, from Nelson. Passengers—Mr. and Mrs. Smith and Mr. Graham.
November 20, schooner Rose, 36 tons, Gray, from Ahuriri. Passenger—Mr. Anketell.
Same day, brignmine William Alfred, 110 tons, Tinley, from Sydney. Passengers—Mr. and Mrs. Varnham and servant. Mr. Fitzuerbert, Miss Hargrove, Messrs. Scott, Williamson, Leddicott, Clark, Thomas Sweats, William Inglie.
November 24, schooner Ellen, W tons, Barter, for Sydney.
H.M.Steamer Acheron, 6 gnns. Capt. Stokes. Ship Phabc Dmibar, 704 tons, Michie. J. M. Tuylor, Agent.
Barque General Palmer, 573 tons. Bethune & Hunter, Agents. Laid up. Barque Lord William BeiUinck, 443 tons, Allan. Bethune & Hunter, Agents. -
Barque Camilla, 500 tons, Pugh, Bethune & Hunter Agents.
Barque Barbara Gordon, 400 tons, Wm. Lilley. Bethune & Hunter, Agents.
Brigantine William Alfred, 110 tons, Tinley. W. Kitzherbert, Agent. Brigantine Perseverance, inO.tons.Murshall. Schooner Twins, 60 ton 3, D»rii, Schooner Henry, 29 tons, .bowler. Schooner Dolphin, 30 tons, Axton. Hervey, Johnston & Co., Agents. Schooner Lucy James, 40 tons, Joyce. Schooner Emma Jane, Brown. Do. Old Man, 15 tons, .. Do. Otago, 70 tons, Stephens. Do. Rapid, 15 tons, Walker. Do. Mary, 40 tons, Boyce. Do. Rose, 36 tone; Gray.
In the Barbara Gordon, from London via Auckland—Bethune and Hunter Agents—2 cases stationery, Woodward; 4 qr. casks wine, 6 octaves do, 6 qr. casks do., 12 octaves do., 2 quarter casks do., 4 qr. casks do.—Order; 53 casks beer, 1 cask cider, 10 barrels ale, 1 bale string, 1 bale canvass, 54 kegs nails, i case, 1 bale tarpaulins, 1 box pipes, 1 case weighing machine, 10 boxes sperm candles, 30 pkgs/an iron house, 30 cases Geneva, 2 hhds. brnndy, 4 qr. casks do., 10 qr. casks do , C qf. casks wine,4qr. casks do., 4 casks do., 2 cases, 3 bales, 5 trunks, 6 casks gunpowder, 1 cask, 8 crates earthenwure, 1 casks, 15 kegs, 1 cask, 201 bars 23 bundles iron, 20 casks oil, 4 cans turps, 3 bales, 1 cask, 52 pieces, 5 boxes, 3 casks, 10 barrels tar, 5 barrels pitch, 13 boxes soap, 1 cask,. 8 boilers, 3 bundles, 1 case. 12 bars, 1 hhd., 9 casks, 1 cheese press, 1 pr. bellows. 6 weights, 14 cases wine— Longden & Le Cren; 128 kettles, 16 pans, 1 hhd., 13 crates, 3 cases, 183 iron pots, 3fi tins.3 bales, 8 bundles, 1 case, 1 cask, 5 bags, I bale, 1 case cloth caps—W. B. Rhodes; 10 hhds. ale, 10 barrels do., 267 bags salt, 80 lings salt, 1 trunk boots and shoes, 1 chest, 1(> cases cider, 27 bundles iron, J' box, 1 box linen—Betlmne & Hunter; 8 hlids. brandy. 5 cases, 14 kegs—Vnrnliam ; 7 qr. casks wine—R. J. Duncan; 40 kegs nails—W. W. Taylor.; 1 cask— W. S. Loxley: I box seeds,—Swainsou;: 1' ense-r-Best; 7 cases drugs, 7 casks do., 14 casks do., 2 carboys acids—Order; 60 kegs nails—Harding!; 2 boxes—Pickering; I box—Montgomery; 5 trunks boots and shoes—lsaacs & Levy ; 1 box—Colonel M'Cleverty : ; 1 case—-Rowlands; 1 cask hollowware, \'i bundles ehovels—W. W. Tnylor.
Shipped ni Auckland —l 27 packages house timber, 40,000 sliingtes, 8,889 feet, timber—Longdeii &Le Cren ', 2 boxes apparel—Lady (irey-; 3 cases —Ordnance; 3 pnekages-v-J. K. .Smithj. 6 kegs white lead.
