The new Parliament is now complete, the last return having come in from Wairau. We have classed the members according to a system which is comprehensive enough to include the future line of political action. The various shades cannot be represented, and as it is certain that a speedy crystallization will take place at the beginning of the session we have anticipated that, it will follow a natural law and have but two poles, the Ministry and the Opposition. We have arrived at the classification from the speeches of the members when they were candidates. A star opposite the member's name indicates that he was not in tho last Parliament. MINISTERIAL. OPPOSITION • M.v Andrew, Waira- Mr Brandon, Wel-rap-i. lington, (C o u,nHon Major Atkinson try.) Egmonfc. Mr J. C. Brown, Mr Ainsley, * Lyt- Tuapeka. telton- " M? Bunny, WairaMr Baigent, * Wai- rapa. niea. Mr Burns, * Roslyn . Mr Ballanoe, Rangi- Mr Delatouiy* Mt. tikei. Ida. ■■ Mr Barff,*Hokitika. Mr Digiian, AuekMr Bastings, * Wai- land kaia. Sir R. Douglas, * Hon.Mrßowe n, Marsden. Kaiapoi. Mr Fi t z h er be r t Mr Bryce, Wanga- Hutt. vxd. Sir - George Grey, Mr 0. C. Brown, Auckland. Ashley. Sir George Grey, Mr Button, * Hoki- Thames. tika. Mr Hislop, * WaiMr Carrington, Grey taki. and Bell. Mr Hoani Nahe, * Mr Curtis, Nel«on. Western Maori. Mr Fiteroy, * Sel- Mr Hogkinson, * • wyn. ■ ' River ton. Mr Fisher, Heath- Mr Hamlyn, * cote. Franklyn. Mr Gibts,, dolling- Mr Joyce * Wallace. wood. Mr Larnach, * Dun- * Mr Harper, * Che- editf. ' viot. Mr Lusk, * FrankDrHoiry, * Buller. lin. ' J. Mr Hori Karaka, * Mr Lumsden, *InKaraka. vercargill. . :' Mr Hunter, Wei- Mr M a c a n d re w, lington. Duneilin. MrHursthouse,* Mr, Manders, * WaMotueka. . katipu. '. Mr Johnston, Man- Mr ' Montgomery, • awatu. Akaroa.- '• Mr Kennedy,* Grey Mr Murray, Bruce. Valley. Mr O'Rorke, OneCapt. Kenny,Picton hunga. ,' Mr Kelly, New Ply- Mr Pyke,, iD.unstan. mouth . Mr Rees,* 'Auckland Sir Donald McLean, ' City East.. Napier. Mr Reid,"' Taieri. '. Mr McLean, * Wai- Mr Rolleston, Avon. kemiati. Mr Seaton, * CaverMr Macfarlane, * .sham. Waitemata. Mr Sheehan, RodMr Moor house, ney. Christchurch. Mr • Shrimpski, * Mr Ormond, Clive. ' Waitaki. MrPearce, Welling- Mr Stevens,* Christton. t . church. Mr ' Read, * East Mr Stout, Dunedin. Coast. Mr Swanson, NewHon. Reynolds, Port ton. l - ' Chalmers. Mr Takamoana, Hon. Richardson, Eastern Maori. ■ Christchurch. Mr Tairoa, Southern Mr Richmond, N&1- Maori. son. MrTawiti, * NorthMr Rowe,* Thames, em Maori. Captain Russell, *Mr Thomp s o n, Napier. Clufcha. My Seymour, Wai- Mr Tole, * Eden. raw. Mr Wood, ' Parnell. Mr Sharp, * Nelson. Mr Wood, * MatauMr Stafford, Timaru. ra. Mr Teschemaker, * - Gladstone. N Mr Tribe, Totara. Sir J. Yogel, Wanganui. Mr Wason, * Cole- : ridge. MrWakefield,*6eraldine. Mr Whitaker,* Wai- ' ' kato. . . Mr Williams, * Bay of Islands. Mr Woolcock,*, Grey ; . . Valley. / If will be seen that we have been libferal to the Opposition, giving them every doubtful vote so far as we have been able to determine. Some of them on both, sides. approach the neutral line, but," to^apply the simile with which *we commenced, we have assumed that all the members will gravitate around their respective leaders, some with greater or less adhesive force. The result is that there are 48 supporters of the Ministry, and 40'- of -the Opposition. We think it will be difficult to make this calcuiatiou in all. fairness more, unfavourable for the ' Government. -•■'•■ ! ; '