» (from our special corbkspondent,) Manaia, April 27. Owing to the inability of the Hon Miniater for Defence to be present yesterday, the monument to the memory of Major Von Tempsky and the other officers and men, who fell in the last war on this coast, was unveiled by Colonel Roberts. He gave a short sketch of each officer whose name appeared on the stone, and eulogised the conduct of all who had died nobly doing their duty, He hoped the monument would be carefully preserved. Major Gascoigne spoke briefly, and the Rev Mr Wilks referred to what theae men had done for thia part of the country, and the example set to our' young mem Mr James Livingstone was called upon to speak, but he aimply said : — " Ladies and Gentlemen, I saw these men [ shot down beside me, and I cannot say a I word >" perhaps the most eloquent and moving speech made on the oooasiom Mr P. McCarthy, Chairman of the Town Board, also addressed a few strong words of praise to the memory of the heroes who fell to gain us our present homeß here. The monument is of Aberdeen granite polished, and stands about 18 feet high. The names are let in in inlaid lettera, covered with gold, the whole surrounded by strong iron railing,
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Bibliographic details
Wanganui Herald, Volume XX, Issue 588, 28 April 1886, Page 2
Word Count
Wanganui Herald, Volume XX, Issue 588, 28 April 1886, Page 2
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