In tbo Olago, from Nelson —Wftitt,, Agent—lS .onses gin, i'qr. cask brandy, 7 cases tobacco, 1 cask 6 boxes raisius, 2 chests left, 8 barrels oatmeal, 2 drums turpentine. 3 casks sort»,2 do.herrings,2 do. : matches, 1 bain tweeds, £00 cheeses, 60 bo«ct» soap, I bale drapery, 1 ouak slops, 1 parcel percussion caps, I coil rope, 1 cask books, .4 cases I truss dm pery, I package lißrness.e casks tar, 6'cwt. shot; 25 .coils rope and lines, X pneket hops, >3 kegs butter, 5 bftrrelsibeer, lOi'bagsmalt.-JO bajsiottli. >.•■:■.>■.'
In tiumiliam Alfred, T^'tZ^r Fitzlicrbert, Agent.-lJ Ws to, 8 » d «%» brandy, 10 kege tobaoco, 2 cLv 3 ti^ 0, 10 S brandy,-184 b. eg s sugar, 80 22 X' '° "* " bags augur 10 barrels raisins 12V r K Cof K 28 bags fl o/Fee, 10 chests congou, 10 h,T 'I'^'S 1 B Z\ ar, 10 ° bttga eoivlWdo 2 Lfe* do ■i do., 40 boxes candles; 30 boxe,"'. . S l( soap 40-cnsks.nle, Tease draje? i> ,° o C*\ package drapery, lease snddierr 1h ' l »" keg, 1 ease saddlery; 1 case . lerfll £; * do -» I' itOn ; p.ct.nes, « half chests tea, 128 piS J '«'"' 3 cases tombstones. 14 hewn stone.' fl? 5 * , ' I ' l, *.'' 3 keg ß shot, 5 casks ■ cheeses, IS w> ''W' 2 cham oabl.s, 4 anchor,, 13 coil aen r * 6 *W tar, 100 bags flour, 2 bag. blocks, a SS^M'. \T I J7 » tt| -««»". 1 hide l?.tt,e"ST>«- ■ 1 bundle hardware, 12 c a i>k s^bo i^i er ' a Pedeaufat iW ool ~uckß , 2 boxes candles, 1h" t^"' lb " tools, 68 bags flour, 30 taw. .' T" ,, ' 'k« saga,, 1 bale wool packs, 1 case n ?S> 01 b »J! stauonery, I box lea Z, %ft,*", I congou, U do., a b aRB nec, 1 box em, lClle "»- ---candles, 8 paekuges oranges 1 J J »ll ben. , ! 3 roll, leaXf str^Ae 1 congou, 50 bojes candles. 3 barreU liZi *">* ' ,groc#i eB -Order. a cask, soda To bn « ' l CMc * caees, I ca*. oUmotf. 'store,; 5 n P ' MM bale lampwick. I box, 1 case c ? m », P ? r, L pepper,-J. M'Beth. 1 bundle cy he t;^ Cur boxes. 2 kegs hardwaie.-J. Watkin M, i In the Jtuse, from Ahuriri— Ltoii A n . . flax. 400 bnshels oou,. U tone him* j"" 4 toM > «ct«e fc sbeuy wjne, 9 c M cs sardmes li, 8 '~ 4 1 ao-do., >Z casks, 1 box i bog i^
The ship Oriental, mi tons. Captain t.'.i'" advertised in the Sydney Herald of t e'ltf v' "' for Port Nicholson and Pon Coope VI ?"•. chartered by Mr. M-rnin, and will p robab 'V"" stock to New Zealand. ■ protmbl y tang :' H. M. S. Huvannuh, U guns, Cant Vt.v arrived at Sydney, from the South Sβ* J,]..?^" , the Bth November. The Havannll «w V" Namea (in New Caledonia) on he 30th u^" . On her passage down she made „ , )usl ,oSn search for Middletons Island, which"SS" does not exist-between the meridians of 15 S lbl east, mid the parallels 28 and 28 30 T Since leaving Sydney in July she has visited alv land and Wangavoa, New Zealand, tl, e of Aneitnm, Tanii, Eromaugo, Vate and M,,i „ , , New Hebrides; Vanikolo or LaP OI ,S J' »' San Christovaland Malata, of the SolomoV ' ",' the principal ports in New Caledonia.-ffmU November !). . ' ■""""•i
lie barque Robert Syers had not completed loadmg her dead weight inSydney, bein- sill S vertised in the Herald of the 9th November " C is expected here by the Ist December.
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Bibliographic details
Wellington Independent, Volume VI, Issue 535, 27 November 1850, Page 2
Word Count
1,176Shipping Intelligence. Wellington Independent, Volume VI, Issue 535, 27 November 1850, Page 2
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Shipping Intelligence. Wellington Independent, Volume VI, Issue 535, 27 November 1850, Page 2
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