NOMINATION OF CANDIDATFS. At the Courthouse at noon to-day there
was a good attendance of natives to witness the form of nominating candidates for the seat vacated by the decease of Pnko Te Ao, late M.H.R. for the Western dlatriot. Mr G. T. Wilkinson, Retnrning Officer, having read the Gazette notice and explained the method in which the election was to be carried od, called for nominations. The first to rise to his feet was Hanita te Aweawe (Manawatu) who proposed Hoani l»ipu» ts Pnna i Rangiriri, a motion seconded by Rawiri Roto T»hiwi, of Otaki. Wiremu NgapaUi (Whenaakura) proposed and Tutangl (Patei) seconded Ngawaka Taurna; Hon Kakuere (Waluku) proposed Henare Kaihna (Waiukn) find this was seconded by Totne» also of Waiuku. Te Ika Mannpuku (Alexandra) proposed and Te Reweti Ngatae, of the same place, nominated Te Wheoro; and the last nomination received was that of Sydney T»lwh»ng», proposed by Te Uringa Kaiwhare, of Rinana, and seconded by Kerstl Tinrviio, of Waitotara, After the nominations the usual speeoh-making w»s indulged in.— Sydney Taiwhanga was the first to speak. He itid his reason for wishing to be returned was that this was his seventh attempt, and he winhed to Bee if there was not jet a small ray of light left for the Mtorl in l»w. He promised not to accept »ny honorarium, and stated that in his opinion the evils of the past had originated by the acceptance of honoraria by other members. He explained that the reason why Wahanui would not stand was tbe publication of a skit in the Illustrated Tit Bits, showing the Native Minlater as a woodman chopping down the King movement. He (Faiwhanga) was of opinion that if evil came to the Maori people it would be the fault of the Maoris and not of the Europeans. He -wound up by saying that he came from the Ngapubi, and did not ask those present to vote for him, as his own people would return him,— Wiremu Ngapnkl, ths proposer of Taurua, followed, and stated that his reason for doing so was that he wanted to see a member returned who resided in the centro of the electorate.
The seconder of Taurna spoke in similar strain*, '.nd Piora Kuramate followed. He ■aid Sydney Taiwhangs'a speeoh was good. He would like to see more representative?, »nd be would also prefer to see a member elected who could speak both linguagen. Reweti Ngatae had a word to say for Te Whtoro, who went Home with the King for bis country's good, and who now wished to return to his parliamentary duties. — Taurang* conoluded the korero by expressing a desire for a member from the centre of the electorate, and expressed his doubt as to Sydney's refusal to accept the honorarium. A show of hands was oiled for with the following result :— Hoanl ... ,„ 23 Taurua ... ... 8 K»iha „, „ 2 TeWheoro 3 Sydney Taiwhanga 3 A poll was demanded on behalf of Te Wheoro, and tbe elsotion will t>ke place on the 23rd Deoember.
Wanganui Herald, Volume XX, Issue 6087, 2 December 1886, Page 3
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